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Walking animation is bugged.


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use keyboard+mouse like a real gamer

Really? To be honest, I despise PC purists with a passion.

Some games feel/play better with a controller. I play some games with keyboard/mouse and others with a controller. Everyone is entitled to using their preference.

I found a bug, I reported my findings.

Edited by RespawningJesus
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How cute.

As to your counterpoint, most likely not. Even then though, I find it very interesting that the game tried to do a makeshift walking animation, when I slightly tilted. The game had nothing to go on in terms of walk speed, and it didn't have a fluid animation, but it is still interesting that the game recognized what I was trying to accomplish.

Edit: Guess it does natively support controllers. Sweet.

Edited by RespawningJesus
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The game natively supports gamepads. Just not very well at the moment. You can plug one in and it works without having to fiddle with workarounds. It even has rumble support. But the UI doesn't change to reflect the fact that you're using a gamepad, and you can't configure the controls, or navigate the menus, or play the hacking minigame, or... well, you get the point. It's pretty rough.

At the very least they need to fix all that, and maybe adjust the analog sensitivity so it doesn't feel so twitchy. And add a bit of auto-aim, because come on, it's a controller. As it stands though, it's not really a viable alternative to keyboard and mouse yet.

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I noticed this during my first runs of the game yesterday. It's especially weird if you're crouching trying to creep along with a slight nudge of the analog stick. Other than that the game has felt fantastic so far on a controller. Layout makes sense and once I turned the aim sensitivity down everything was fine. There's really no need for any kind of auto aim. I'm not an expert gamer but I've yet to have trouble getting enemies in the crosshairs with the current setup.

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People don't need to be $&*^s when responding to a bug report. Controllers are supported natively by the game; there's a reason contacts that use a controller have a gamepad icon next to their names.

Pretty sure this is the feedback forum, not the bug forum. 'Support' is relative, seeing as how there is no configuration yet but obviously the back-end has been implemented. Doubtful that controller icon has anything to do with someone using a controller. There are those in my contact list whom I know personally don't use one but it has shown up randomly. Unless it's auto-detecting any additional peripherals like joysticks or wheels.

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