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So i know that ninjas are not known for grenades, but might still be cool to have as an option, even if they were really expensive. sometimes a grenade is just what i need to soften that huge group of baddies right in front of me.

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Actually, traditional Japanese ninjas were often known for using grenade-like weaponry. But yeah, either way, I'd love to see such a feature added. Lords knows it'd feel mighty fine to toss one back at a group of those bloody Grineer lancers.

This would also open up additional functionality in the form of flashbangs and smoke bombs, as well as poison grenades and incendiaries. In fact, both EMP (electric) and cryo (freeze) grenades are also likely doable. Just add nail bombs (arm. piercing) and you've got every damage type covered.

Edited by Asbyn
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Actually, traditional Japanese ninjas were often known for using grenade-like weaponry. But yeah, either way, I'd love to see such a feature added. Lords knows it'd feel mighty fine to toss one back at a group of those bloody Grineer lancers.

This would also open up additional functionality in the form of flashbangs and smoke bombs, as well as poison grenades and incendiaries. In fact, both EMP (electric) and cryo (freeze) grenades are also likely doable. Just add nail bombs (arm. piercing) and you've got every damage type covered.

Flash bangs and smoke bombs would probably ruin the functionality of both Radial Blind and Ash's Smoke Screen though. Incendiaries are already covered by Ember. EMP seems to be Volt's overload, and cryo is Frost's role. Not only that, but the Bolto family covers the nails and armor piercing, and the electric, ice, and fire mods also fall in for the other slots. I know that they aren't aoe like grenades are, but with the weapons being the way they are combined with the mobility and abilities of warframes, they really don't have to be.

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Actually, traditional Japanese ninjas were often known for using grenade-like weaponry. But yeah, either way, I'd love to see such a feature added. Lords knows it'd feel mighty fine to toss one back at a group of those bloody Grineer lancers.

This would also open up additional functionality in the form of flashbangs and smoke bombs, as well as poison grenades and incendiaries. In fact, both EMP (electric) and cryo (freeze) grenades are also likely doable. Just add nail bombs (arm. piercing) and you've got every damage type covered.

They could put them not for sale but blue prints, i think it would be great.
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Generally the player is the grenade.


Actually, traditional Japanese ninjas were often known for using grenade-like weaponry. But yeah, either way, I'd love to see such a feature added. Lords knows it'd feel mighty fine to toss one back at a group of those bloody Grineer lancers.

This would also open up additional functionality in the form of flashbangs and smoke bombs, as well as poison grenades and incendiaries. In fact, both EMP (electric) and cryo (freeze) grenades are also likely doable. Just add nail bombs (arm. piercing) and you've got every damage type covered.

As long as they weren't super strong soas to completely nullify the powers of certain warframes, I support this suggestion. Additionally, it'd allow a solo warframe to have a few extra surprises and deal with crowds it may not be optinum against (a Volt or Ember vs Grineer could use the Armor Piercers for example)

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it would certainly make solo'ing a little more plazable on some levels. and some of the frames don't have aoe like others do.

I think blue prints are a little far, but maybe a good idea. making them really expensive would keep them balanced.

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Ninja's didnt use fragmentation grenades, this is true. But they did use smoke bombs, vials that would create gas clouds/slippery floors, bags of caltrops, and other expendable objects (like traps!) that could fit neatly into the "grenade" category. Thrown/dropped/placed expendable items that were situationally useful might not be a bad idea.

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that would be nice to have grenades in the game...instead of rifles for example...

Lex forever...

untill they release a revolver...

or that...its your choice :D then they should make it as unspecified weapon that you could as what you want...instead of rifle or pistols or maybe melee ?
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Every time I see the word grenade I remember the damn enemies throwing it in my face from two feet away with a half second timer. Or that damn Greneer who threw it at me behind his back, also from two feet away.

So yes, +infinite to this suggestion, I really want to blow every one of these &%$#$%" to "%$(&$ hell.

And for christ's sake why do we always say "ninjas didn't use this", they didn't use Gorgon neither but guess what, they evolved :D

So mines, grenades and stuff like that are perfectly normal in this context.

Edited by DreamerNeon
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so the idea of the grenades would be to give aoe to frames that do not have it. If they are medium damage and high cost. maybe 5k+ credits and only one per consumable slot. This would ensure that the aoe frames still have the most bang for the buck and no one could spam them even if they dropped 100k on them since they can only carry 8. (I am hoping that I can eventually buy more consumable slots).

Making them replace the side arm would be another aproch, but make sure you are not going to be carrying data termanals. then i can see them being low damage and refillable. Maybe a handheld nade launcher?

Although I like the idea of sneaky ninjas until the final strike, it is very rare that the game lends to stealth especially with the shields. This game is NOT about stealth (i wish it were more of an option). LMG's, Magnums (Lex) and High powered sniper rifles at point blank end all the stealth in the world. As DE expressed, Wardframe is about a small elite group of ninjas vs. an army. When fighting an army, AOE! Grenades = AOE! It is not about being super sneeky.

Edited by Juper0
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