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Sentinel Build



want to ask some advise from community

Maxed Guardian on both shade and death cube. allso give thame some shields. Im aiming mainly on supportive build.

What skills/mods are most important and what are better whan left unequipped?

Edited by Argentus
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3 answers to this question

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For the sentinel itself? If it's dead, it cant support you. Shield and vitality mods as high as you can get them are a must.


Honestly, you can equip all of the sentinel mods, maxed out(including sanctuary), with only 2 forma'd D-polarities. Simply put redirection and steel fiber in the polarity slots and you can max everything.


If forma is a major concern of yours, you can ignore steel fiber as its value currently can't be quantified, and as long as shields are up it wont benefit the sentinel.


All I ever fuse into my sentinel's mods are duplicates of themselves and other sentinel mods which are already maxed.

Edited by AureusVulpes
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and what about leveling skills like Vaporize, Swift Deth, Revende. Does it makes a differance.

I can only speak on behalf of the dethcube on this. I find it worth it to level up vaporize but not Swift Deth other than one maybe two ranks, all ranking up swift Deth does is give it more range, and its not all that accurate, so at long range it can't even hit what its shooting at.....

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