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My 15 Problems With Warframe


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My 15 Problems with Warframe



1.  Molecular Prime:  Need to remove the 60 second debuff.  Nova is fantastic at taking out groups of trash-mobs and should remain that way.  The 60 seconds of double damage to highlevel mobs and bosses is icing on an already splendid cake.


2.  Fix the blue generator room:  The one in the Grineer Galeon that has every single new player running in circles for 10 minutes.  The stairs aren't very apparent to new players and they shouldn't have to be.  This room doesn't make sense.


3.  Orthos Prime:  Requires more resources then an Orthos but has the exact same stats.  It's the only prime weapon that functions this way.  


4.  Research Requirements:  Please add another object to the clan building process.  A system where we need to use 2 Fieldron, 3 Other buildable object, 10 gallium, 6000 ferrite or something like that.  Make the requirements for the Other buildable object something other than control circuits and plastids.  The focus on plastids and control circuits is waaaaay to high.  Adding another object and lowering the fieldron costs would make that better.


5.  Add Credit Sink:  I know the average Warframe player doesn't have this problem, but there are quite a few of us sitting pretty on millions of credits.  Anything to relieve that would be awesome.  Exclusive weapon skins that cost huge amounts of credits is one idea.  They don't even have to be creative.  Putting a flame decal on my Braton would be an amusing use for a million credits.


6. Don't Patch on Friday:  I loved hearing that update 9 was hours away a couple weeks ago.  If technical problems arise that delay it till the &#! of night, DON'T PUT IT OUT.  If you are going to be in the office for the next 2 days, don't leave the community with hugely messed up drop tables.  Those 2 days of seemingly limitless morphics and control modules were game breaking.  If you can't patch early Friday, patch Thursday or Monday.  Give yourself enough time to make the game stable after large updates.


7.  Enemy Armor Scaling:  This has been explained to death so I'm not going to go into detail on this point.  


8.  Prime Frames:  Also a point that has been talked to death.  Please make a level 30 version of the frame a requirement in the prime blueprint.  Frost Prime removes the need to own a Frost.  


9.  Increased Upper Limits on Mods:  I love how Serration and Hornet Strike work.  There needs to be something to do after you have unlocked all of the weapons and mods.  For me, this has been throwing mods at leveling Serration.  Increasing the cap on some of the mods would allow us to greater customize our weapons and that growth is already kept in check by the experientially increasing level requirements. 


10. More Transparency in Statistics:  At this point, most of us are huge fans of Pwnatron's stat sheets.  This shouldn't be necessary.  Give us this information in game when selecting weapons.  What kind of damage a gun does and how that damage type effects different enemies is vital information.  


11.  Remove Mod Button:  This feature is more important than a consignment store. It's more important than new maps.  It's more important than more weapons.  Having bundles of weapons makes this problem worse.


12. Event Contingencies:  Stop trusting your math.  There should always be a fall back scenario in events with limited resources.  The Formorian ships dying 13 hours before the scheduled end of the event was devastating to some players.  It arbitrarily punished people who were reasonably unaware of the exact event conditions.  This could have easily been addressed by having an additional Formorian ship appear in the event the players destroyed the initial ships.  If you want to keep the player base happy,  any event that functions as a competition should have very clear rules and a definite start and stop time.


13.  Paris Prime Sound: Small point but it seems to be universally agreed upon.  The Paris Prime sounds awful.


14.  Fix Mod List.   There is no reason to show us duplicate mods in the configuration screen.  We can't place duplicate mods on our weapons and frames.  Please stop having me go through 3 pages of Ammo Drum for no reason.  If we have more than 1 of a mod, only show us the mods with differing levels.


15.  High Mastery Weapons:  With the addition of a few weapons we will be able to access Mastery 12.  I loved seeing the requirements on the Lanka and Acrid when update 8 rolled out.  Please give us a weapon or weapon skin for every possible mastery level.  Even if it's a small flame decal on the stock Lato.  High mastery level players have put huge amounts of time into the game, it would be cool to have something to show for it.



All that said,  I love Warframe.  I've been a GrandMaster for a month or two now and I wish nothing but the best for DE and Warframe.  The accessibility and candidness of the Dev team is what convinced me to put money into this fantastic game and I haven't regretted it for a second.  


Edited by hojomcc
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let me add a 16 to that.

16. Forum Editor/Composer is not friendly. It doesn't have an option to view your post as text only so you can see all the BB Codes involved, or a formatting bar on the editor.

But then that might be just me coming from multiple forums where I can at least edit out BB-Codes or check them when the need arises.

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hmmm hard to argue with most of your points.

i dont agree with #1 and #15 though.

m.prime might be OP till mid level enemies, but once the level starts to increase, most people use the ability for the double damage.


#15 i dont mind giving high mastery ranks some kind of reward, maybe a rare mod, double drop rate or something but i dont like being tied down to a game for over 200 hours to increase my mastery rank to 12 just to build a weapon that i may or may not like. (weapon skin isnt a bad idea, but no weapons)

Edited by Ventias
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I came into this expecting a rant...you have surprised me by not only having very simple and fair points. But you put them up in an educated and professional manner.                                                                    




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2.  Fix the blue generator room:  The one in the Grineer Galeon that has every single new player running in circles for 10 minutes.  The stairs aren't very apparent to new players and they shouldn't have to be.  This room doesn't make sense.


so.. ifirst time i encountered that i ran in circles while my team finished the entire mission

i thought i had to do some epic parkour wall climbing or something...

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On number 5, try maxing out Hornet Strike, Serration, Redirection Vitality or Steel Fiber. About a million credits of fusion each right there. Other than that, very legitimate complaints, most of which I agree with.


I agree, and I am well on my way.  I just think it would be nice to have more say in what mods I am throwing resources at.  I would rather throw trash mods at armor piercing or magazine capacity than into steel fiber.  

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14.  Fix Mod List.   There is no reason to show us duplicate mods in the configuration screen.  We can't place duplicate mods on our weapons and frames.  Please stop having me go through 3 pages of Ammo Drum for no reason.  If we have more than 1 of a mod, only show us the mods with differing levels.


This needs to happen without question. To be honest you beat me to the punch on putting it out there. I was just short of PMing steve or Rebecca with this idea. This should happen alongside the remove all mods button. They're both quality of life changes with the mod system that should have happened a long time ago.

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Dissagree with 1, 2, 8, and 12


1:  I couldn't care less about the explosion portion of M. Prime, that's the icing on the cake.  M. Prime's best effect is it's debuff.


8:  A prime version doesn't negate the usefulness of the normal version, I still play with frost, excalibur, and the standard weapon (and intend on fully polarizing them) despite owning their prime counterparts.

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Disagree with 1 and 8


I feel that Nova is perfectly balanced and should stay the same but other warframes are in need of their dire buffs so they aren't useless.


as for 8 getting frost prime is hard enough as it is, I had to spam the void about 40 times before obtaining all his parts, then went through the whole 3 day wait process. If you make it a requirement to have the previous warframe Who knows how many runs of lech kril I would've needed to build original frost and then I'd have to go through the 3 day build time AGAIN. All for an extra polarity slot and a minuscule increase on 1 stat.

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Real good stuff OP.

+138 to the points made about mod management. System is inefficient at best and I combine mods and waste credits (another million plus guy here) just to have less pages to sift through. I'd like to add, a few presets would be nice for each frame. One click equips all mods for a given preset.

Prime frames/weapons - let me change the color schemes to get rid of the gold if I want. Not everyone is a fan of the looks and this game will thrive on customization long term, so players can feel like individuals, as OP poins out with flame decal ideas. Same goes for vandal weapons. I really don't have the option for my badass sniper rifle to be anything but metallic aqua color with a flower decal?

Transparency in statistics - 110% this. There's zero reason I should need to consult an external wiki for info that devs have (often wrong on wiki) for things that are so important to the gameplay. OP is dead on here and this has been asked about for some time now....

High mastery weapons - yup, would love to see this trend continue and there absolutely should be better gear available to players who have worked harder, plain and simple.

Last point not from OPs post, but my own opinion. Some of the weapon design needs more creativity. Some pieces are great but we now have three versions of the snipetron that look very similar. And the flux? Looks like a ups shipping box turned sideways. Whoever designed the Boltor should approve all weapon designs, hands down the most gorgeous gun in the game.

Similar to above, I'm creeping up on 300 hours into this game and I love it. A lot. The devs are great and overall the community, both in and out of game, are great too. Keep up the work DE. We love warframe.

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how about fixing the performance?


Yeah that would be nice. Strict NAT issue threads seem to come up a lot. Also why is it that if I put this game on the highest settings I get a better framerate than if I put it on the lowest settings? Please someone explain that to me. And no I'm not full of S#&$, on fraps I get 10-15 fps higher on max settings than on the lowest settings.

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Everyone here is having a good time sharing their opinion on subjects then here comes you. Where did I say that the game was easy? Where did I complain that it's easy? Also Nova does not roflstomp everything in 3 seconds but if you truly believe it does how about you make a T3 defense video of you soloing it with nova because that's how you're making her sound like right now. Also yea I'd prefer if 9+ frames got buffed instead of 1 frame getting nerfed because even before Nova came along those 9+ frames were still terrible compared to Vauban. We had a period of time where everyone would QQ because that guy they were playing with had Vauban and they didn't so they wanted Vauban to be nerfed so they could smile and tell themself "now we both have sucky frames".

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Disagree with 4,8, and 9.


Frost Prime doesn't negate the existence of Frost. Mainly in part due to the fact his extra polarity is a D slot, which personally is a downside to Frost prime and would be a slot I'd need to forma to change. The other reason is it allows a player two avenues to acquire a frame which is a good thing.

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Yeah that would be nice. Strict NAT issue threads seem to come up a lot. Also why is it that if I put this game on the highest settings I get a better framerate than if I put it on the lowest settings? Please someone explain that to me. And no I'm not full of S#&$, on fraps I get 10-15 fps higher on max settings than on the lowest settings.

Lol so it happens to you too? It's not all settings but mostly texture detail for me. Anyways yea NAT is a problem that needs to be fixed before we get any type of matchmaking variables implemented. It's hard enough finding a squad to join as it is already.


Also when are we going to get things that scale with levels? If I run M-Prime why do I get more ferrite than if I run a mission with 50-60 enemies on a planet that also gives ferrite???

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