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Suggestion: Have resources and mods shared by team upon pickup


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the only changes to loot i would like to see is mats dont disapear and blue orbs are not shared.

Loot should be shared, so credits and materials and mods (and affinity? why not, we already share xp on kills). But health and energy is more situational - so maybe that should not be shared and not disappear for those who've not picked them up yet. Maybe. I'm still not sure what the rationale for disappearing loot is.

Maybe keep affinity balls for the player who breaks the container only - as a reward for doing the breaking? What do you guys think?

Edited by Windbow
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Well originally blue orbs weren't shared and we had floods of topics of people complaining about team mates starving them on energy so they couldn't use their warframe skills as often as they wanted. So I don't think that is going to change soon.

Makes some degree of sense. One of the defining differences between the warframe and a baddie is the abilities. It makes sense that players would want the feedback of a "boosh" button.

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Loot should be shared, so credits and materials and mods (and affinity? why not, we already share xp on kills). But health and energy is more situational - so maybe that should not be shared and not disappear for those who've not picked them up yet. Maybe. I'm still not sure what the rationale for disappearing loot is.

Engine limitation. Generally speaking, the reason "loot disappears off the ground" is because the engine can't handle so many objects on the ground at once. It's also why corpses burn up, destroyed crates disappear, etc. The game can only render so many things before bad things happen.

Edit: It's also why, if a door ever gets stuck open (like when a corpse gets caught in it) the area behind the door becomes a grey screen. The game purposefully tries to not render things you can't see (like the environment on the other side of a closed door) so that the processing needed to run doesn't get completely out of hand.

Edited by Zythi
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Hmm... Yes, makes sense. Well, health and mana...err... energy balls should still be doable. Only until the player has picked them up though.

And that's why I was saying I'm not altogether sure of the limitations of their engine. It's possible items, even in worst case scenarios, could stay on the ground for another minute or two. By worst cast scenario, I mean four overloading volts clearing 2 rooms a piece. That's just about the worst case scenario for item drops.

But, it's also entirely possible the items are disappearing when a set number of items on the ground is reached. If that's the case (and that would be the smart implementation) they really can't bump up how long an item stays on the ground and will have to approach it differently.

Edited by Zythi
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so... you got your fighter, your looter, your healer, and when this is put in the free loader.

the way loot is works. credits im ok with a crap load of them drop and would just cause unessary lag on the server. mods dont disapear and arnt that hard to find. eve slow people can still get them. the reason i want mats to stay visible is because they are an important part of endgame orbs/afinity/ammo there is no reason they should stick around for ever and should disapear when picked up.

the reason i say orb drops need to be reduced is because trinity's #2 is usless when you can pick up 2-4 orbs and your right back to being able to use your ult again.with that said in high lvl play you can have 8 or so blue orbs drop from one press of a button, energy even though is a nesesity and should still be droped, sharing and over droping make it so common its sad.

i was in a match where i used my ash #1 100 times, and was finished full energy with orbs still on the ground. btw thats 2500 energy used with 175 in my stash. tell me thats not an issue

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so... you got your fighter, your looter, your healer, and when this is put in the free loader.

the way loot is works. credits im ok with a crap load of them drop and would just cause unessary lag on the server. mods dont disapear and arnt that hard to find. eve slow people can still get them. the reason i want mats to stay visible is because they are an important part of endgame orbs/afinity/ammo there is no reason they should stick around for ever and should disapear when picked up.

the reason i say orb drops need to be reduced is because trinity's #2 is usless when you can pick up 2-4 orbs and your right back to being able to use your ult again.with that said in high lvl play you can have 8 or so blue orbs drop from one press of a button, energy even though is a nesesity and should still be droped, sharing and over droping make it so common its sad.

i was in a match where i used my ash #1 100 times, and was finished full energy with orbs still on the ground. btw thats 2500 energy used with 175 in my stash. tell me thats not an issue

It's not, really. The idea of having abilities is supposed to be what sets the player apart from the goons. The infested can equal your melee and speed, the grineer carry all your weapons, there has to be something to make the player stand out. Ninja moves are nice, but they don't have the visceral feel using an ability does. Running up a wall isn't the same as disappearing in a puff of smoke and insta-gibbing someone. They just don't carry the same weight for the average player.

As a result, it's actually not a bad decision I think. Letting players use abilities frequently, while it may slightly dull the experience prevents them from feeling useless. For example, lets say energy never dropped, and there were no regen artifacts. Lets also say you started with your max energy, 175. So you can use 7 shurikens for the entire match (with some of the double objectives taking quite some time).

Would shuriken feel cooler? Kinda, yeah. Because it'd be rare. But would your gameplay feel better? I'd hazard a guess and say no, running around just pushing the shoot button over and over again wouldn't feel that great to most people. Why? Because it's just like every other shooter on the market. Except instead of grenades you'd throw a shuriken every couple minutes.

So I would imagine the plentifulness of energy is a result of that. They want players to use abilities because that's the gimmick. The "ninja" moves are nice, but wall running can only keep you entertained so long. That would probably be why they made energy orbs so plentiful. I agree that it trivializes Trinity's Energy Vampire skill, but I think that's a case where the skill needs a rework, not energy drops needing to be lowered.

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a ~800 damage (500base) ability that hits multiple targets in a line for 25 energy and used 100 times is to much. i also was able to do that because we chose to do it the hard way and not use frost/mag/volts(volt not so much now) ult which cost 100 but can clear a room. and again 2-4 pickups out of the 10 that drop and they are rdy to use it again. now lets throw in what the op sugested where now mag/frost dont even need to pick up stuff because its shared. now they dont even have to pick up the orbs to just press 4 again. you have just made an alrdy op drop rate even more effective.

going back to my example above but with mag. 2500 energy was used. without any power efficancy mods thats 25 romes cleared with just the press of a button. now add a 30% power efficancy cap (cost is reduced to 70) thats now 35 romes cleard with just the press of a button. this is not fair nor is it fun.

i do agree the problem is not all directly the orbs fault but atm they are the only thing fueling the outragous dps.

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I feel like we're getting off track here. Why restrict anything that adds to a gameplay experience, especially when the possible reasons for not adding it, are also easily solved problems?

You would think if people are going to leech, we'd be seeing it already. Affinity is shared, but I've yet to see someone just standing around soaking it up, while everyone does all the work. Why would this be any different with the resources?

In addition, it's already been proposed in this thread, if not a number of other threads too about ways to deal with leechers, harassers, any number of people that take away from your experience.

Also I really feel energy orbs don't need to be more infrequent, especially just because Trinity might not feel useful enough, when I've yet to have see that problem come up. Think of the countless times you DON'T have a trinity around. What about people who have an energy siphon artifact in play? Should that be nerfed, or removed?

I think we should consider ways we can add to the game, rather than taking away. Especially since what you think might make a game more balanced(which could be wrong anyway), could end up making the game a lot less fun for others. The last thing DE needs are people finding reasons not to play.

This topic was strictly to address something that could be a major convenience, and a time saver. Mod and resource collection I feel is something that slows down the pace of the game, distracts people, and is sometimes frustrating. When you factor lag in to play, sometimes a resource disappears, and you have to go hunting around for it. This is exacerbated by being a slower moving warframe. Add to that with teammates running off ahead accomplishing whatever they're doing, and now your team is getting split up.

With my idea, people get to stay focused more on just playing the game, and it even gives an option to promote a bit more teamwork.

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Ok, so why dont we implement this share loot system, and at the same time, add a kick ability to your game if you are host? BAM!! problem(s) solved.

because thats just a crappy work around that fixes nothing.

EDIT because i didnt see demontrace post while i was typing and watching tv.

I feel like we're getting off track here. Why restrict anything that adds to a gameplay experience, especially when the possible reasons for not adding it, are also easily solved problems?

You would think if people are going to leech, we'd be seeing it already. Affinity is shared, but I've yet to see someone just standing around soaking it up, while everyone does all the work. Why would this be any different with the resources?

In addition, it's already been proposed in this thread, if not a number of other threads too about ways to deal with leechers, harassers, any number of people that take away from your experience.

Also I really feel energy orbs don't need to be more infrequent, especially just because Trinity might not feel useful enough, when I've yet to have see that problem come up. Think of the countless times you DON'T have a trinity around. What about people who have an energy siphon artifact in play? Should that be nerfed, or removed?

I think we should consider ways we can add to the game, rather than taking away. Especially since what you think might make a game more balanced(which could be wrong anyway), could end up making the game a lot less fun for others. The last thing DE needs are people finding reasons not to play.

This topic was strictly to address something that could be a major convenience, and a time saver. Mod and resource collection I feel is something that slows down the pace of the game, distracts people, and is sometimes frustrating. When you factor lag in to play, sometimes a resource disappears, and you have to go hunting around for it. This is exacerbated by being a slower moving warframe. Add to that with teammates running off ahead accomplishing whatever they're doing, and now your team is getting split up.

With my idea, people get to stay focused more on just playing the game, and it even gives an option to promote a bit more teamwork.

1)ive kept it on track while arguing my point

2)leaching hurassers and overall trolling has been talked about and a reason to give them even more reason to troll is not needed

3)actualy now that u mention it yes energy syphon is a bit op as well. when 4 people have it and in conjunction with the orb drop rate if you ever run out of energy you clearly are just spaming. also trinity with all of her curent issues does not need another reason not to be played. lowering the drop rate/not alowing multiple people to pick up energy would make her more viable and reduce the amout of ability spam that is in place.

4) yes it would make it easyer for players to progress almost to easy. the lvling system in this game is based on building weps and frames and geting them to max lvl. the only way to do this is through searching maps for reasorces. with your proposed sharing you basicly destroy the whole reason to look for mats by just alowing 1 guy in the group do it for you. like i said before this would only make teamwork more seperate. also take a look at WoW first few virsions things were hard to get and when you got them you were proud to say i worked for that. then people complaind and next virsion came out surpize what was a 2day raid now only takes 2 hours.

gj on making the game easier

Edited by V1RTU5
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I'm not arguing on making the game easier, I'm arguing to make it more convenient. There is a difference.

I would argue the meat of this game is combat, completing missions, building new equipment, and leveling/strengthening(adding mods) your equipment(with warframes also counting as equipment).

The actual picking up of credits, mods, and resources I wouldn't argue is a main aspect of the game. It's tedium. Yeah, I look forward to every mod and most resources I pick up, but I wouldn't consider it an enjoyable part of the game. In addition, can you argue that players diverting off course to grab a mod, or resource, isn't detrimental to the unity of the team?

When fighting a boss, or a large spawn, would you rather most, if not all team members are present, or have some running off to pick up a mod that had dropped? You certainly can't blame someone for running to acquire a mod or resource, even less so if it's a slower warframe, which takes longer to get said resource.

Currently as it stands, you have to HOPE someone drops a waypoint on a mod, or resource, if it's out of view. I've yet to see people deliberately skip out on resources or mods, so you can pretty much count on it if the player considers it worth their time to run to the area, they WILL do so.

I like the idea of a coordinated team, and a convenience factor that adds so much more to the game, than takes away. Plus I think it's a given a votekicking option is going to be added to the game at some point. You see posts from people complaining about people harassing, or trolling, or doing whatever they can to take away from other's experiences in the game, while there currently is no way to do anything about it. I find it hard to believe DE is just going to allow people to harass forever; surely a form of punishment will be instated. That pretty much nullifies any argument against people leeching with this system in place.

We see this already with credits, clearly it can be done. It wouldn't necessarily make the game easier by putting this system in place, but more convenient. If you're very strict, you CAN make sure you pick up EVERY mod, and EVERY resource, but that can lead to massive timesinks, and backtracking. It's detrimental to the team, and really takes away from the experience. I play a game to have fun, and I'm sure DE wants a game that's as focused on fun as possible, especially for the whole team.

Edited by demontrace
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I'm not convinced orb drop changes would make trinity more viable. She just needs a redesign. Removing energy siphon and lowering energy drop rates would just result in people using their abilities less even if there was a trinity. The lesser orb drops and lack of energy would condition players to not cast as often, and trinity wouldn't change that.

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Loot should be shared, so credits and materials and mods (and affinity? why not, we already share xp on kills). But health and energy is more situational - so maybe that should not be shared and not disappear for those who've not picked them up yet. Maybe. I'm still not sure what the rationale for disappearing loot is.

Maybe keep affinity balls for the player who breaks the container only - as a reward for doing the breaking? What do you guys think?

Possible, but it does promote "rushing" to break first. I don't even know what affinity does, but I always try to get those and break them so I get the affinity. Sharing it all would be great, and like all the loot (i.e alloy plates, etc) should be shared so when a team mate picks it up, you get it (or if they want to, when someone picks it up, it randomizes something for everyone, as the drop on the ground I think is random for each player? (I got more alloy plates than my team mate in one match)) Overall I think they should have loot sharing, as running to each mod is pretty annoying, and saves time.

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Possible, but it does promote "rushing" to break first. I don't even know what affinity does, but I always try to get those and break them so I get the affinity. Sharing it all would be great, and like all the loot (i.e alloy plates, etc) should be shared so when a team mate picks it up, you get it (or if they want to, when someone picks it up, it randomizes something for everyone, as the drop on the ground I think is random for each player? (I got more alloy plates than my team mate in one match)) Overall I think they should have loot sharing, as running to each mod is pretty annoying, and saves time.

"Affinity" is their name for weapon exp. The affinity orbs are just free exp orbs.

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Sigh, I seriously hope they add this. I've had 2 resources disappear in front of me yet again. If there is something worse than backtracking to grab a resource a teammate uncovered, only to have it disappear a second before you grab it, i dunno what it is. It's SOOOO SOOOOOOOOO annoying. With my suggestion, you wouldn't have to endure such frustration.

And this is in the middle of a game where I'm having so much fun. I have Rhino(which isn't much fun anymore since the patch), Excalibur(still just as fun), and Ash(OMG, I LOVE this Class. Bladestorm is the best ability I've used so far. Nothing is better than it when it comes to defense maps!!! Best ability, and most fun I've had since I started playing this game) unlocked, and loving the classes, the weapons(for the most part, some weapons REALLY suck, but it's just a hurdle to overcome while you raise your mastery, and finally settle on your favorite weapons), and especially the abilities.

This game is such a charmer. It has so much going for it, and I'm very happy DE decided to make this game. I love it, I love that it's F2P, even though I've spent money on it, and will definitely spend more on it, especially if they implement my suggestion. Anything they can do to add more fun to the game, and less tedium, is equal to more of my time, and money, in my book! Bravo DE.

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