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Need A Litle Help Some Advice



So i need help whit desecions about my Graphics card i run smooth whit all MAX setings but when im in heavy fire

whit corpus Fireing lasers etc. my fps drops  so this is what i hef now




so i planing to buy a new Graphics card and im from EU whare i use Euros and im planing to spend 

so what kind graphics card you guyse recomand?

round 300-400 euros between those and + i want physX :/ so 


im not really a pro in PC etc. and sorry for my band english

Edited by Asuraknight
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2 answers to this question

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Im running a MSI GTX 760 2gb frozer  ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127745 ) and game runs like a top ( current us price is around $260.00 )

Main game has been developed more towards the Nvidia side "as stated in the twitter feed videos" but Amd does run fairly smooth so long as you have ample memory on the card.. 1Gb doesnt cut it.



as for suggestions on current card :

dial back the settings down from max a little and game may balance out more, lowering display resolution will help as well


hope it helps

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