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Voice Of The Orokin Rank 9 Ghost Clan and Discord adult gaming community. Join the clan, join the Discord (microphone required!), or both. Like to chat? This is your home.


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Who in the heck is the PurplePoloPlayer?

Greetings from Denver, Colorado Las Vegas, Nevada! I'm an older gamer with a full-time, real life schedule. Like many of you I've recently fallen in love with Warframe.  I used to focus on playing PvP focused MMO's but I can't keep up with the schedule demands that those games require. Warframe is a perfect fit for me.

Why create the Voice Of The Orokin?

I've been in several clans and online communities over the decades so I have a good idea of what works, and what doesn't. The ones I've enjoyed the most were adult only clans that had zero tolerance for corrosive personalities. I love to game to escape the pressures of life for a bit, chat and laugh with close friends, and excel at my hobby of choice. This community is for those that share these goals.

Plans for the future?

Warframe by far has one of the most amazing communities that I've ever had the pleasure to play with.  They are helpful, talented, and generally polite. That's why I find it so difficult to believe that most of the clans in the game that I've encountered have a distinct lack of voice presence in Discord. For those that value chatting with friends as much as playing the game, I wanted to create a place to call home. We will focus on inviting the right kinds of players and not on simply collecting bodies.

So what are the details?

Voice chat is a must to join and necessary to create a tight-knit community. It doesn't need to be 100% of the time you're playing. Many of you will want to play at night while the kids are sleeping and can't talk. Perhaps you like to get in a few games at work. I get it. Just don't be a stranger to voice chat.

Discord will utilize a join-and-play list of channels. I've been in World of Tanks and Armored Warfare clans that use a similar setup and it works well. Just look for the activity you want to do and join or start a squad.

Speak English and please use push-to-talk or be able to adjust your sensitivity properly. Nobody wants to hear you type.

This will be an adult environment. Foul language is absolutely permitted. Easily offended people won't fit in. Fair warning. 

To get started there will be no hard Master Rank level requirements. All that is asked is that you be certain that Warframe is your game of choice and you're planning on dedicating time and/or money to play on a regular basis. 

The Dojo and necessary buildings are completed. Research is progressing rapidly and will be completed as soon as the timers will allow. You will never pay a guild tax or be required to donate any materials. So far we are a Rank 9 Ghost clan! 

If you're like me and you realize that something is missing from your Warframe experience, take a gamble and join. Together we can build a great community!

https://discord.gg/szbsBnP is the Discord invite link. 

P.S. There are a number of people that want to join but don't want to leave their current clans with research completed. No problem. Simply join the Discord community and start teaming up today. No need to join the in game clan if you don't want to.

You can PM or mail me (PurplePoloPlayer) in game if I'm not around. I'll be bumping this thread when I log in each day.


Edited by PurplePoloPlayer
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i just joined the Covefefe club:)

What can i say about the Covefefe club let me name a few:

- mature environment 
- good look on were we/they want to go with the clan.
- helpful
- no mandatory Tasks! or log in days.

Just a relaxed atmosphere were you can come to after a day of hard work and chat plus game with like minded people.



                   We are still looking for members it does not matter if you are a veteran or a brand new player.

                    For further questions or if you wish to join please hop on our Discord: https://discord.gg/szbsBnP



Edited by Vruxii
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10 hours ago, Vruxii said:

i just joined the Covefefe club:)

What can i say about the Covefefe club let me name a few:

- mature environment 
- good look on were we/they want to go with the clan.
- helpful
- no mandatory Tasks! or log in days.

Just a relaxed atmosphere were you can come to after a day of hard work and chat plus game with like minded people.



                   We are still looking for members it does not matter if you are a veteran or a brand new player.

                    For further questions or if you wish to join please hop on our Discord: https://discord.gg/szbsBnP



Welcome aboard! 

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Thought I would pop in and say its been a blast to play and chat while I've been with VOTO. I also reside in Denver and am on most nights. I work a full time construction job and still crank out the hours on here, but don't tell the wife... j/k, she knows I am a born gamer. I started with Asheron's Call, then Everquest, then Everquest II, WOW, Eve, etc. etc. Been around the MMO block a time or two. So come join and we cause some daka and shred some infested while talking about the state of the union, er....um.... I mean state of the void, yeah that's what i meant. Darvo for pres???? Clem.....




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