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Another Arid Fear Feedback Thread. Pretty Lengthy So Bear With Me.


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Honestly, I'm tired of seeing people complain on the efforts that the DE have made. Do most of you even know what this event was all about to begin with because judging by how many are complaining about the rewards then clearly you don't know what this event was about from the start.


This entire event was about unlocking the settlement. If the mission failed, we would not have Phobos. Sure, the dual stat mod rewards are a nice incentive to get people to start playing but the introduction of it was poor as in most people had no knowledge if whether or not the 100 points they needed to get was only for phase 1 or for all 3 phases which left some people thinking "oh, I missed out on my rewards since phase 1 finished, no point playing now" then finding out later it's for the whole duration of the event.


But those rewards shouldn't have been the incentive for everyone here to play. If you enjoy and love the new map Phobos then you should be thanking everyone who participated in the event in order to make it happen because that was the real goal of the event not @(*()$ grind 100 points then stopping because you want to be a selfish little prick and claim the rewards for yourself and not thinking about the community and edging on in order to help finish the mission. That's how I personally feel every event should be handled like, they should never announce the rewards of the event until the very end or near the very end. That way, this game will be split into two groups.


1. Those who actually play to help the community unlock content.

2. Those who only play for personal rewards and personal gain.


And those who only play for personal gain shouldn't have a chance at the rewards IMO because they don't care about the event itself which most others out there are so full of appreciation for it.


I'm not here trying to say this whole event was absolutely perfect because it wasn't, there were flaws but the main one everyone is complaining about, "The Rewards" that wasn't a flaw. That was a @(*()$ plus, I'd give it a 10/10 for announcing the rewards late because the only reward that everyone should be focusing on is the new map 'Phobos'


The event was split up into 3 different things you had to do which is pretty time consuming actually, it was also way too punishing for solo players. Sure, I'm the type of person who hate people who make arguments based on solo play but this time they were right, you needed 300 runs solo in order to complete the mission which IMO is a lot. I do think that groups in events should be able to accumulate points faster than those of solo play since this game is revolved around co-op play though I also think that it should be reasonable:


For instance, instead of doing 3 different runs in order to accumulate 1 - 5 points depending if you're solo or in a group of four, what they should have done was allowed this to be an alert kind of thing which lasted 2 hours and in those two hours people can queue up via matchmaking in order to get into a party and if you prefered solo, you'd be able to do solo. The alert is repeatable in that 2 hour period and after that two hour period, nobody would be able to do it until the next alert. What this does is, it makes it 3x easier doing it solo as you only need 100 runs now and it would solve most match making and not making it a hassle such as adding someone and waiting for an invite and having your friends list cogged up. You'd get into the game quicker and at the end, there'd be no need for your group to disband you can choose to stay with the same group if you're happy hence everyone has the ability to infinitely grind in those 2 hours. Rinse and repeat, alert finishes and comes back about an hour later, thus giving people breaks inbetween in order to do something else in game such as an endless def mission or boss run or mat farming and it would make both region and recruiting chat not filled up with "LF CV RUN INV PLS"


The timer aspect on it was also a flaw because there are a few people who don't understand that 100% means finished but yes the timer was misleading and it should be looked into. I was hoping though they would have learned from the past event since it finished early that this event would carry on till the very end hence giving people some time to achieve points, it'd be a pretty much win/win for both sides like they did with the FUSION MOA since they allowed people to score 1 kill on it before the event was over and they'd get the rewards but that wasn't the case in this event which was the biggest let down for me because I had hoped they learned. 


Overall, the event was great with minor setbacks that could be more thoroughly tweaked in the near future for the next event. I honestly think they shouldn't announce personal rewards whatsoever until the event is completely over but make it so the actual reward is worth playing for. For example like this event. The personal rewards were the 3 stat mods which sure, gave more people incentive to play but that wasn't the ACTUAL reward of this event. It was Phobos, the grineer settlement. If you make rewards like that, it'll make the community want to play in order to unlock it so everyone has access to it and at the end of the event an announcement should be made saying thanks to all those who participated and helped complete this event and for your efforts, we'll be rewarding you with blah and blah, etc. That's how I honestly think rewards should be handled in the future.


That's it.



- Rant on people complaining about dual stat rewards when the actual reward was the new settlement.

- Flaws of the event.

- A possible tweak that could have made this event better.

- Let down on how the event timer was handled.

- Agreed with how rewards were handled, also they shouldn't be announced until the end of an event.

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I agree with your comments in general, particularly about the shocking disparity between solo and group play but isn't the fact that lots of hardcore clan players collected way in excess of 100 proof that people were playing for more than just the mod rewards?  Obviously we don't have the statistic available but it is perfectly possible that the clan competition would have ensured the event completed without the mod rewards.

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I agree a new planet enemies and weapons were the reward and about the timer we see this every time the time they give us is a deadline in which we have to complete the event if we finish before the deadline good for us that being said it would be nice for those who didn't get 100 points a chance since a lot of people have a lot of leftover keys or at least let us sell the keys or something but about the time this is how they handled the last event so it shouldn't come as a surprise we know how the events work. But I agree wholeheartedly about rewards the only thing I don't like is that our progress would have been really slow without the leeches because as soon as rewards were announced the progress bar shot up real fast but I agree even if we failed and lost phobos for a while without them at least those who actually put time and effort would still be rewarded with the mods

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Agreed. A lot of valid points stated, especially on the misleading timer of the event itself. Rewards as incentives should not be a pushing factor to get people to actually try and contribute to the event.


No offense intended but there are players (including me), who if convinced that there are no rewards, wont bother to even THINK about participating in the event, unless asked by friends/clanmates.


"Convinced" is the keyword. If they dont announce the reward but even if a little doubt lingers that there might be reward I will sure participate, but that too only for the sake of rewards. I really dont care about new tileset or anything, after all they are all same after first 2-3 games. I am already bored of phobos and started rushing in it. In fact, the maps are soo long and annoying, I started liking smooth corpus ships.


My point is, rewards ARE the pushing factor for many players, irrespective of DE announce it or not.


And those who only play for personal gain shouldn't have a chance at the rewards IMO because they don't care about the event itself which most others out there are so full of appreciation for it.


Fortunately for me (and many others) there is no way to determine *reliably and easily* whether a person cares about event or rewards. Dont blame people for being selfish, its human nature. Its just that you want something which is different from what others want.


You will realize it better if event is handled this way, you are given two tasks out of which ONLY ONE can be completed :


1. Pick Choice A : You get rewards immediately, but map will open for you 6 months later.

2. Pick Choice B : Map will unlock immediately, but rewards like Lethal Torrent will be given 6 months later.


You know what choice majority of players gonna pick.. dont you ?

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I stopped playing at 101 Points and here are my reasons (compared to the last event):

- nothing new added to the game, in the last event you had to get these infested devices to corrupt a fuel supply

- no Teamplay needed, this event was a rushfest everyone tried to be as fast through the mission as possible, find the targets, capture them extract and repeat. In the last event you really had to work as a team (e.g. discuss who is taking which corruptor, as there were three different)

- doing same mission over and over again to get materials used in the foundry to craft a key to do a capture mission...

- limited time to ge the materials (sure the alerts were fired pretty often, but there were also spaces between the alerts, where you had to wait for the next alerts...


If there wouldn't be these mods I would have stopped playing the missions at around 20 points I think...


Normally I like these weekend events, but this one just bored me...

There were nothing special about the missions...


First Event we got the moas, nothing had to be crafted and they were included in the normal missions.

Second Event we got the Informers (boring, but at least a new mob and included in the normal missions)

Third Event were these greneer ships, this event was really fun,

- you had to act as a team to be effective

- you could do it with 3 ppl without penaltys

- new mobs and defense mechanic

Fourth Event

- farm this alert

- farm that alert

- built the keys

- farm void

- yes, there was a new mob in, but it was much too similar to the existing ones...


and on Top of that, there seems to be a bug on my end of the connection where every 2nd run all ppl get disconnected and if I reinvited them we all ended up in getting just 1 point...


I don't complain about the reward here, but please make these events more interesting. E.g. by altering the gameplay mechanics.

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No offense intended but there are players (including me), who if convinced that there are no rewards, wont bother to even THINK about participating in the event, unless asked by friends/clanmates.


"Convinced" is the keyword. If they dont announce the reward but even if a little doubt lingers that there might be reward I will sure participate, but that too only for the sake of rewards. I really dont care about new tileset or anything, after all they are all same after first 2-3 games. I am already bored of phobos and started rushing in it. In fact, the maps are soo long and annoying, I started liking smooth corpus ships.


My point is, rewards ARE the pushing factor for many players, irrespective of DE announce it or not.



Fortunately for me (and many others) there is no way to determine *reliably and easily* whether a person cares about event or rewards. Dont blame people for being selfish, its human nature. Its just that you want something which is different from what others want.


You will realize it better if event is handled this way, you are given two tasks out of which ONLY ONE can be completed :


1. Pick Choice A : You get rewards immediately, but map will open for you 6 months later.

2. Pick Choice B : Map will unlock immediately, but rewards like Lethal Torrent will be given 6 months later.


You know what choice majority of players gonna pick.. dont you ?

I can assure you that majority of the people who play this game would pick new tileset > lethal torrent. I for one, would do exactly the same.

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A response to point 1 made by the OP:


I don't care about new maps when core game-play aspects still need to be addressed. If those issues are not resolved then any new maps will suffer the same flaw as their predecessors; no incentive to go back to them once cleared. The biggest flaw with tile sets are that because of the random generation you get a lot of missions that play the same. Rather than using the tiles to create custom maps that play differently on each mission.


Also while I can't speak for everyone, I have other things to do and other games to play, knowing what I get is important as it lets me decide how to manage my time.

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Complete BS. Phobos might not have been unlocked, but even if it weren't all of its assets would have been saved and rolled into something else.


And you know what? If they were really telling truth that they would have just thrown all the code and paid work-hours that went into making Phobos, that's even worse. It would be asinine and monumentally stupid from every single possible perspective for DE to waste their time and money on assets they may or may not use instead of using those resources on fixing core issues such as netcode,  performance, and the stagnating grindfest that is the current player experience.


As it is, these events are already a slap in the face. DE might as well subtitle their game as "Warframe: we'll never polish core gameplay but we WILL make shiny new things to buy in the market"

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I can assure you that majority of the people who play this game would pick new tileset > lethal torrent. I for one, would do exactly the same.


I dont think so. But regardless of what majority will pick, my main point is that what you call "selfishness" is nothing but the fact that another person wants something (mods) which is different from what you want (new tileset). In the end both them and you want something.


Also, if DE has put a lot of time and money into creating a new tileset, they will release it, in some form or the other, irrespective of if we fail the event or not. Its stupid to assume that we would have lost phobos if we had failed in event. DE can be stupid to create imbalance in weapons/frames but not stupid enough to hurt themselves that hard economically.


Also, just for a moment, think of this situation. If event was like this :-

1. At the end every player will get those mods.

2. Only those players who have made 100 points or more will unlock Phobos.


I would have STILL played till 100 points. I want the map to be unlocked, because.. why not ? What I want to say is, its not the players but DE which gave *importance* to mod rewards by making them *LESS* accessible. Everybody knew they will get the map, but they have to work for mods. You really cant blame players to work for something which they might NOT get.

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I dont think so. But regardless of what majority will pick, my main point is that what you call "selfishness" is nothing but the fact that another person wants something (mods) which is different from what you want (new tileset). In the end both them and you want something.


Also, if DE has put a lot of time and money into creating a new tileset, they will release it, in some form or the other, irrespective of if we fail the event or not. Its stupid to assume that we would have lost phobos if we had failed in event. DE can be stupid to create imbalance in weapons/frames but not stupid enough to hurt themselves that hard economically.


Also, just for a moment, think of this situation. If event was like this :-

1. At the end every player will get those mods.

2. Only those players who have made 100 points or more will unlock Phobos.


I would have STILL played till 100 points. I want the map to be unlocked, because.. why not ? What I want to say is, its not the players but DE which gave *importance* to mod rewards by making them *LESS* accessible. Everybody knew they will get the map, but they have to work for mods. You really cant blame players to work for something which they might NOT get.

see if the event was setup like that, half the player base wouldn't be able to go to Phobos right now. (or so it seems)

On the other hand, people would have the lethal torrent mod.

In all honesty it's basically the initial communications failure (no reward for getting more then 1 point and a week to complete it in? no rush then.) followed by the fact that a small percentage doing many runs lock a larger percentage of players out of getting rewards because they complete the event.

The Formorian event not only had things spaced out properly over it's duration, letting both the hardcore and casual people do their thing. Sure some people didn't get full rewards, but it was considerably less and for considerably better reasons then this one.

Sling Stone convinced me that DE was walking the right path on event design even if the ships went down FAST. Now we have Arid Fear and a mess. I think as long as the fundamental lessons of clear communication beforehand and balancing letting people contribute with letting people participate are learned and shown in the next event my friends can settle on not getting Lethal Torrent.

I agree with you, claiming that we wouldn't have Phobos without finishing it (and lets face it, it would have gotten done without the few hyper productive people, clearly.) that DE would waste the effort of making an entirely new tile set is simply illogical.

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OP has addressed all the points that I felt were relevant to how much I enjoyed the event, and brought up several aspects that were outside of my experience, in this event. He also didn't treat me like I was asking you his daughter's virginity, when I suggested that letting the timer continue, after the Scouts were 100% captured.


I'll re-use my projects and deadlines example: If I finish a project early, I can usually expect to receive a bonus, whether it's a monetary incentive, or just more free time because I finished early. That doesn't mean that I can't choose to make my project BETTER with the extra time, because beating a deadline is just an indication that I met the minimum number of completion objectives before an assigned date.


I wanted to do an extra-thorough job of kicking Corpus Scout a$$, and I had the resources (keys) to permit that, and believed I had other resources (time, in 3-ish days left left on the timer) with which to do so, when the event terminated. I'm not asking for anything free, or that I wouldn't be entitled to, I'm asking for the right to input my resources (time) into my project (kicking Corpus Scout a$$),using previously garnered resources (keys), since we completed the minimum number completion objectives ("X" number of Corpus Scouts found, beat up, hog-tied and returned to the Lotus) before the deadline.


Not asking for any virgins, just a little time that was theoretically available.

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