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Ideas For Loki.


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Hi I just wanted to share some ideas I had for Loki anyway let's get started.


Decoy:Now don't get me wrong this is very effective but another forum expressed how this should look more like Loki it would benefit greatly and also make the decoy hold the weapon Loki is currently using.In duels this would make much more sense and if adding more decoy's at higher rank would be cool I'll leave that to everyone else to decide.


Invisibility:No problems here really just need to make sentinal cloaked too.


Switch teleport:Now this ability is nice but let's add some more options to it.Say a heavy grineer with a rocket launcher is coming he shoots it at Loki and Loki then switches places with one of the enemies making them take the damage instead.Also if Loki jumps over a ledge to were he will fall and just be put back were he was say a enemy is on the other side if in range Loki can switch teleport making the enemy fall to his doom.As for anciants say it's charging at Loki if close enough Loki will switch places with an enemy the enemy will be confused and the anciant will hit there ally instead of Loki.


Radial disarm:This is overall good but if it jams the enemies weapons shouldn't they atleast try and make it work giving Tenno a few seconds to react or if not that.The radial disarm overloads the gun making it as a bomb when the enemy pulls the trigger it will explode causing a small amount of damage and stunning enemies along the battlefeild that were affected by the radial disarm then after a small amount of time the enemy switches to melee combat.


But anyway these are just ideas I just felt I should share if you liked them please vote.


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1) No sane player would get fooled by a decoy. Pointless.

2) <3

3)Friendly fire is hard to make sense of for enemy factions. I don't think this is possible.

4)Makes sense, but IDK

Well on 3 this would make more sense as he manipulates the battlefeild so that would be good to incorporate to Loki as for 4 It would make sense considering he would be manipulating another part of the battlefeild which would be the enemies weapons.

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I really like your second idea for Radial Disarm, just as long as the damage doesn't make the skill useful as a nuker (it should be a small PERCENTAGE of the enemy's health).


Would making Radial Disarm a "throwable" skill (like Vauban's Tesla or Bastille) be good too?  I think being able to more effectively choose where you want the disarm would be nice.

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Although that does sound good there's already ways to get to the place you want to Radial disarm.This can be done with switch teleport or invisibility or you could just charge in to save energy Radial disarm and then start hack'n.


Which ever suits your fancy.But still not a bad idea.

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Move how? Where? In a straight line? In circles? Nobody's stupid enough to get fooled by that.

Make it copy your moves when you are lets say 5 or 10 meters near it and gave it the same skin,weapon,color,sentinel. 


Without damage it would confuse and trick your opponent or make him waste his clip.


Decoy doesnt have to deal damage it just can stay there and look pretty.


But i guess they wouldnt change the decoy at this point.

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i consider loki as a high skilled warframe. it shouldn't of been the first warframe to pick of, because loki's is simply hard to level up due to the lack of offensive he has. If DC wants to let more ppl to play loki they should buff a little more with loki's ability.

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i consider loki as a high skilled warframe. it shouldn't of been the first warframe to pick of, because loki's is simply hard to level up due to the lack of offensive he has. If DC wants to let more ppl to play loki they should buff a little more with loki's ability.

There is nothing that counts as hard in this game if you didnt notice and loki is not hard its the opposite. He's just too easy to master.

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This is a PVE game. why are we trying to balance Decoy for PVP purposes? they've said plenty of times that they do not intend to balance this game for PVP. In-game, I don't want to have to see my Decoy looking the same as me. That would be confusing for my teammates.

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This is a PVE game. why are we trying to balance Decoy for PVP purposes? they've said plenty of times that they do not intend to balance this game for PVP. In-game, I don't want to have to see my Decoy looking the same as me. That would be confusing for my teammates.

I understand but think about it in general that decoy is no were close to visually looking like Loki so when enemies attack it they look like complete idiots and should probably know better that bugs me and possibly other Loki players so making it look more visually like Loki would be convienant if not for tricking people in pvp duels.And maybe Developers plan on doing the first idea anyway.

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The decoy is a hologram. what the enemies see is not what we (as Tenno) necessarily have to see. For all we know, the decoy appears to be Loki in the enemy's eyes, but Tenno technology conveniently shows the decoy as an energy reading for other Tenno. Use some imagination.

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The decoy is a hologram. what the enemies see is not what we (as Tenno) necessarily have to see. For all we know, the decoy appears to be Loki in the enemy's eyes, but Tenno technology conveniently shows the decoy as an energy reading for other Tenno. Use some imagination.

Well there's no real way to argue there you make a pretty good point.

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This is a PVE game. why are we trying to balance Decoy for PVP purposes? they've said plenty of times that they do not intend to balance this game for PVP. In-game, I don't want to have to see my Decoy looking the same as me. That would be confusing for my teammates.

For some reason this forum has so many blockheads who cant take an idea.


Its an idea. They are not going to implement it the moment when they see this topic. People are voicing their ideas to give developers future ideas and just because you didnt like the idea that doesnt give you the right to bash it and everyone here knows that this game is not going to be balanced with pvp in mind aaand no it wouldnt be confusing If your friends are like that, i suggest going out and getting new friends.


Seriously people Its an idea if you dont have an constructive idea or why it cant happen post it here if not dont come here and bash other people's ideas

Edited by Shin
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Your forum that you posted has a good point.



Thanks bud.  Just trying to get the Loki a bit of love.  He's not a bad warframe by any means.  But right now if given the choice of basically any other warframe for a squad composition, nobody wants a Loki.


If they fix stealth, Loki will be king.  Until them, he's pretty much the most useless frame for groups.

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Thanks bud.  Just trying to get the Loki a bit of love.  He's not a bad warframe by any means.  But right now if given the choice of basically any other warframe for a squad composition, nobody wants a Loki.


If they fix stealth, Loki will be king.  Until them, he's pretty much the most useless frame for groups.

I guess in some cases he is but Radial disarm is not all that bad it's saved the cryo pod many times when it came to enemies who overwhelmed it with gunfire and there was no frost to keep the situation under control and Radial disarm can be a combo with decoy but as said you make a great point. =P


Your opinion is highly respected in my book and the points you give are great glad you could share your thoughts.

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I guess in some cases he is but Radial disarm is not all that bad it's saved the cryo pod many times when it came to enemies who overwhelmed it with gunfire and there was no frost to keep the situation under control and Radial disarm can be a combo with decoy but as said you make a great point. =P


Your opinion is highly respected in my book and the points you give are great glad you could share your thoughts.


I love radial disarm, don't get me wrong.  It's one of the main reasons I wanted the Hek.  Disarm, own face.


But you just shift them from guns to melee.  No damage, no snares, no DoTs, nothing.  Meanwhile everyone else can pretty much obliterate the room with their 4.  I'd rather tone everyone else down, but that's not realistic.  So just a *bit* more utility for Loki's 100 energy ultimate would be sweet.  Not to mention other than minor damage it's useless against 1/3rd of the factions in game, and on the 2 factions it works against there are units it won't do anything to (damn you flameblades!)

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