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[Established for 5-Year] Gryphus Tech | Very Active | Rank 10 | 950+ members | RIP Daily Raids | Numerous Clan Events | Organized Administration | Website & Emblem | Active Discord | Discord Mandatory


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Mastery rank: Gold Initiate (3)

Why you want to join:
I want to be part of a clan that is semi-casual, but also gets things done. 




Edited by Ram9bo
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In-Game name: SkullFox

Type of Player: Semi-Hardcore

Mastery Rank: 10

Why you want to join: Wanting to be part of a clan that's pretty active, has members who are friendly, and like to have a good time.(Last clan seemed to be dying out) 

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Hey man! This clan looks really cool! Could I join?

In-Game name: s0mnia

Type of player (Casual/Semi-hardcore/Hardcore): Semi-Hardcore

Mastery rank: 4

Why you want to join: Looking for a cooperative and fun community to play with.

Edited by s0mnia
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