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[Established for 5-Year] Gryphus Tech | Very Active | Rank 10 | 950+ members | RIP Daily Raids | Numerous Clan Events | Organized Administration | Website & Emblem | Active Discord | Discord Mandatory


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I've tried firefox, chrome and IE. Still the same problem, I type the captcha and it refreshes the page.

EDIT: Fixed it, the problem is the password, when I tried to register normally (not through the member application but by clicking register in top left) it says "Password must contain at least 1 number and an uppercase letter.", however it doesn't say that when registering through membership application, it just says 8 chars minimum and lets you continue. Changed the password and it worked.


Sorry there were so many issues. You've been invited in any case so welcome to the clan!


Just sent the application to your site. 

Hoping to hear from you guys. 


Site username: henrique_lx

IGN: Pontiacus


Your invite has been sent! Welcome :D


Hi their ;) ..i submitted an application :D


 Site username: Sam_M

 In game name: Venern




Invite sent :] Welcome to GTC!


Moment ago sent application. I wish I have chances to get in ur clan

IGN ReidoraneD


Welcome to the clan! Your invite has been sent :]


I registered on the site and would like an invite to the clan. 


IGN: Brikka_Brakka


It seems that you are either in a clan or have pending invites. Leave your clan or clear the invites before we can send you one :]



P.S. For all new recruits you may choose a unit to join here: http://gryphustech.enjin.com/forum/m/9989382/viewthread/11590153-units-list/page/1

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I would love to be on one of your parties!  Requesting for an invite :)


PS: It seems that the last step keeps redirecting me to "questions relating to warframe information" everytime. Tried it several times, two different browsers and in incognito mode and still the same thing. :(

Edited by Weifftee
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This seems promising...

Registered to your website, let's see if I can be of any help in your clan !


Ig : BandalfLeGland


You've been sent an invite :] Welcome to the clan!


I registered on the site and would like an invite to the clan. ty

IGN: M4y3m


I don't see your application o.o May I know the username you used?


recruit me pls NaigX.me good and active and want to have clan :D been before in other clans


Try sending an application first: http://gryphustech.enjin.com/memberapp :]


I would love to be on one of your parties!  Requesting for an invite :)


PS: It seems that the last step keeps redirecting me to "questions relating to warframe information" everytime. Tried it several times, two different browsers and in incognito mode and still the same thing. :(


Maybe you ticked something wrong in one of the previous questions? Can you walk me through what you did?

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Invited :] Welcome to GTC!


I hope to have fun :D


Try sending in an application then :P http://gryphustech.enjin.com/memberapp


Hey hope im doing this right, this is a request from your recruitment site.


IGN: ImmotalMatrix


I don't see your application o.o What is the username you used on our clan website?


Would love to join

My IGN is MrMothaTrucka

applying now as per request from recruitment site



An invite has been sent your way :D Welcome to the clan!

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Maybe you ticked something wrong in one of the previous questions? Can you walk me through what you did?


I filled up the application form several times leaving no questions blank but still stuck at the 'star conflict please skip this page with captcha'. Whenever I enter the two words and click register now it keeps going back and I'm sure I am doing them correctly. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. 

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ImmortalMatrix, on 30 Mar 2014 - 09:54 AM, said:snapback.png

Hey hope im doing this right, this is a request from your recruitment site.


IGN: ImmotalMatrix


I don't see your application o.o What is the username you used on our clan website?


My username on your website is just Matrix. It might not have gone through because i had a problem with the catchment code where you have to type out random letters to see if your 'human'. Every time i did this nothing would happen, i tried at least 20 times not sure what to do, i can try again if you want.

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It seems that the captchas may indeed be a issue, I don't think that bots are much of a problem anymore with applications this long. I'll try to deactivate it.

I believe the error is user error, to fill out an application people need to register to the clan site before filling out the application or will be stuck at the captcha. tested this myself

Edited by ThatOldRedNeck
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I believe the error is user error, to fill out an application people need to register to the clan site before filling out the application or will be stuck at the captcha. tested this myself


o.o Good point. I'll tell everyone who failed at the last step to do what you did the next time :] Thanks!


I've cleared my pending invitations and can now receive a clan invite. sorry for the mix up.


IGN: Brikka_Brakka 


You'll have to reply back on your application here: http://gryphustech.enjin.com/dashboard/applications/detail/id/4326550 Sorry I can't invite you though. Busy with work atm.



I reapplied worked this time. must have done something wrong.. ooops

I used my first original post as the link in the application.

Posted Yesterday, 02:54 AM

Hey hope im doing this right, this is a request from your recruitment site.


IGN: ImmotalMatrix



You didn't fill in the application lol. Try sending another one :p Just in case you want to review your application: http://gryphustech.enjin.com/dashboard/applications/detail/id/4346681

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