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Something I Think Would Add Alot To The Game: Thematic Passives


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Ok so right now I am at Mastery LvL 9 having played almost all the frames up to 30 and most of the gear aswell and I am loving the game. However there are something that just dont make any sence such as why in the name of all that is good would the Frost, who creats and controles sub-0 temps have his sheilds smashed on ice levels?!? Which brings me to the point of my post. I think this game could benifet masively from thematic passives for each of the Warframes that take no energy and are always active. This would open up massive options for advanced players when desiding on what Frame they want to use, and it would give cassual and new players an added edge that they dont know about/care about to make the game more fun. Also it would make the Frames feel so much more unique. Dont get me wrong they are doing a great job of making each Frames abilites very unique but its only the abilites that are really unique not the Frames themselfs. I mean each Frame already has a theme which all its abilites revolve around so why not make the Frame share that theme? I mean I can think of a bunch of passives that would be awesome and make me want to play some Frames that just dont really feel like that have a real place. Just as an example:


The prevesly mentioned Frost: Full shields on Ice levels

Ember: Take no damage from fire hazzereds (both the level fire hazereds and the ones created by enemies)

Sayren: Immune to poison health damage (from the torid and toxics)

Volt: When shields take electric damage you absorb the damage and release it into the area shocking all enemies that pass throught the area. (like static electricty creating lighting when desturbed)

Rhino: Can not be knocked down (really?!?! come on! How are you going to make the bloody Rhino able to be smacked down by at stupped little leeper -.-)

Loki: Gain bonus damage when attacking enemies from behind them regardless of if you are invise or using melee (loki's all over would love this seeing as they lack any strait damage abilites so this would help masisely against some of the bigger enemies and boss')

Nyx: Immune to energy drain (but not the shield steal from the destrupers, cant just make them a useless healer lol)

Mag: Creats an electromagnetice pulse when shields are broken knocking all eneimes in melee range down and away. (lets face it if your shield go down as mag you are very likely going to go down right after)

Trininty: increases teams armor (I think a scaling % would work really well with this starting at like 1% at lvl 1 and going up to 30% at 30 or something like that)

Excalibur: Return a portion of all damage dealt to him to all eneimes in melee range (ie. if you get shot and you are standing next to an enemy, some of that shots damage will be dealt to the guy you are standing next too)

Ash: deal bonus damage when using weapons that deal Physics Impact or Blade Damage

Vauban: Everytime your Sentenal goes down it creats an explotion damaging nearby enemies and staggering all enemies in the area. (Makes sence I mean everything he does is supost to be a trap so why not make his Sentenal a trap as well? I dont know I LIKE the idea lol)

Banshee: (ok so I have no really ideas that I love as for a passive for the Banshee as I havent used her all that much sry)

And finally the Nova: When your energy hits 0 you gain 50 energy (ok so the reasening behind this is the nova is all about using her abilites to cause mass carnege so what do you do on a nightmare mission where you have energy dran? (here is a hint you quit and try for a new one) with this it will give Nova's the opion of stocking their energy or using it whenever they want and not having to worry about it too much. The reason I dont think this is too overpowered is because most people use Streamline which makes your energy use not even numbers so it is hard to get to 0 which is the only number that matters for this passive. So it enables Nova's to do Nightmare runs more consistently and it opens up more options when modding. Also if using Energy Siphon it will make it so you rarley get the benifits of this passive unless you are working to maximize your effecence. So this passive is more targeted at advanced players with the lucky random guy who gets it to go off then they really need it.)


I dont know about you guys but I personally think passives would make this game alot better. I dont care if its these passives or not but the Warframes need something to make then unique in and of them selfs, not just their abilites.These are just my ideas, what do you guys think? Which onces would you guys love to see/hate (also what would be a good passive for the Banshee???) Please let me know what you guys think and thank for reading :D


Oh and for god sake please!!!! do something about the revive system! I mean there needs to be some kinda buffer so that you can use your revives and be able to do something. I have personally had a siduation where i got put down in a solo run by an anchent and when i revived he smacked me to the ground before i could do anything (ie. move, use abilities, run, jump, nothing...) and i died again on the spot. Would it be that hard to make an 5sec invinsibility period where you could run away or get behind cover that ended when the time ran out or you started attacking? Kinda like the shades invis just for revives. Hope there is something done about this as its kinda anoiying to be at the end of a mission and unable to finish because there are 50 enemies on your body... Anywho hope you guys like some of my ideas and maybe we will get some cool new passives in the future, Thanks for reading again and have fun killing some infested :D

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Eh. I'm partial to both sides.

First being, it'd be cool to have passives. Giving the different Warframes individuality sounds nice.

But, there would always be some passives better than others, and people would not like it.


The other side is against the idea.

The only special thing about Warframes are their powers.

Just because Frost uses ice, doesn't necessarily mean that he should be immune to it. Why should he?

There's been no indication that a warframe's powers directly relate to their resistance.


I'm leaning towards being against this idea, tbh.

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These would be better as auras as cool as they are. And in regards to Frost taking ice damage...if I work with explosives, does that make me immune to grenades? OFC NOT!!!! So I don't really follow that train of thought, and I think these would make great auras instead

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The aura idea is nice but that would kinda defeat the purpose making the Frames unique outside their ablilites, not a bad idea tho. I would love to see some of them if the passive idea doesnt go anywere. And as for the explosives analogy, no working with explosives will not make you immune to them however you would be stuped to not have protective gear. I'm not saying that the Frost or Ember should be immune to ice or fire damage, just that they should be immune to enviromental ice or fire effects seeing as if you are working in sub-zero temperatures or with extream heat then you will be working with protective gear that can handle the siduations that you are putting your self in. And again Im not saying that these should be the passives, they were just some ideas that I thought would be cool. And ya there will always be balence problems but should you not add something that would (imo) make the game alot more fun just because it will require abit of work to keep them balenced? Because if that is true then there is no reason to nerf/buff the Frames abilities.

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...And in regards to Frost taking ice damage...if I work with explosives, does that make me immune to grenades? OFC NOT!!!! ...

I am not sure I agree with this or not. Cool idea, but there are so many balance things to consider...

Anyway, about the quote: While it is true in real life there is little to note, but in fiction (such as games) characters that can literally create fire/ice/etc out of nothing are normally resistant to them. This makes some sense, in reality if you deal with extreme heat or cold often you do acclimate to it a little bit, in fiction it is just taken to the extreme.

Frost is a difficult one, because they shoot most of their abilities. For a good example, Ember catches herself on fire regularly, so immunity to fire may make some sense.

Still, I do not think these would work as presented, other topics on the same thing have been better IMO.

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