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I Need Some Advice For Corpus Rescue Missions With Loki



I'm having some serious trouble with performing Corpus Rescue Missions using Loki (my only frame). I am trying to solo these, so keep that in mind, please. I've also being playing for only about 5 days.


Here are the details of my dilemma, which may or may not seem whiny (so if you don't want to read, but still want to help feel free to skip over this part; it's a long story): In the V Prime Corpus Rescue I just failed, I had to rescue a hostage as usual. I got to the hostage easily enough, but lost a few revives on the way. I had managed to obtain 3+ Fusion Cores, several Frame ability mods, and a few good weapon mods, so I didn't want to lose them all by giving up. I had two revives by the time I got to the hostage, but was doing well, because my deaths occurred when I got swarmed and literally could not move due to the high number of MOA's in the way. Then I rescued the hostage, and Lotus decides to drop a bombshell on me: "Change of plans. There's a hostage onboard this ship that we need to rescue."


To say the least, I was not happy about this, but thankfully, most of my route was backtracking, so I didn't have to fight until I got to previously locked areas, which had, in a single room, a contingent of 7 or 8 MOA's, 3 Corpus Prod wielders, and 4 or 5 more Corpus. Hostage one got stuck in the corner of a walkway, so I had to draw enemy fire via Decoys and blitzing, otherwise they would swarm the first hostage. I manage to beat the enemies down and even had 75 energy left at that point, I got to the second prison room, which only had 3 cameras and turrets to defeat, and rescued the second prisoner. Things got crazy after that.


About 15 MOA, and 10 Corpus of various types poured through the entrance of the room, the same one which I had cleared out a minute before. It was a nightmarish battle involving me running around the room at top speed attacking random enemies in order to force them to fire on me, utilizing decoys whenever my shields were getting low to draw off fire, and otherwise working like a madman to keep two level 1 NPC's from dying in this mess. I managed to beat down this horrific onslaught, at the cost of a revive, and both hostages took 0 health damage, and I figured, hey, it'll be a quick jog through cleared areas. Boy was I wrong.


In the next room, the same where hostage 1 got stuck on a walkway, Lotus said "Large enemy signature heading you way." The group came equipped with 10 MOA and 7 or 8 Corpus. Oh yeah, and two Shield Ospreys. I managed to clear out both Ospreys and 7 or 8 enemies before I died, after which I could not keep the aggro off of hostage number 1. Who died 15 seconds later, costing me the entire mission. 


I had over 430 pickups, 9 upgrades received, 247 kills, almost 40k affinity earned, over a period of 1.5 hours. This mission was supposedly Difficulty 1.


My fighting style is basically guerrilla tactics and mobility. In open combat, I run in, kill or maim one or more targets, then dash back to cover before I start taking health damage, recharge my shields, and repeat. This works against Grineer, Infected, and even Corpus (though MOAs tend to be absurdly aggressive and tend to follow for a bit, but one or two isn't too huge an issue). I use Decoys to help draw off aggro when I'm damaged faster than I can handle with this tactic and use Radial Disarm to neuter packs of MOA. I avoid Invisibility in combat because, for now, Decoy is more effective for me. I also avoid Switch Teleport on these levels because I can run faster than setting up a Decoy and swapping would require to cover the same distance, and jumping into a large group of enemies is almost suicidal, even if I follow up with Radial Disarm. My tactics have served me well, even on other rescue missions, and I've never had any issues aside from the occasional "Whoops, I forgot I can take damage." However, Corpus missions, especially this rescue one, seem to be making my normal tactics pointless with the sheer volume of combatants. I've found that my guns are more effective against MOA than even my Electric Skana, and my MK1 Braton does enough damage to kill MOA under the shield regen of an Osprey. Against the Corpus my guns still work well, but stunning them is saves me huge amounts of ammo.


Is this kind of situation I described normal, in terms of difficulty, number of enemies, etc.? Does anyone have any suggestions on how to approach this, or similar situations, with Loki while soloing? I understand that one way to solve my problem would be to get a team, but I want to work on my skills at Warframe before joining teams. 


Here is what I have available to me equipment-wise:

Loki Rank 18, my Ability mods all at rank 0, and Vitality rank 1

MK1-Braton Rank 10, with Point Strike 1 and Fast Hands 0, and have access to Magazine Warp 0 and Piercing Hit 1

Lato Rank 10, with Quickdraw and Pistol Gambit 0, and Trick Mag 1, with access to  Slip Magazine 0 or Pistol Gambit 1

Skana Rank 11, with Shocking Touch 0 and True Steel 1, with access to Organ Shatter 1 and 0.



Thank you for reading this! Sorry for the wall of text.

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Well first off what level enemys are you going up against? Your main problem is as a new player you really don't have the mods to power though much above level 25. 


Note: Get that piercing hit ranked up and on your rifle, it will help massively. 

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Well first off what level enemys are you going up against? Your main problem is as a new player you really don't have the mods to power though much above level 25. 


Note: Get that piercing hit ranked up and on your rifle, it will help massively. 

The enemies are levels 6-9...

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Do you have Radial Disarm?


It helps a lot against Corpus, because not only does it force them to melee (so you get an advantage at range) but it also disables the Shield Ospreys from granting Shields to nearby enemies.


That being said, Rescue missions are definitely the worst kind of mission in this game regardless of Warframe. The Hostage's AI is just utter shyte. No self-perservation instict or nothing. It will gladly follow you into a melee frenzy nor does it mind standing out in the open taking a barrage of gunfire in the face.

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Do you have Radial Disarm?


It helps a lot against Corpus, because not only does it force them to melee (so you get an advantage at range) but it also disables the Shield Ospreys from granting Shields to nearby enemies.


That being said, Rescue missions are definitely the worst kind of mission in this game regardless of Warframe. The Hostage's AI is just utter shyte. No self-perservation instict or nothing. It will gladly follow you into a melee frenzy nor does it mind standing out in the open taking a barrage of gunfire in the face.


I do have Radial Disarm, yes, but it does have the nasty side effect of causing the MOA to swarm around me, causing massive lagging and preventing me from moving sometimes, as well as preventing me from getting to the squishy enemies I did not hit with it, plus the stuns from the Corpus seem worse than their bullets.


I will keep in mind that it stops the shields from the Osprey, I didn't realize it shut them down. Thank you.


As for those of you who have suggested farming lower levels and leveling weapons, thanks for the suggestion! It'll be a great way to blow of steam from the frustration of this mission as well XD

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Ah yes, the growing pains of a new player. I remember those vividly. So much time wasted learning what should've been taught to me in the beginning. Learning which weapons work. And then the great potato famine of Warframe-1845 happened. Not nearly enough potatoes to get by. Had to use Akbolto and Amphis until more potatoes came along. Only enough slots for two frames... I sold my Loki. That was one of the worst decisions of my Warframe-life. Dem growing pains.


I was the same as you. I played solo until I felt my own combat skills were worth bringing to a team. As mentioned above, I also started as Loki, and I remember how terribad the Skana and Mk1 were (if you don't feel it now, you'll learn soon how poorly this game starts you off. They give you no choice). Your gear is your main problem. As a Loki player, you've performed admirably and lived up to the "advanced player" description given to Loki. However, as sound as your decoy and aggro draw tactics are in this situation, you don't yet have the dps to deal with that many enemies before they tear through you and those level 1 NPCs. As another poster mentioned, it may benefit you to go back and try to farm up the mods and resources to get decent gear before you try to move on. Also, I personally did not try to solo Corpus or Infested missions early on due to the sheer amount of mob swamping those factions can put out. If you intend to solo those missions, you path is long and hard and your resolve is hard forged indeed.


New players like you do the community proud sir. If you like, I can recommend some good gear to get into in the meantime.

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First off, why are your mods all at rank 0 or 1?  You need to boost them up.


2.  Decoy Decoy Decoy.  Max this mod out.  toss your decoy, and blast mobs while they attack it.


3.  As previous poster states, get the weapons leveled and mods leveled for it.  Rank 2-3 should be enough for Venus.


4.  Redirection is nice, but add Fast Deflection into your build.


5.  Death Cube sentinel, get one ;)

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oh, and if you have the credits. try buy the braton in the market.

it slightly less accurate from the MK1, but more damage and higher rate of fire.

you can always max the MK1 later, when you have cooler mods. X)

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Well then its just an outright lack of appropriate mods. Loki is known to not have a whole lot of health and when you have a full room shooting at you, well you know. I know you said you don't want to play with a group just yet, but it will help you progress faster.




Loki suggestions : keep working to get it up to rank 30, as health/shields/power will all go up and mod capacity. When you find a redirection(inreases shields) you going to want to put that on the frame. If you find a 'steel fiber' for armour, don't bother with it, there are other mods you can use instead with bigger benefits.


Rifle: Mods are your friend, pretty much all enemies you will face have armour, which will lower your damage your doing to them, Piercing hit is how you counter it. There are also mods like Stormbringer(electrical damage - Double damage to corpus and stuns them) and cyo-rounds(freeze damage - double damage to shields and slows enemies) that will help you increase damage. A mod called Serration is for outright damage buff, but its somewhat hard to get and may take you awhile to find one. Note: Hellfire is fire damage, good against greiner and infested. 


Lato: Pretty much the same as above, but the mods are named different. 


melee: Try not to use to much, skana does little damage even after modding. 

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oh, and if you have the credits. try buy the braton in the market.

it slightly less accurate from the MK1, but more damage and higher rate of fire.

you can always max the MK1 later, when you have cooler mods. X)

Yeah, MK1 sux

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Its not the best, but he's new and modified properly he should have no trouble on low level enemies. Sentries will help, but i would say play the game for awhile longer to see if you want something offense or more of a stealth style sentinel, as for new players 100k credits can take awhile to get

Edited by Dave851
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I do have Radial Disarm, yes, but it does have the nasty side effect of causing the MOA to swarm around me, causing massive lagging and preventing me from moving sometimes, as well as preventing me from getting to the squishy enemies I did not hit with it, plus the stuns from the Corpus seem worse than their bullets.



What you do is let them bunch up on you, then use Invisibility and beat the snot out of them with your melee weapon.


Alas, this is a death sentence for your rescue target though, so don't do it when escorting one (or two!).

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It is relatively normal for rescue missions to be the hardest type, simply because hostage AI is rather poor (DE is reworking that mission type, thankfully). The large amount of enemies is mostly due to them spawning over time as the mission drags out. In your case part of the problem was the additional hostage mission, basically doubling the problem. Fortunately, at early levels additional missions don't generate that often, and when they do, they are usually a different type.

Beside farming earlier missions, with your current equipment the most important things are Piercing Hit (because it's the most effective type of damage in game, especially against Corpus), Shocking Touch (Corpus are weak against lightning damage and get stunned by it), Vitality (living longer is always good) and your frame ability mods (max at least one of them asap, they are all more or less equally useful in your situation so pick one you use the most).

Edited by Niennah
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I'd suggest maxing Decoy ASAP.


It only gets a set amount of Health that doesn't scale with difficulty so it is almost overpowered at lower levels but goes down in seconds on higher levels. Use it will it is awesome.

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New players like you do the community proud sir. If you like, I can recommend some good gear to get into in the meantime.


I'd love to hear your recommendations if they haven't been mentioned already! Thank you!


First off, why are your mods all at rank 0 or 1?  You need to boost them up.


2.  Decoy Decoy Decoy.  Max this mod out.  toss your decoy, and blast mobs while they attack it.


3.  As previous poster states, get the weapons leveled and mods leveled for it.  Rank 2-3 should be enough for Venus.


4.  Redirection is nice, but add Fast Deflection into your build.


5.  Death Cube sentinel, get one ;)


To you first question, I try not to use mods for those items I have in fusions, which cuts down my options quite a bit, but allows me to adapt between missions. Do you think I should start using some of these, and those that I cannot use, such as Rhino Stomp, Ghost, and shotgun mods?


As to your fourth point, do you know if there is a level early on that drops Fast Deflection more than other areas? I would greatly appreciate such info.


oh, and if you have the credits. try buy the braton in the market.

it slightly less accurate from the MK1, but more damage and higher rate of fire.

you can always max the MK1 later, when you have cooler mods. X)


So it wouldn't be as helpful for sniping, but it would be a better lawn mower. Thank you.

Well then its just an outright lack of appropriate mods. Loki is known to not have a whole lot of health and when you have a full room shooting at you, well you know. I know you said you don't want to play with a group just yet, but it will help you progress faster.




Loki suggestions : keep working to get it up to rank 30, as health/shields/power will all go up and mod capacity. When you find a redirection(inreases shields) you going to want to put that on the frame. If you find a 'steel fiber' for armour, don't bother with it, there are other mods you can use instead with bigger benefits.


Rifle: Mods are your friend, pretty much all enemies you will face have armour, which will lower your damage your doing to them, Piercing hit is how you counter it. There are also mods like Stormbringer(electrical damage - Double damage to corpus and stuns them) and cyo-rounds(freeze damage - double damage to shields and slows enemies) that will help you increase damage. A mod called Serration is for outright damage buff, but its somewhat hard to get and may take you awhile to find one. Note: Hellfire is fire damage, good against greiner and infested. 


Lato: Pretty much the same as above, but the mods are named different. 


melee: Try not to use to much, skana does little damage even after modding. 


Thank you for your suggestions, I will keep them in mind.


And thank you to everyone who has responded so far! It's really great to receive advice like this! 

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Upgrading your MK1 Braton to the "real deal", the Braton, is a significant upgrade in damage.


As for melee weapon you can either farm Vor (if you can beat him!) - or - try and gather the materials for the Orthos. The Orthos is an amazing melee weapon that is relatively easy to gather the materials for. Highly recommended for new players.

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Even tho the braton is on paper less accurate, its plenty accurate enough and tbh I barely noticed a difference between the two. All mod drops are done with RNG, so there's not really one place you go to get any particular mod, sometimes a mod tends to drop more from a certain faction, but thats not the case with fast deflection, it drops from all factions randomly, but its labeled as 'uncommon' so it may take you a bit to find one. And personally I never fuse the 'last mod' in any case, you never know when you might need it, the game actively changes and I remember I did that once when I was new, then when I needed it I spent days trying to find it again. 


Edit: The orthos is recommended for everyone its one of the top melee weapons.

Edited by Dave851
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After looking through the list, I unfortunately have no good sidearm or melee options to suggest for you (due to your available materials). As far as primaries, however, I may have something worth trying. Someone above me mentioned Braton, which is technically and upgrade to the Mk1 and only costs credits, making it a good option. Now, the option I give you is a sidegrade to the Braton (not the Mk1), but costs both credits and resources and must be crafted using the foundry system (feel free to ask questions about the foundry as well).

The Burston is a 3 round burst fire weapon, does 30 damage (10 more than Braton), has a decent rate of fire and benefits excellently from damage mods and maintains more ammo efficiency than Braton. All of the materials needed to craft it are available to you since you're past Mercury. You can read up on it here http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Burston

It's quite funny actually. A short while ago, Burston was one of the worst guns in the game, but since the recent buff it has officially moved up to "great-tier."

Addendum: If it ever becomes relevant, I was going to suggest Dual Ether for a melee option and Bolto as a sidearm. Also, hold off on using the items "orokin reactor" and "orokin catalyst" (if you know what those are) until you are absolutely sure of what you would like to work with in terms of "main" use gear.

Edited by Jugganatha
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Even tho the braton is on paper less accurate, its plenty accurate enough and tbh I barely noticed a difference between the two.



There is a significant difference in RoF which gives the "proper" Braton heaps more damage per second, at the cost of worse ammo economy. You'll definitely notice it putting enemies down quicker.

Edited by Brimir
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There is a significant difference in RoF which gives the "proper" Braton heaps more damage per second, at the cost of worse ammo economy. You'll definitely notice it putting enemies down quicker.

I was talking about the accuracy difference that was mentioned. 

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I have to say that getting swamped is a feature of Rescue missions that does not go away the higher your rank gets, you continually throughout the game meet enemies that on masse you cannot beat, especially the corpus being shielded by Osprey. if you get cornered, it can happen regardless of rank or warframe, especially solo. that or the hostage gets caught and killed - which is a joy... Above all you have to bear in mind, Warframe is primarily a co-op game, it is not geared specifically to solo play which makes some of the missions nigh oin impossible to complete.


Sometimes the best option is to go and ask for some help on the missions where you cannot complete them 

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Some tips to help you from a fellow loki


1.Get some other freinds. you may prefer solo but if any of your freinds have the game and you  can skype them they can be a big help


2.When soloing Invis, decoy and sometimes switch teleport will be your best freind. radial disarm works best in defense missions.


3. ditch mk braton and sakana they are usless. go for the braton (25,00) and get the cronus bp dropped by vor and trust me he is NOT good at hide and seek. (1 Morphics 500 fertite and 75 polmer bundles)


4. Understanding your play style is very important and should not be overlooked. ash is very good for what your looking for and supports your playstiye as ash is more dmg while loki is more utility.


5. When you get up to 30 and have a good set of weapons go to the recruting page and find people to play with some people will even help you.


6. if anyone asks you to do a void mission and you meet the requirements above YEA!!! should be your answer 

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