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WARFRAME DIARY - My Warframe Sculptures arrived!


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I've been playing Warframe since late August. I've clocked 1,331 hours so far... fair to say I'm hooked!!! 

I run a few forums, and have contributed to many. My fave thing about forums is build threads where the community can share their progress through a build; whether it be a car, bicycle or aquarium build, I always find the process of getting to the end goal the most inspirational and it's often refreshing to see how others 'do it'.

I also personally get a buzz from documenting process (and my life) in general. I kept diaries as a kid, and as a teenager. I've been blogging since the 90's and still continue to today. 

I'm a man of many hobbies, and I run a few communities, all of which are quite diverse so it'll be nice to not flood my other channels with Warframe content, and instead feel free to totally geek out about it with you guys here!!! If you want to know a bit more about me and what I do you can visit my personal blog's 'about me' page, but be warned, lots of the content on my personal blog is Not Safe For Work (I'm a photographer and shoot nudes which I do share on my blog from time to time). ABOUT ME: http://www.justinfox.com.au/about

PS: I intend to keep this diary updated often and I'll start my post below with a few backdated posts from my blog just to catch up to now. Mods: please move this to the right place if it's in the wrong place! 

Edited by ZenGarage
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So I’m obsessed with Warframe. I’d wear it on my chest but I’m a less is more kinda guy with what I choose to wear so instead I bought the Rhino limited edition collector’s statue last September (I’ve been a toy collector my whole life!). The package got to Sydney Australia really fast, just over 2 weeks. First thing I noticed was the model was a lot heavier than I thought it would be be. You’d think it was made of metal, but is in fact some sort of hard resin (very nice). The hand painting is awesome (can’t help but feel sorry for the person/s who had to paint all of these!). The weapons all come separate so you have to put him together to display, but glaringly obvious to me was that his sidearm is on the wrong side!!! Blame the moulding process? 

I recently took advantage of the store-wide sale and bought the rest of the collection. I'll share those photos soon!

PS: To view more older blog posts on Warframe click: http://www.justinfox.com.au/?s=warframe

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Merry Xmas all!


MR 25 OR BUST!!!

I've been playing Warframe a little like Pokemon, in that I'm trying to catch them all! It started with finishing all quests, then I collected all the frames, then I got onto the weapons and just a couple of days ago I passed the MR 24 test. I'm 120,000K+ away from MR 25 and so I thought I'd do some math (for the record I HATE math so excuse me if I'm wrong! I skipped it in high school and can't even today I can't tell the time unless the clock is digital!).

Gaining Mastery Rank through Mastery Points:
Weapons, Sentinel weapons, Archwing weapons, Amps: 3,000. Warframes, Companions, Archwings: 6,000.

Karak Wraith
Strun Wraith
Latron Wraith

Granmu Prism

Wyrm Prime
Prime Laser Rifle

Smeeta Kavat

Odonata Prime

Dual Decurion
Imperator (Vandal)

TOTAL: 61,000

That means I'm pretty much not going to be able to hit 25 as there are just so many items no longer available. Viscous! God I love that!!!!!!!!!

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UNBOXING! Photos of the new crew (Rhino is never to be alone again!), as promised! You get a code to redeem with each statue for a noggle. My Rhino was missing one last time and DE sorted it out. This time my Mag was missing one, and sadly her Paris was broken and a decorative part on her stand just doesn't fit at all due to a manufacturing defect, but apart from that, all good! 

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My For Fans By Fans T-Shirt entry. LESS IS MORE. I would never expect it to win, but I'd SO wear it. I love cats, but don't feel the need to wear T's with cats all over my chest. Same with cars. Loooove cars but I hate T's with cars on them. 

PS: You can vote for my design here: https://community.forfansbyfans.com/m/fan-forge/designs/Warframe-Fan-Forge/list/id-3924&text=Fan Forge Design : LESS IS MORE

Edited by ZenGarage
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A message from DE:


You did it, Tenno! 250,000 gifts sent during Tennobaum! You earned this Izvara Solstice Syandana, Cookie Lotus Glyph and our thanks. We’ll be donating $100,000 to Children’s Health Foundation on behalf of all Tenno!



PS: YES I have a LOT of plat!!!



I an aquarium keeper IRL so this update makes me happy!!! I'm only keeping a small marine aquarium right now though have had many tanks of all sizes and biotopes over the years, you can check my current tank out below: 




Love the Iron Man suit display!



Who dat?



Great hair, Lotus. Man, DE, you've done it again!!! Massive props on all your epic deliveries (both big and small!). Merry Xmas all. Here's to 2018! 




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