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[Established for 5-Year] Gryphus Tech | Very Active | Rank 10 | 950+ members | RIP Daily Raids | Numerous Clan Events | Organized Administration | Website & Emblem | Active Discord | Discord Mandatory


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hello guys i'm rizapezz and I would like to join you, i play Saryn and after I play Frost (my first warframe is MAG lvl 30) 



can i join pls my clans to small only has 2 thats adding me and its a terble place or dojo sucks and well can i pls join

invites sent welcome to the clan!

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I've decided to join your clan above the others :D


IGN:  eXodiumx


Look forward to hearing from you guys!

your invite has been accepted my brother. welcome to the clan. as tenno we must stay strong in numbers to survive this greneer invasion and now you have joined the fight. welcome

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