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[Established for 5-Year] Gryphus Tech | Very Active | Rank 10 | 950+ members | RIP Daily Raids | Numerous Clan Events | Organized Administration | Website & Emblem | Active Discord | Discord Mandatory


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Hopefully you guys are still accepting/looking at this thread, but I'd like to join


IGN: CthulhuTheCondom


Thanks in advance


Hey just finished reading about GTC and would like to apply, I'm a closed beta tester for warframe " that really means very little seeing how they changed everything lol"


IGN: TheFalseGod


Fixed my pending invite issue.



Welcome to the clan! Be sure to check out the clan's website as well! http://gryphustech.enjin.com


See you in game!

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I would like an invite to this clan. Interests me.

Rank 30 Frost...


Hope to hear back!


send me invite plox

Unfortunately, I'm unable to invite you at this time as you're either in a clan or have a pending clan request. Please Try Again.

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was wondering i i could join please?





I'd like to join please.


IGN: IntrepidIO



Hi, I would like to join, my ign is feng249.


Welcome to the clan check your clan contacts in 5-10 minutes for the invite thank you

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What are dreams.

Are they figures of imagination or a different world.

A land of make believe or a reality yet to be found.

If we wish hard enough, fight long enough are dream of salvation may come true.

A dream of a better world.

One without war and turmoil.

One were we live in peace with others,

And not have to hide in the shadows.

But until then anyone that opposes us, opposes this dream shall fall.


We are G.T.C and we are Tenno

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