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[Established for 5-Year] Gryphus Tech | Very Active | Rank 10 | 950+ members | RIP Daily Raids | Numerous Clan Events | Organized Administration | Website & Emblem | Active Discord | Discord Mandatory


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Ingame name: Jonaxan


Reason for wanting to join:  I'm a new player who is looking to get the most out of this game.  I plan to play actively in the next few months and want to be part of the ingame community.

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in-game name: tibits


why i want to join: i'd like to be in a large active clan where i can easily join other clan members for coop and other events



Sounds great. I would like to join.


IGN: Hero-The-Hero


Reason To Join: For a while now I've been searching for a big clan with a lot of friendly people in it. I've seen a lot of good clans but out of all of them this one feels more, welcoming and caring. Just by looking at them map at the dojo I can say that it's more organised. A lot easier to find your way and that's what I like, to me that's an indication of a clan that is helpful to other people.


I'd hope to join this wonderful clan and I will be able to contribute as much as I can to it.


Thank you for reading.


I've also registered on your website.


User Name: Hero-The-Hero


Have a nice day :)



hi could I join your clan please


reason I want to join I want to find a nice big clan to join and play with


my IGN is crimsonKNIGHT5


I sigh up on the website now




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In-Game name: FlashSpank

Why you want to join: I been trying to lead my own Dojo, but its hard and i gave up :P so now i want to just follow for awhile :) ty for answer :D


You are all already in clans. If you still would like to join us, leave your current clan and request another invite.


As for the rest of you, invites sent, Welcome to GTC =) Sorry for the wait.

Edited by Sol7kjr
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In-Game Username: 10doElite

Why id like to join Gryphus Tech Corporation: I have really stretched my boundries in the game and took part in building a clan while aiding new players. Now im looking for a bigger challenge and to be involved in bigger movements. I am a very active gamer who plays everyday and strives for the best. I have been playing warframe for only 2 & 1/2 months and currently I am in rank 8. It would be an honor to be given an opportunity to Tenno in this great clan.



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I want to join because I'm in deep need of an amazing clan.I've played this game since update 5 and so far everyone I've dealt with has either sucked or long left.

User already in clan.


Sent invites to the rest of ya, Welcome :)

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In-Game Name: FrostXeno

Type of player: semi-hardcore

Mastery Rank: 11

Reason to Join: Long time player, around last easter, but many friends no longer play or very inactive.


IGN: kakii


Rank 8, hardcore player


Very active player (playing everyday)


Reason to join: Find an active clan and have fun together.

User already in a Clan

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In Game Name: Ashabel

Why I want to join: My current clan is going from casual to hardcore, and I figure that if i'm going hardcore anyways I may as well be in a competative clan.


Mastery: 12 going onto 13 (Once I pass that darn test)

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I'm very active on warframe, but it's tedious finding people to play with...I'd like to gather as many dual stat mods as possible, so nightmare mode...but no one plays nightmare mode ingame. I've been in two small clans, but neither had active members who wanted to play often...I got tired of it. This is a huge clan, so hopefully I won't have that problem. And hopefully teamspeak/mumble? Or at least people who are willing to talk/coordinate.

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In Game Name: Ashabel

Why I want to join: My current clan is going from casual to hardcore, and I figure that if i'm going hardcore anyways I may as well be in a competative clan.


Mastery: 12 going onto 13 (Once I pass that darn test)






I'm very active on warframe, but it's tedious finding people to play with...I'd like to gather as many dual stat mods as possible, so nightmare mode...but no one plays nightmare mode ingame. I've been in two small clans, but neither had active members who wanted to play often...I got tired of it. This is a huge clan, so hopefully I won't have that problem. And hopefully teamspeak/mumble? Or at least people who are willing to talk/coordinate.


User Already In Clan

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A few weeks ago, the clan I had joined died of inactivity and a large majority left, because of this, I have found it hard to go on missions like the void and Derelicts. I want to join so I can play through these again with people by my side if I fall.

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