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Tennobaum gifting center


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Happy Tennobaum to all, best wishes and greetings to the finest community


My wishlist


Credit/Affinity Boosters

Resource/Resource Drop Chance

Color Palettes

Skins but not importand



Thank´s and happy days to all, hope your dreams comes true for christmas time



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Merry tennobaum everyone! Hope all is well and you all have a great time these holidays! 


My wishlist:

Winter glyph pack


Weapon slots

Warframe slots

Arrow skin (any)

Paris nocturne skin

IGN:  tekker2234

Edited by tekker2234
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Dear Santa Tenno,

This year I've been a good boy :kiss:

Here's my wishlist:

  • Potatoes weapons
  • Formas
  • Any boosters
  • Slots (weapons, riven)
  • Color palettes (dojo, corpus, fire, eximus, ice, twilight)
  • Any noggle
  • Any glyph pack


Thanks you and have a nice Tennobaum ! :highfive:

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Dear Santenno Claus,

I was very wise this year (cough). I made my bed every day and took out the kubrow.
I respected lotus mom and I did not talk to the stalker.

For Christmas, I would like:

  • FORMASSSSS :blush:

I know I'm not the only tenno to send you my letter, but every gift I receive will make me happy. And if you can not offer me something from this list, any gift will please me (even noggle).

Thank you very much and merry Tennobaum.

PS: you will find cookies, milk and a glass of rum on the coffee table of my ship.


Thanks to @CephalonShy for the color pack.

Thanks to @Stombo for the Orokin catalyst.

Edited by peesse
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Happy holidays to you all and this generous community!

My wishlist:

Ivara (been trying to get her for a year now and still no hope) @Aeruhat THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! You have made my year. I'm not even sure if words can comprehend how grateful I am for your gift! You're awesome


Warframe slots (@Weihnachtsnoob Thank you for the warframe slot!!! I really appreciate it :D)

Weapon slots @Setakat thank you!! this helps me out a lot :)

Syrinx armor set

Riv elite armor set

Rhino Palatine bundle

Chroma Dynasty bundle

Hema (lol)

I will forever be grateful to you all  and give a shout-out! Happy Tennobaum!


@TrinityPact thanks for the decoration :D

Edited by Hafilgar
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Dear santa Clem, I tried to keep my wishlist short. It consists of consists of a skin I like for a frame I use very often, and the items every tenno needs, (except forma...sorta farmed that from plague star) and armor for my space cat.


Wishlist Wants: 

Kavat Kuva armor

Mesa devil ranger skin

Slots of any kind

Potatoes of any kind

Any other decorations/Fashion frame things

Anything is appreciated


anyways Merry Christmas and happy Tennobaum, may RNG-esus bless you all


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I have plenty of things on my wishlist, though a few stand out:

  • Titania (Because I love her)  Arigato @Aeruhat
  • Color Pack Alpha/Beta (So long as I get a good Green, I'm good)
  • Gara (So people can get behind my Barrier)
  • Octavia (In preparation for that awesome tennogen)
  • Arca Bundle (I don't have a clan)

Hell any color packs or slots are good, but these are the most wanted on my list.

Edited by AzureIceDragon
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