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Desync / Lag Issues!



I loathe having to ask such a question, but! It seems to come and go, and while this game runs beatifully when I play solo, I hate playing solo in a game made for co-op!


The issue is that when I play with almost anyone, I have a roughly two-third's chance at getting horrendous desyncronization between me and the other players. I see such things as enemies falling over dead from invisible allies slashing and shooting through them all. Or players running in place and doing other awesome space-ninja-monk abilities mid-air or somesuch. This isn't limited to single players either, the entire group I'm with will look like they're treadmilling in place while shooting, but they'll be killing something fourteen rooms ahead and I'll be jogging along in the strangest mushroom trip ever as enemies spasm and insta-fall-dead from explosions and gunfire that originates from the group of guys I left behind at the start of the level.


In short, it makes the game unplayable. And granted I've already tossed over 200 US dollars into this game for warframes and faster crafting, I feel horribly cheated by something that teases me with the prospect of being fun, yet time and time again proving my theory that once I toss my wallet at 'free to play' games, they cease to be entertaining.


If there's anyone who's managed to solve this issue, I'd be infinitely humbled by help that'll lead to a solution. Until then, I'm stuck with a perfectly fine single-player space ninja simulator that I paid 200 bucks into.

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20 answers to this question

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This is called lag.
You could try playing with someone you know, as a test. If it's someone in your region, like a neighbor or friend with decent internet close by and you STILL lag, then it could be a router problem, like NAT restrictions.

You could set the ping limit in the matchmaking configuration options to 100 or so, that might make things easier.

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Try setting your ping limit up, so that you get setup with less laggy hosts. Also, lower your settings if they're too high. And lastly, make sure you have your region set correctly. These seem like small things but it's often the small things that get ya.

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It's not the hardware specs, it's the internet connection in 99% of the cases.


In a full team, hosts upload can reach 80 kb/s+ easily. That's totally manageable for high speed cable or fiberglass connections.

For people with a low/mid DSL connection this is way to much. Lowering the Ping Limit often doesn't help, because the latency

to the host is perfectly fine, at the moment the measuring is done. A 500ms+ latency doesn't create such (OP description) lags.


Sadly DE doesn't gave as the necessary tools (determine who is host...) along with this S#&$ty net code.

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In a full team, hosts upload can reach 80 kb/s+ easily. That's totally manageable for high speed cable or fiberglass connections.

For people with a low/mid DSL connection this is way to much.

Are you seriously saying you need high speed fiberglass internet connection for 80 kb/s?... just no
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Are you seriously saying you need high speed fiberglass internet connection for 80 kb/s?... just no


Upload, not download speed. Depends on where you live... here in europe, a lot of connections doesn't share download/upload speed -

to the technical possibilities. You can't upload with 600 kb/s with a typical 10 Mbit connection.

And i know some people with such connections. Do not think that your 100Mbit cable connection is of today's standart. It's not, by far.


Also "high speed" isn't exactly a prescribed term.

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Upload, not download speed. Depends on where you live... here in europe, a lot of connections doesn't share download/upload speed -

to the technical possibilities. You can't upload with 600 kb/s with a typical 10 Mbit connection.

And i know some people with such connections. Do not think that your 100Mbit cable connection is of today's standart. It's not, by far.


Also "high speed" isn't exactly a prescribed term.

I'm in Europe, in a remote part. I get my internet for free. It uploads over 80kbps.
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Thanks for the outpour of feedback. For reference, I'm on the East Coast, USA. More specifically for those who have a map, Alabama. A friend I constantly play with lives in Florida, less than eight hours drive from where I live.


Now it could be his PC choking through some fights, though things have gone down the drain even when it seems we're having a smashing good run. Suddenly a player will join and I get slammed with desync problems.


I will admit my ISP is rather shoddy as I live in a rather remote location, though in all regards to my own ISP keeping me from playing? I can play games like Borderlands 2, World of Tanks, and Neverwinter just fine without any form of latency or desync.


All in all, thanks for the heads up on some of the things I haven't poked at yet.

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I'm in Europe, in a remote part. I get my internet for free. It uploads over 80kbps.


I don't say that there are no connections in Europe capable of uploading 80 kilo BYTES per second. So, what's your point.


kB/s =/= kbps


80 kbps equal 10 kB/s


So your connection can upload faster than 10 kb/s (1,6 minutes for 1MB). Congratulation, mine too.

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Just for some perspective: i live in middle Europe and have one of the... middle price per month net packages. You can get better, but the prices are unreasonably high for them (like quintuple of my current subscription). My avarage download speed is ~17Mbps (around 2 Mb/s?). Now compared to this, my upload speed is around 0,5-0,7Mbps. Not sure about the math, but it peaks at around 150Kb/s. So yeah.


While i don't get that many complaints from the clan when i'm hosting (or at least it seems i'm hosting), i reaally would like an in-game display for host-to-peer ping, and flagging of the hosting player.


And ye, it probably has something to do with the CPU of the host too. My ping filter is set fairly low (150 to filter out anything farther than the USA), and i rarely get any real lag. However choppy / desynched games are pretty common, even when everyone claims to be from the Eurozone.


EDIT: let's throw in an optional host migration button too while we're at it.

Edited by Lers
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I don't say that there are no connections in Europe capable of uploading 80 kilo BYTES per second. So, what's your point.


kB/s =/= kbps


80 kbps equal 10 kB/s


So your connection can upload faster than 10 kb/s (1,6 minutes for 1MB). Congratulation, mine too.

I was just to lazy to type kBps. 

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Just to clarify that I got this problem in (and only in) the latest updates. It is NOT lag, because I played with the same host/people in an earlier mission with absolute no problem. Then one mission, it just become strange:


case 1:

- it become suddenly laggy. Some team members dropped out (either dropped or disconnected)

- I became totally invisible (not seen on screen) but can still move around and kill and such

- but when the boss cutscene plays, suddenly, I face only a black screen. Occasionally, the "bosstalk" textbox appears as rest of my team is fighting it.

- surprising, chat window is still working and I was telling them the problem. Apparently I could still be seen and my sentinel is still attacking enemies. But all I get is a black screen.

- Managed to complete after team reached extraction point and timeout.


case 2:

- again, the initial signs are somewhat similar to bursts of lag (but not as bard as case 1)

- however, I sort of become ghost. no doors respond to me. no enemies attack me. But I can still attack them.

- I cannot pass through doors unless a teammate opens it for me. same thing for elevator.

- after completing objective at we all arrive at extraction, apparently I am not seen by the extraction point as well (we are all there), and had to wait for timeout.

- I can't pick up ANY loot as well :(

- mission is completed successfully however.

Edited by smithf
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That sounds like regular old lag to me.
Could be the hosts CPU struggling to cope when more intense battles arise. This is really apparent if you go to a mission like Kappa as there can be a lot of enemies at once.

Edited by DanPaul7
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encounter another one.




Why? the animation etc all smooth and responsive this time. There was no stuttering for me, teammate or enemies.

just that I don't "exist"... well more like a vengeful ghost...

I can kill enemies fine.

I CAN'T use powers.

Doors don't respond to me (have to wait for a teammate to open doors)

and Extraction point don't recognize me (so while everybody is at ex point, we have to wait for timeout).

Otherwise, the mission completed successfully and I get the rewards/loot.

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I'm getting this same problem, but constantly, not intermittently.


I'll even set up Invite Only games, with just my brother who lives next door.  Same issues as described above.


My PC is an i7 Intel processor overclocked to 4Ghz, and I've got 24 GB of RAM.  Dual nVidia 570GTXs in SLI for the video side of the house.  I've got a fresh install of windows 7 as of friday last week, too.


My internet connection is 100mbps down and 5mbps up - tested and verified by speedtest.net - I don't have any problems in any other games - My wife and I both play Planetside 2, both use Teamspeak, while I'm streaming to Twitch.tv at 720p with no problems.  It's not an internet speed issue.


I see the same things as described above:  terrible latency, desynch and glitchy gameplay when playing with other people.  Doors and items stop responding to my presence.  To my perception, anyone else in the mission warps around at hyperspeed, killing enemies that I don't even see most of the time.  My brother reports that I appear to be standing still and shooting at a wall.  Note that he has a similar PC and internet connection.  He has no issues.  This happens no matter which one of us is hosting.  He can't even join my games most of the time.

Edited by Mnem
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Try setting your ping limit up, so that you get setup with less laggy hosts. Also, lower your settings if they're too high. And lastly, make sure you have your region set correctly. These seem like small things but it's often the small things that get ya.

Sorry, but do you mean down? Increasing it will generate more lag and desync.

Edited by Darth_Sith
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re-mention that doubt it is just real lag. The moment that we can connect means that it should below the ping limit. Most of the time, I can play fine even if I switch region to other side of the globe.


Some of the "lag" are really caused by host without enough computing power, esp if there are full 3 players connected.


And though some "desync" is caused by above, in the recent updates, there are some desync which are not. Because I have played in a session PERFECTLY fine with the same host, but in some sessions, the strange desync problems came up. If it is just caused by "lag", it would be more or less consistent. Just for info: we are playing same mission (Corpus Void) with the exact same team, so the other conditions should be similar.


iow, I believe that there is some new problem OTHER than "lag". hopefully the staff can find out and fix.

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