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[Established for 5-Year] Gryphus Tech | Very Active | Rank 10 | 950+ members | RIP Daily Raids | Numerous Clan Events | Organized Administration | Website & Emblem | Active Discord | Discord Mandatory


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             I have heard your clan is fun and exciting. My friends told me about you guys. I was wondering if I could join your clan and further spread the word of the clan if need be. My in game name is Ralickus . Thank you for your time.

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Hi, I'd like to join your clan! My main priority in joining is assistance in building the dojo and working towards new research goods as soon as they become implemented. Seeing as how I have a small number of friends who actively play, and our personal clan was disbanded by its founder from lack of use (other than by me and the founder's brother), I am seeking a new clan to become active in. I do believe I would be able to contribute something to the clan, however insignificant! My IGN is HeavenBot.

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Hey, I was in a mission and my game refreshed randomly, upon finishing the mission I am no longer in the clan.


I did not have any disputes, didn't scream in capslock on the chat or anything, thus I find this to be a mistake/bug.



Edited by ALEXALEX303
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Hey, I was in a mission and my game refreshed randomly, upon finishing the mission I am no longer in the clan.


I did not have any disputes, didn't scream in capslock on the chat or anything, thus I find this to be a mistake/bug.



it's a bug that's been bugging the clan and has been kicking alot of players, normally a error would pop but I'll try inviting you back.

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