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[Established for 5-Year] Gryphus Tech | Very Active | Rank 10 | 950+ members | RIP Daily Raids | Numerous Clan Events | Organized Administration | Website & Emblem | Active Discord | Discord Mandatory


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Same bug as Z-Sync "*8" Error. Maybe DE will fix it soon, until then...




I waited a bit, played a mission, and now I'm back in the clan...?


must be a server issue on DE's side. False alarm, lol

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This might be a silly question but does region matter? Always puzzles me that a lot of clans simply don't state a prefered or required region for players, if the majority of players are on one continent people wanting to join from other contients might have a bad time since the time they're free to play would differ from most of the rest.


Anyway if you don't mind western europeans my IGN is KriLL3 and I'd like to join

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Hey I'd love an invite, not a lot of friends who play this game so it'd be nice to have some people for once.

IGN: CorpseJack



Hello, can i join too? ^.^

IGN: ErickRoyale

Arigato Gozaimasu o/



Hey id like to join! can you add me, my IGN is Ackille

your invites have been sent, welcome to the clan
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This might be a silly question but does region matter? Always puzzles me that a lot of clans simply don't state a prefered or required region for players, if the majority of players are on one continent people wanting to join from other contients might have a bad time since the time they're free to play would differ from most of the rest.


Anyway if you don't mind western europeans my IGN is KriLL3 and I'd like to join



Holla, relatively new player lookin to branch out a little bit and start farmin a little harder.


IGN: Faen12

as it is right now i can not invite you, i receive an error of "**"
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The1tFact0r, on 07 Jun 2013 - 9:41 PM, said:

I was running a void then my game crashed logged back in and im not in the clan anymore, would appreciate a invite back if this is a glich.

invite sent, hope that helps
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