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Having Trouble Thinking Of A Solid Dps Setup



Hey, I just started playing warframe and I'm not sure what direction to head in, is there any weapon that does higher dps than others or is it all dependant on the map and enemies?

Are there warframes that are more suitable to dps than others?

I've been watching people use the hek and I think its a gun I'd like is it still viable in upgrade 9 and whats a good build for it?

Thanks in advance, Krazey.

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Hey, I just started playing warframe and I'm not sure what direction to head in, is there any weapon that does higher dps than others or is it all dependant on the map and enemies?

Are there warframes that are more suitable to dps than others?

I've been watching people use the hek and I think its a gun I'd like is it still viable in upgrade 9 and whats a good build for it?

Thanks in advance, Krazey.

Hey and welcome to warframe. I'd suggest you make a search on the forums as all these questions have been asked MANY times ; )

Edited by FunkDoctaSpock
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Not sure about the HEK any more I haven't used it for a while. I still see a lot of people with it so I'd venture to say it's pretty solid still. As for sidearms...definitely go Kunai/Despair (throwing knives) or Akbolto if you want flat out solid and reliable DPS whether it be early/middle/end game.

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