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[Established for 5-Year] Gryphus Tech | Very Active | Rank 10 | 950+ members | RIP Daily Raids | Numerous Clan Events | Organized Administration | Website & Emblem | Active Discord | Discord Mandatory


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whats up man i just registered on your website and am really exited to play with some friends, so please invite me soon.



Hi, I'd like to join please!

My IGN is Firedog98




I would like to join your clan, to have the opportunity to always find nice people to play with ;)


IGN: bakaxy



Hey, I want to join ur clan. I have an Excalibur and a newly built Trinity. Also some photoshop exp, so I can help out of the game too. My IGN is Thinch. Thx for considering ^_^



Hi Gryphticon! Could I join this clan?


IGN: TheHame




Sup! I would like to join you guys if you dont mind. :3

IGN: Schroedinger



I just wanted to ask you if i could join this clan.



My IGN is: Helios112

Welcome to the clan your invite has been sent, please check your clan contact list and accept the invite only from Gryphus tech. If you have receive an invite not from us decline it and post again about who has sent you the fake invite and we will happily resend the invite to you.
Join our website for updated daily information and events. You will also get a chance to join our clan duel arena tournament where you could win a founders pack.
How to sign up?
1st) register in our clan website found here: http://gryphustech.enjin.com/login/do/register
2nd) fill out the tournament application found here: http://gryphustech.enjin.com/tournament
Thanks, stay active, be friendly to your peers, and have fun ;)
see you in game!
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Could I please join? :D


IGN: Mutatiion



hey DreakinZ i'm looking to join up to a clan and help further create the dojo and join in on missions and etc... i am on warframe at least once every 2 days for 2+ hours as well, so i am always around to help out people with missions! :D IGN -->LundCat



bump for a great clan!



Hi my sn is aznbigksan. Can I join your clan?



I want to join

IGN: ctl01



i want to join!

IGN: chadtalk

Welcome to the clan your invite has been sent, please check your clan contact list and accept the invite only from Gryphus tech. If you have receive an invite not from us decline it and post again about who has sent you the fake invite and we will happily resend the invite to you.
Join our website for updated daily information and events. You will also get a chance to join our clan duel arena tournament where you could win a founders pack.
How to sign up?
1st) register in our clan website found here: http://gryphustech.enjin.com/login/do/register
2nd) fill out the tournament application found here: http://gryphustech.enjin.com/tournament
Thanks, stay active, be friendly to your peers, and have fun ;)
see you in game!
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 IGN whitescar911


Would like to join



IGN Baconation13


Thanks in advance



hello, i want join your clan

my ign: goodspeed589





Registerd on the website, but haven't gotten an invite.



Did you guys throw me out???? A was doing mission on Jupiter after that I wanted to go to Dojo when I pushed on that icon to open up keys menu I saw just a clan key BP. Then I opened foundry to see if I need to reforge it but there was no bp! I qiurted the game and loged again and I still didn't have a clan key. Then I noticed that the clan chat tab is missing. so I checked contacts menu to find that I'm no longer in the clan. :/ So did you throw me out or this is a hart breaking bug :/ ? please invite me again.

p.s. I didn't get my resources back too :/



Can I pls join you? :)

IGN: Daxzter



Can you add me? IGN : x_elx



Hey, I would like to join the clan to .

 ->Account lvl 3(almost 4); 

 ->lvl 30(With Reactor) Frost;

 ->IGN: Alchemistul ;

I wish you Good Luck! & Have Fun! and keep it up guys!



Can i Join your clan ?

IGN: XubufluK

Welcome to the clan your invite has been sent, please check your clan contact list and accept the invite only from Gryphus tech. If you have receive an invite not from us decline it and post again about who has sent you the fake invite and we will happily resend the invite to you.
Join our website for updated daily information and events. You will also get a chance to join our clan duel arena tournament where you could win a founders pack.
How to sign up?
1st) register in our clan website found here: http://gryphustech.enjin.com/login/do/register
2nd) fill out the tournament application found here: http://gryphustech.enjin.com/tournament
Thanks, stay active, be friendly to your peers, and have fun ;)
see you in game!
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Signed up on the site, but I think my invite may have bugged out. I can build a clan key without being in a clan and have yet to see an invite in the pending secion.

IGN: snowulf

Welcome to the clan your invite has been sent, please check your clan contact list and accept the invite only from Gryphus tech. If you have receive an invite not from us decline it and post again about who has sent you the fake invite and we will happily resend the invite to you.
Join our website for updated daily information and events. You will also get a chance to join our clan duel arena tournament where you could win a founders pack.
How to sign up?
1st) register in our clan website found here: http://gryphustech.enjin.com/login/do/register
2nd) fill out the tournament application found here: http://gryphustech.enjin.com/tournament
Thanks, stay active, be friendly to your peers, and have fun ;)
see you in game!
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Hey guys,i really want to join a clan,add me in the game please.


Welcome to the clan your invite has been sent, please check your clan contact list and accept the invite only from Gryphus tech. If you have receive an invite not from us decline it and post again about who has sent you the fake invite and we will happily resend the invite to you.
Join our website for updated daily information and events. You will also get a chance to join our clan duel arena tournament where you could win a founders pack.
How to sign up?
1st) register in our clan website found here: http://gryphustech.enjin.com/login/do/register
2nd) fill out the tournament application found here: http://gryphustech.enjin.com/tournament
Thanks, stay active, be friendly to your peers, and have fun ;)
see you in game!
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Hi really want to join your clan i registered and my warframe name is sk8terboy1234



Can i join? IGN: BubbleShoulder

sorry but u both have a pending clan request that isnt from our clan ... make sure to decline it then tell me so that i can send u an invite

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