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[Established for 5-Year] Gryphus Tech | Very Active | Rank 10 | 950+ members | RIP Daily Raids | Numerous Clan Events | Organized Administration | Website & Emblem | Active Discord | Discord Mandatory


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Do you guys still have room?


I'm rank 11, have virtually all the frames (building hydroid, need rhino prime, though I have his vanilla form), a ton of prime stuff and enough weapons to start an arms dealership.


I recently lost my clan, as it collapsed after it was pushed out of its alliance.


IGN: Tonyfoot (as seen in forum ID)


I'm very experienced, and have been around since U7. I know all the tricks and manoeuvres, and have played for clans which have taken top-10 in quite a few events, scoring quite high myself.

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So i'm coming back from retirement after 6 months. Mind if I join back the clan? IGN: Ginyama. I was a member of the clan for a year now. And I do miss my friends in the GTC community.

Edited by Ginyama
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Hello! I currently am looking for a large guild to play with. I was hopping that I could join your guild. I'm getting really into the game and have been play for quite some time. I'd like to join this guild and help you guys. Thanks!

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So i'm coming back from retirement after 6 months. Mind if I join back the clan? IGN: Ginyama. I was a member of the clan for a year now. And I do miss my friends in the GTC community.





     I have been looking for a clan to join & I play a lot of warframe, my IGN: CyberHound.  I hope you consider inviting me.



Hello! I currently am looking for a large guild to play with. I was hopping that I could join your guild. I'm getting really into the game and have been play for quite some time. I'd like to join this guild and help you guys. Thanks!


Already in a clan.

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Hello Sir,


My IGN is: Fearless_Shadow


Reason why I want to join: I want to be in a part of a cooperative and friendly community where I can help others on their missions                                           and help me on my missions.It would be an honor to be part of a prestigious clan such as this. :D


                                          If I were to be accepted in this clan then I will do my best to help the clan :)


I've already registered on your website and I am looking forward on playing with everyone. ^_^

Edited by Fearless_Shadow
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Hey, my ingame name is 'NalleBob'

I recently found warframe, but I have a long history of online playing in various games. I was referred to your clan by a finnish member of yours, who warmly invited me to join, if the clan was still recruiting new members.


I have been both hardcore and casual gamer in the past, depending usually on the level of social interaction and level of fun.

For now I can definitely say that I have enjoyed playing the game, and am just getting started.



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