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No guns? No team-mates? No problem!


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I plan to record and release a series of videos of me going around dunking every boss with just melee (And some Warframe powers) to prove it can be done.

Yes this is an ego boost, yes I'm being arrogant. But I'm having fun.

Edit: If you lot enjoy the music (It'll probably be metal or rock) I'll do more of it for boss fights.

Feel free to leave links to your own videos of you doing badass things, such as Melee-only!

Please submit your own challenges to me, and I'll probably do them!

VAY HEK FURAX CHALLENGE: Currently on hold until I get my Furax up to a decent level. It's currently sitting at 4.

Main Melee

<- Jackal

<- Golem

<- Tyl Regor - May your brave soul rest in Valhalla my brother!

<- Hek is going to be here. I must confess, my melee-lovers. I accidentally used my gun in the beginning of the boss fight against a few Trashmobs. Please forgive me!

<- Sargas Ruk gets Dunked.

<- Everyone and their mothers have spanked Nef Anyo in melee. Nothing special to see here.

<- Phorid. I refused to give up!


<- Most of the fight against Captain Vor was spent by me trying to do a straight up wall run in to backflip followed by Furax slam. Even when it did work he wasn't knocked down. :(

<- Fighting Nef Anyo with Fisticuffs is a bit harder, esspecially when they're only level6. Edited by SpiderWaifu
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Before swapping to dual zoren to level those for mastery I was having fun forcing grineer bosses to die stabby deaths with a lv 30 dark dagger on my ash frame. Though dagger was not supercharged. only leveled for mastery. However smokebomb armor ignoring crit spam shenanigans ensued :D

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