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FPS Changes on different times


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Hi warframe,

(sorry for my bad english)

So im experiencing some FPS drops on different locations last weeks in the game. First my specs: iiyama 144hz monitor, 750watt powersupply, I7 6700k, Gforce 970 gtx, 16GB Ram , Warframe on HDD 2TB space 200 mbps Download speed. Upload speed = 20mbps

Drivers are updated for : nvidia , adobe products , java. windows and the game ofcourse.

Everything is ticked in the warframe launcher except for Fullscreen. I have done the optimize and verifiy in the launcher too. Game DVR and xbox is off.

Nvidia configurationscreen is optimized (use 3d settings) 

Everything in the game is set to low except for these things and character shadows and gore is disabled.





So when i set it to 144 max frame and i go on a mission ill take helene as example because it does not matter in my experience it goes until 130 fps maybe 128.. and it starts normal but when the enemys start spawning the more time i play the lower the fps go. So from 130 it goes to 100 and it hangs arround there with fps spikes. Sometimes it goes back to 130 other times it goes back to 90 and even sometimes it goes down to 60 and back to w/e it wants. I have no idea why and i would like to know. I do know that in my gaming experience if stuff stays to long on maps the game starts laggins as hell. For example in Rust there was an exploit or bug that if you would craft 1000 pages to make a map the whole server will go full 20fps mode and nobody would know it but you because you would have done this in your "base". But here in Warframe i do not see people spawn in stuff or anything. So im guessing some stuff is staying behind in the map or idk something is wrong. And also the Setting "144 max frame rate" Is bugged? because when i set it to 200 max frame rate my fps goes up to 180 (not steady) but it sticks arround that number. But when i lower it to 144 it goes to 130 and below.. So im not sure if this is ok.

When i set it to 200 max frame rate the same thing happends it goes from 180 fps to lower and it even can go to 100 fps because of the stuff staying behind or i dont know whats wrong.

In the plains of eidolon its the same thing.. i start with 130 fps and i end up with 90/100 i do not know how or why but i was farming today (this is what made me make this post) in the plains of eidolon and i was answering a friend so i stopped but there was some enemys in front of me attacking me.. So i killed them before talking to my friend in clan chat and the stuff that they drop start piling up arround me because i was full and i could not pick it up so i was like oke..and when i was done chatting i looked at my fps and it was 80.. like wtf 😄 hahahah so yea that made me write this post because when i started out (4.5 months ago) the fps was stable and i had no problems. Its just for the last past weeks that im having these troubles and i thought it was in infested missions only but its everywhere. 

If you have any questions just ask me and ill try to answer as fast as i can 

Thanks for reading and all your hard work. I love you all

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Hi warframe,

(sorry for my bad english)

Today i noticed it again that my fps is going down for some reason. I made a small video to show you guys whats up.

So i started out at 135 fps (it goes 1 down somethimes 2 up 1 down etc) but you cant see it because i started obs like 20 seconds after it was going down.. and right before i wanted to leave cetus it started to do it thing again. So i looked arround and i saw tenno brothers do stuff far in the back from cetus and i was like wtf is going with my fps ? so i went closer and the fps started to go up.. but not to the correct number. so i killed some pick up some loot and left the scene again and it didnt really fix it.. but it showed that my fps is going down and up after entering and leaving the scene so there must be something with ragdolls or the stuff that they drop or maybe its the guns they shoot idk its something in the game. But this is what also occures to me in normal missions with allot of enemys.

Have a great day Warframe and thanks for all your hard work. I Love you all


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