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Ash Upgrade Bug



Hey guys,

Been loving the game so far. It's honestly one of the best games I've played in a long time, but I've run into a bug. Now I know everything is still in beta, so I'm not expecting a completely issue-free experience, but I was wondering if anyone else ran into this.

I placed a skill point on Ash's tree that should have enabled "Teleport" for him. As I was doing this, a level countdown was beginning. I quickly placed the point and then hit apply. When the level loaded, I noticed he didn't have the skill. I assumed it just didn't register because the level was starting, but after leaving and even resetting the game, I don't have the skill. The square is highlighted and it won't let me put another point into it, so I know that I placed it.

Has anyone run into this issue thusfar and if so, how did you correct it?

Edited by Khelric
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