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Put My Last Potato On Kunai?



13 answers to this question

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Kunai = great for infested and sub-par for other factions

Despair= Fantastic for Grineer and Corpus, but lacks the damage on infested.


You will probably get another potato before you get the Despair and get enough resources to make it. So I would say yes, use the potato on the Kunai :)

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Despair is both innate armor ignore and innate armor piercing, according to people who have commented on this forum and wiki. So in general Despair will always beat Kunai in damage. The only case where Kunai beats Despair is against the light Infested.

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Despair is both innate armor ignore and innate armor piercing, according to people who have commented on this forum and wiki. So in general Despair will always beat Kunai in damage. The only case where Kunai beats Despair is against the light Infested.

Despair is ONLY armor piercing.

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I just wanted to clarify some things.


Kunai = great for infested and sub-par for other factions

Despair= Fantastic for Grineer and Corpus, but lacks the damage on infested.


You will probably get another potato before you get the Despair and get enough resources to make it. So I would say yes, use the potato on the Kunai :)


To be specific, it 'lacks' damage on light Infested, due to their damage multiplier against Armor Piercing (0.5x). It has no problems with Ancients due to Armor Piercing's 'armor ignore'.


People say that Kunai is better due to armor ignore, but Despair's greater damage scales SO much better with mods that even against level 130 grineer heavy gunners, the Despair is better. Wait for despair.

That's because Armor Piercing also 'ignores armor'. See the wiki page: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Armor_Piercing

If you are in doubt, just test it out. Shoot any high level enemy with any unmodded Despair and see how it fares; be careful of damage multipliers though (like MOA's gun only takes 0.5x damage).



Despair is ONLY armor piercing.

Armor Piercing is one of the 4 'armor ignoring' damage types. The other three are Physics Impact (Kunai), Serrated Blade and Poison.



Ah, my bad on the wording. I meant to state that armor pierce does additional damage to armored part but also ignore armor. Like from this list: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Enemy_Damage_Type_Multipliers

Indeed, but be careful of that wording. Armor Piercing only does additional damage to medium Grineer and on Corpus crewmen head shots. It does not do additional damage to all armored body parts.

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Indeed, but be careful of that wording. Armor Piercing only does additional damage to medium Grineer and on Corpus crewmen head shots. It does not do additional damage to all armored body parts.


Are you sure about that? Was just looking through some of pwnatrons datasheets and also checked a damage calculator on warframe wiki and I didn't see any mention of the bonus only applying to some body parts. Simply that AP does 1.5x bonus damage to most enemies except for light enemies where it only does half normal damage.


Sure heads have different multipliers but that's pretty much the case for most (all?) damage types, but you'll still do 1.5x the normal damage if you shoot em in the chest or legs or whatever.

Edited by Mikki79
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Are you sure about that? Was just looking through some of pwnatrons datasheets and also checked a damage calculator on warframe wiki and I didn't see any mention of the bonus only applying to some body parts. Simply that AP does 1.5x bonus damage to most enemies except for light enemies where it only does half normal damage.

Sure heads have different multipliers but that's pretty much the case for most (all?) damage types, but you'll still do 1.5x the normal damage if you shoot em in the chest or legs or whatever.

Ah, misunderstanding. Some people think Armor Piercing does additional damage to all armored body parts of all enemies, like light Grineer, heavy Grineer, etc. That is what I was referring to.

For medium Grineer, yes, the bonus damage applies to all their body parts. For Corpus crewmen though, it's only on the head. Pwnatron's sheets do say that.

Edited by CitizenV
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