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Tennobaum gifting center


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IGN: Vanguard6789

Any items on my wishlist will be greatly appreciated! 

Though the 2 biggest things I've wanted for a while now are the Drukk and Gamma song types for octavia!!

Wanting to replicate Undertales Megalovania super badly~

Thanks to anyone that does gift me, and hopefully my first tennobaum goes well :D

Edited by Vanguard6789
poop post
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merry tennobaum!!

all i want are a few things:

nekros deluxe (bundle or skin)

ember deluxe (bundle or skin)

thank you in advance!! <3

riven slots and blue potatoes also greatly appreciated!

Edited by B0wfox
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Sure would be nice to cross off all my warframe gamer friends by buying them the Mirage Prime Access and getting credit towards Tennobaum as well. Oh well, guess I'll just buy them a forma and spend my gift money at a company that wants my gift shopping.

Or in otherwords: make prime access giftable

Edited by globeadue
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Merry Tennobaum everyone!


My wishlist might be a bit on the longer side, so I will simply say that I have it up on my profile in game, and I will let you decide what you want to gift (or not.)

For what it's worth, I have some really cheap ones as well, such as the 5 plat decorations even on my wishlist- and I would love several of those no less.


A great thanks to 566437 for the nice gift of not one- but two Argon crystal decorations! Really generous of you, tenno!

Edited by Zagaran
Thanking a gift giver!
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Not for me and nor has he asked for anything but- 

IGN:Hingstone is pretty new to the game and only started a short while ago, so any gifts of weapon/warframe slots or any things of the sort that are helpful at the start would be very much appriciated to help get him on his way and stuck in. Any innocent things like cosmetics would be cool too, I already got him the Colour Pack Alpha so he's got those covered :P

Thanks guys. 

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As soon as I get the money to I am def gonna gift stuff to yall. This is my first tennobaum so im excited to help out some people and hopefully get some help myself!
All I got for a wishlist is this:

Octavia or Atlas (I'd need a slot though, so don't worry too much about them unless you can do a frame and a slot! Im in no rush!)

Anything Prime (I got a fair few wep. slots open [I think] and honestly I just enjoy the look of most prime stuff, the stats ontop are just the icing on the cake!)

Any Palletes (I'm not picky at all with these, a pallete is a pallete and more customization is always welcome)

Any cosmetics for Mag, Nova, or Banshee (They're the frames I got atm, love to use em so might as well look better while using em)

Any mods that arent common or uncommon (Exceptions to the uncommon thing being auras and stuff like that! I got enough pressure points and vitalities as is yknow?)

And basically anything else honestly! Im not that picky to refuse a gift, so anything works!

I'll shout out anyone who does decide to give me under here. Merry Tennobaum!

@Aeruhat Thank you so much for getting me the brawler bundle! Thats...way beyond what I expected, and so soon too! Can't wait to use Atlas, and thank you so, so much for being so generous!

@FeatherFev Aaand thank you FeatherFev (a clan member of mine) for the insanely generous gift of Octavia!!! 2 frames in two days, woulda never believed it.

Edited by Univis
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Spread the joy :D This is great time of the year, which shows what great community this game has. Gonna spend some plat for the lovely Tenno :3 

As for me, i'd like to get usual formas, potatoes and weapon slots, or some resource boosters. But more desirable are Nekros and Ash deluxes, or even bundles.

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clem! clem! clem! clem! clem! clem! clem! 

Tennobaum wish list:

color pallete (smoke/ice/infested/orokin)

orokin reactor and catalyst

weapon and warframe slots

gift of hunhow.. clem! clem! clem! clem! clem! clem! clem! 

lastly i wish i could get a hand on those new prime ones or the accesories :D

have a merry warframe christmass to all 

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Happy Tennobaum Everyone! I would like either a clem noggle or a lotus noggle for tennobaum this year! thank you!



Edit: Thank you to the Generous benefactors this year! Thank you Chuss the Red for the lovely Lotus Noggle!!! i shall cherish it! And thank you Redjive for the Ember Majesty Skin! i put it on right away and shall wear it throughout the holiday season! Thank you!!!

Edited by (XB1)FoxOrchid
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Greetings to all Tennos and Merry Xmas!

I'll be very grateful for any gift!

My wish list includes:

  • Potatoes
  • Classic Saturated color pack
  • Loki Knave Skin
  • Pyra, Izvara & Udyat Syandana
  • Slots
  • Exilus Adapter
  • Wysar Kavat Armor (Thanks CephalonShy!)


Edited by TLH-Phr0Zen
thanks giving
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