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[Established for 5-Year] Gryphus Tech | Very Active | Rank 10 | 950+ members | RIP Daily Raids | Numerous Clan Events | Organized Administration | Website & Emblem | Active Discord | Discord Mandatory


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Sup. IGN: RustyBoots. I don't have teamspeak (not that I really raid anyhow) and sometimes go inactive for long periods of time due to playing other games, and/or just irl things to deal with, but I always come back and play for a while, do what I can, etc, etc. Im friendly enough, and don't mind helping others here and there. Problem for me is trying to find a clan that I can stick in even when I go inactive, so when I come back, I'm back to playing with old pals, and will have help catching back up. If the first two issues are no big deal, than sign me up!

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Gryphus Tech is a clan that has persisted time and remained on Warframe for 2 years, since Update 6. We have strived to make the clan a welcoming place for all members. We want our clan to be more than a place to get researched items but a place to socialize and work together towards a common goal.


Clan Website: http://gryphustech.com/

Clan Rules: http://gryphustech.com/rules

Clan Events/Missions: http://gryphustech.com/events

Teamspeak 3 Address:




-Events (i.e. Dojo Parties)

-Recurring Events (i.e. Daily Raids, Daily Missions, etc...) organized by Commanders. (Still looking for more Commanders)

-Organized Rank System

-Easy possibility to rank up (Organizing recurring events grants the Commander rank)

-Active Teamspeak 3 Server




Stay active, respect all clan rules, be a minimum of MR5.



How to join?


Reply to this thread with your IGN (In-Game Name) as well as your Mastery Rank. We'll invite you ASAP.



Clan Ranks



Remains the person that manages the entirety of the clan. Does not have any specializations.



They will be put in charge of managing Officers. They will moderate the actions of the Officers and will assure that they execute their role in the clan correctly. They also won't have any specializations.



They will each have different specializations. There will be a specific number of Officers required for each role, they will not execute other roles than the one assigned to them.



They will organize different recurrent events such as daily/weekly raids or missions. They will set the rules and requirements in their missions. They have absolute authority in their squad. They may be moderated to fit the guidelines of the clan.


**Looking for more Commanders**


Apply for this rank here: http://gryphustech.com/commander-application/



Will be used in a clan democracy system.



Member who performed exceptionally in events and have gone beyond the minimum for the clan.



The regular member in the clan.



Punished member. Someone who has broken rules.


IGN: appleframe2014,  

Mastery rank: 8( in 3 days planning to be 9)

I hope this Post is not outdated :D

IDK what happen  with me copying the whole thing.I`m new to forums

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1. Shadoca

2. 9

3. Our Fathers War

4. I really want to be able to do the raids in Warframe, and lately I've gotten more and more active in the game, so I figured I might as well get to know more people in it as well. I liked your logo, and the fact that you seem to organize things properly (at least according to your first post). Hope to meet you all soon!

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1. Resolus

2. 11

3. Our Fathers War

4. I'm sick of my current clan due to the leadership basically turning it in to his private egocentric palace, which I helped build from scratch. That, and your clan looks like it has a really strong sense of community with the events you hold and the fact you've got so many screenshots of people just hanging about in the dojo. It'd be nice to be a part of that. Warframe has been a largely solo experience for me so far.


Edit: I'd also like to run some more raids. That's always a plus.

Edited by Resolus
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1. Ultimatumcore


2. MR 15

3. Lunar Allegiance, A few small, nameless moon clans full of dead accounts.

4. Generally, I was in Lunar Allegiance for quite a while, they had a bangin' community and were pretty active, not to mention willing to teach and willing to learn, on the off chance I knew something they didn't. So that's what I'm looking for now, a big dream I always had was a unified clan, that could teach me even more, I just hope there's more to learn. As for why I left, they play nothing but Ark of Survival and World of Tanks in Lunar Allegiance, and that's been pretty much it for a while. I left a few recent clans I've entered because I entered under the pretense that they were active and had TeamSpeak, and was apparently lied to. I hope that's sufficient, if an actual record is required I bet I could dig around and find them.

My Bad, didn't see the extra template.




Rebump of my application because I edited it when seeing the other requirements. My bad, and, I have applied on the website.

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3.Eternal Shinobi

4.My priority of selecting a honorable clan is that clan members are active and helpful. I always chat and ask for help on the previous clan channel but there is hardly anyone who can respond and help me. I reckon that this will be an active clan so I want to join this big family. Plus, I can do raid with the clan members because it is a nightware to recruit 7 teammates with high skills. I hope that I will be able to complete it with your clan members' help. I hope you will consider me. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In-Game name: DarkMutant.

Type of player (Casual/Semi-hardcore/Hardcore): Hardcore.

Mastery rank: 16 entering 17

Clan history: I was on Lag Wave 50 and that other clan in ORION that started with "Blood".

Why you want to join: I'm fishing for some clans with experienced players that do alot of hardcore stuff like 4 man raid and wave 80 defences. So I thought this clan might be perfect.


I have also read all the rules and I accept all of them.


I have also done an account of your forums.

Edited by DarkMutant
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Hi, im interested in joining. I'm MR 6. and my IGN is CFireOnline the main reason i want to join a clan is to be more involved with the warframe community aswell as learn from more experienced players. The reason i chose to apply to Gryphus is because 1. your colour scheme in the banner is my favourite (black and red) and 2. non toxic players is a huge plus

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TEMPLATE (modified)

In-Game name: SierraRomeo

Type of player (Casual/Semi-hardcore/Hardcore): Semi-Hardcore

Mastery rank: 10

Why you want to join: Been looking for a more supportive clan than I have been in ebfore. I was in Space Shark for a while but the atmosphere just didn't feel right. 

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1. Deekhare

2. MR5

3. The Divine Primes

4. Well first off , The Divine Primes really only has about 1-5 people online almost all of the time. So I'm looking for a more active guild and some peeps to play warframe with. Secondly, I noticed that you actually post the structure of your raids and actual videos in your guild recruitment post, something that other guild recruitment posts don't have, or offer very little information about. As a returning player ( I quit around a year and a half ago ) I was interested in raids , so seeing a guild that would organize parties to actively clear these really enticed me.

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1. IGN: spondbob

2. MR: 10

3. Previous clan: Ozunu

4. Reason: I'd like to join raid games and your clan has clear structure for forming a team. Looks friendly, laid back, and have most active players. And cool emblem :p Myself an active player and willing to contribute and helping clan mates. Looking forward to join the clan!

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  • 2 weeks later...

IGN: Spicy.

MR: 13

Previous Clan: shiroi hasu

Reason for Joining: I am the only one active in my current Clan or atleast that's what i see when i log in and check the dojo... So i'd like to join a crowded and active Clan like yours mainly because i like raiding with people that can communicate and know the mechanics of this game.

Edited by Spicy.
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IGN: Lorfiii

MR: 7

Previous Clan: Never joined one

Reasons for Joining: I want a clan that's active and I can trust to stay active, helpfull and friendly. Also having a clan with a private forum/site is always great.

Edited by Lorfiii
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IGN: Xaxioncara


Mastery Rank 6


Previous Clan: Small 4 man clan with real life friends


Reason for Joining: FIrst and foremost, this clan appears to be an active one. So many clans now are mostly inactive members, so the 30 day inactivity limit for this one is refreshing. Second, it's well moderated and organized. It's usually a good sign when a clan has a website, heh. So uh, yeah. I'd be interested in joining. 

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