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More detailed UI info ingame akin to Harrow / Saryn


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With abilities such as Strangledome (Khora), Tentacle Swarm (Hydroid) or Everythingshedoes (Octavia), that are not necessarily enough to kill enemies and might require attention, it would be nice to see a little bit more information akin to how Harrow displays energy gained, damaged avoided or health restored, or how Saryn displays the damage caused.

This could be easily implemented and would not require a significant amount of design (re-)work, would make frames feel more diverse in regards to their UI and would have the added benefit of teaching beginners of a frame (or the game as a whole) what is important.

There is a variety of options on how this could be displayed for various frames. I've included a few examples below, though I'm certain someone that played the game more than five months would be able to add dozens:

  • Nekros (simple): A more visible Desecrate, counting the pilfered bodies, making it more obvious when the ability is down.
  • Nekros (complex): A list of all summoned minions with health, allowing the player to see whether it would be good to restore health with a resummon and keep the current units.
  • Octavia (simple): A counter displaying enemies currently affected by Mallet/Resonator.
  • Hydroid / Khora (simple): A counter displaying enemies held/submerged/strangledinanonsexualway. Letting the player know their 'trap' caught something.
  • Ash (simple): Counter of currently active targets for Blade Storm.
  • Chroma (complex): To give you an idea on where this could lead with more design work, and yes, this is pushing it for the sake of throwing a silly design idea into the room. Imagine a cutesy little display of Chroma's shell, possibly 8-bit as a 'dragon in fantasy game' recall, showing when he attacks or not. Switching to a 'sleeping' dragon after 5 seconds of inactivity. If ideas such as this would be implemented, a switch to turn additional in-game information from graphical to simple would be suggested.

As you can see the ideas are endless and while helping with the visual appeal of the game, the effect would also be the diversification and being able to draw attention to important aspects of a frame's play-styles.

Stay awesome DE and long live the queen.

Edited by WarpCow
clarification on Chroma
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Actually would be nice. Some of the information is displayed is logged as "exponents" on the ability in the bottom corner, or above on the buff. I get where your coming from though, and would be a nice QOL thing.

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