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Better Use Of Stamina: Phase/dodge/afterimage


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I'd like to suggest we add another attribute to our frames to make them more ninja.


Rather than blocking or rolling as a defensive move, I suggest we allow our Warframes to quickly dodge left or right, back or forward with a dedicated dodge key, or by replacing the current rolling mechanic.


Stamina is consumed during this maneuver and cannot be spammed.  It is not a way to rush through a level, it is a combat oriented offensive/defensive skill.  This could be used to get from cover to cover quickly or out of a mess.  It could also be a stealth action as well to precede an attack or CHAIN attacks depending on level.


This could be an move that would come standard on every frame and be another stat similar to speed and either:


      a.  Enhances with mastery level

      b.  Enhances with Warframe mod points (not level, so the more you forma, the better it gets)

      c.  Enhances with a common mod that has 7 tiers


Additional levels would grant greater speed and shorter cooldown.


The dodge mechanic would look more like a shift or a hover quickly in the direction the player decides and the cooldown is determined by the decided level-up method.  It should be elegant and assassin-like not high energy or visually loud.



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Thoughts? Well, no.

1)Dodging is stupid. Cover is not, but nobody wants it become Gears of Warframe, as they say.

2)Stamina already has it's purpose and not a problem only when you are not using acrobatics (which holds so much speed that Loki could be outruned by Truck Rhino without Rush mode).

3)Assasin's Creed is not about assasins, it's about OMG JUMPING IS COOL, COOL KNIFE, THAT OUTFIT FULL OF SWAG XD. Although it's not Sniper Elite either.

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Thoughts? Well, no.

1)Dodging is stupid. Cover is not, but nobody wants it become Gears of Warframe, as they say.

2)Stamina already has it's purpose and not a problem only when you are not using acrobatics (which holds so much speed that Loki could be outruned by Truck Rhino without Rush mode).

3)Assasin's Creed is not about assasins, it's about OMG JUMPING IS COOL, COOL KNIFE, THAT OUTFIT FULL OF SWAG XD. Although it's not Sniper Elite either.

Cover is stupid, dodging is not. Atleast in warframe.

OP's dodging idea came to my mind today btw. I was rolling and realized how slow and clumsy it is. I'd be super nice if it was replaced with a much faster and further leaping version. Like if you quickly leaped into desired direction and landed with a roll.

Edited by Aure7
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Either way the mechanic right now isn't suited for fast paced gameplay... theres too much awkward moving around and hopping.  I think they motion captured the current rolling animations.  Plus, when your character is maxed out with rush and you can run faster than you roll, it kinda makes it seem pointless.


Shifting or phasing brings about the quicker response that we are looking for from our in-game characters.  

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