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so rhino can be a better tank than valkyr, makes sense.


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2 часа назад, den2k сказал:

Ok but that's the same problem of every warframe except Rhino and Nezha, who have additional layers of HP. And even those with 4x damage get stripped clean very fast. Survivability is Rhino's middle name, Valkyr balances fast movement with exceptional damage (it's extremely easy to achieve > 100% Crit Chance) and hardiness sacrificing range. It needs a fast paced playstile with a lot of dodges, escapes and sudden attacks.

As a tanker I'd very much like a Rhino+, but I don't think Valkyr's the answer. There is Atlas but I really don't like its powers.

actually the only way i found to kill elemental sorties 100% safe is to play loki or ivara.

those guys shred through any defences, and nullifiers make cc somewhat irrelevant.


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Valkyr don’t care about Nullifiers at all. Even 20 of them at lvl 120+ can die from her. When i do Lvl 85 Rathuum, i can win there with no abilities activated at all when you equip a strong Melee weapon because she got so much Armor. Valkyr is one of those frame who can deal with most of the content in this game with very low to no use of her abilities (including sorties but it’s not as common in Sorties.) The only place she would have most of her abilities being used is in MoT if you want to fight against high level enemies.

Edited by Shaw1996
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Am 28.3.2018 um 14:27 schrieb (XB1)BigLithuanian:



While you are indeed invulnerable while it is active, there is simply no way to actually avoid death should you get damage, what makes invulnerability AND the attached life steal pointless in the first place and melee life steal defakto better of a strategy. Just let her get damage beyond that and compensate it beyond max health. Aside from orbs there is also simply no way for her to replentish energy while it is active, what has a lotta problems in its own, starting from zenurik and arcanes beein a mandatory up to the unrelyability of the concept (exactly what can you do should you run outa energy in the mids of a fierce battle?). Rage/hunter would prolong hysteria for as long as a battle lasts if nothing else. Energy management would allow different and overall more or less better builds that at least flatten her out with lets say wukong. And a buff attached to the "overdamage" would fit her berserker theme really well since there's simply nothing like a berserker that is limited to ignoring a bit of damage with no benefits attached to it.

A 1 hp mode would change nothing about what she is capable of now but it would indeed give you controll over it so i really don't get what's supposed to be the issue with that.

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The only change i though of about hysteria and this would probably be a bit complicated for DE to program, but Hysteria should reward you more when you take more damage before using it:

if you are at full health, you would only have claws out

600 health, her aura can heal allies, For Solo, Faster Casting time

500 health, her damage increases the more energy she uses

400 health, Invincibility

300 health, she can heal her self

200 health, the range of her claws increases

100 health and lower, her finisher damage with paralysis increases

it won’t be affected by self damage only enemy damage so it’s not exploitable and the buffs that you earned would only happen After a certain amount of damage taken. So it’s more of a Risk dying for a better reward or not and not be as reward. It would fit her style but DE would probably not enter that because it would probably be too complicated for “New Players”.

So, More damage she take, More frustrated she would be.

Edited by Shaw1996
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