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How to keep the spice in Warframe?


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20 hours ago, nickelshark said:

Experiment, experiment and experiment! Variety is the spice of life and of Warframe. Try different builds, and not just ones you find on the internet, but mess around with different things to come up with something new, like my melee ember build. Try revisiting weapons.

Definitely reviewing weapons there were some I just burnt through for mastery fodder.

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21 hours ago, Agentcheese said:

Here's a list of some of the things I like to do.

#1 visit places like the plains of eidolon and take screenshots of it using the HD screenshot option. I would tell you its F6 but you play on PS4 so that wouldn't work.

#2 make platinum. when I get tired of just killing stuff I listen to smooth jazz while sitting in trade chat trying to make platinum. I find it quite relaxing.



#3 challenge myself in the simulacrum. Since I find sorties less of a challenge and more of a lesson at making OP builds I go into the simulacrum sometimes and make my own challenges. One time I went up against the max number of level 30 hellions. I didn't get anything from it but man was that fun.

#4 try to find new and stupid ways to kill enemies. one time I was playing on earth and shot my penta at a grineer. the pellet took his leg out without exploding.

since they I have constantly been on the lookout to find more utterly stupid ways to kill enemies. like playing a really high health frame and gas procing yourself so you can run in like a suicide bomber.

#5. make modern art. I haven't tried this one myself but I've seen other people do it. you just go into your liset or dojo and stick decorations together to make something else.

one person made a jackal using ayatan sculptures. 


#6 make your own games up with your friends in warframe. One idea I've had for a while now is grineer golf. you just load up a captura scene turn the enemy A.I off and smack grineer into whatever you choose to be the hole.  Best part is you don't even need 2 warframe accounts if your friend is physically next to you. just swap turns on the same PC.

#7 start scanning enemies to fill up your simulacrum. Personally I find it pretty fun to just laugh at how terrible the enemy A.I is in this game. they do all kinds of stupid stuff. 

Like grineer commanders putting themselves in horrible situations with their teleport. 

#8 get your own pet. If you don't have a kubrow or kavat yet I highly recommend getting one. they are extremely useful and can basically pay for their own DNA stabilizers if you get the locker opening mod and take them to Jupiter.



#9 speedruning bosses. Again I haven't done this one as I don't like rushing or getting worked up about a time limit. but if you like the idea seening how fast you can down a boss could be pretty fun.

#10 train youself to become an expert with certain weapons. Throwing a kuni to headshot a falling dargyn pilot, one shot killing an enemy with the slam move while upside down in a archwing. those sorts of things. and if you start getting really good at that sort of stuff you could even record yourself and put it on youtube. I know I would watch that.

That's everything I could think of. Also it just felt proper to end the list at #10. Anyway I hope you find something you like from my huge wall of text. And don't worry if you didn't read it all. I don't mind.

Read It all mate. I got a pet already(well 2 but I use Lady L only lol) this was a good list and mastering different weapons while finding new ways to kill enemies/bosses fast is appealing. Thanks again.

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