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Have to put in my ideas for Vauban rework


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I've seen a lot of posts on Vauban reworks, and I wanted to put my own thoughts down, since the last time I posted about Vauban, which is my favorite Warframe, was a long time ago.

Here is how I would like to rework Vauban's abilities:

Tesla Turret

Basically Tesla, but with longer range, and damage that scales off your primary weapon so it isn't useless.


A combination of mine and defensive structure. It creates a column of energy that blocks enemy fire, and players can move through freely, however, when an opponent enters the column it surges and collapses, dealing heavy damage to them. Basically a miniature snow globe except instead of having limited health it explodes if an enemy walks inside. Maybe the damage its surge does would increase with the amount of enemy fire it has absorbed. This would help with Vaubans lackluster defenses and drive home the idea that he's about fortress building.


Bastille. Maybe remove the enemy limit so it's on par with other warframes.


Instead of throwing the Vortex Vauban releases it in front of himself and it slowly moves in the direction you aimed, sucking up badies as it goes. That would stop it from being too similar to Bastille as a stationary CC effect, and instead turn it into a powerful offensive tool with long range capabilities.  

Edited by Aetrion
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Vauban is boring to play. The only usefull ability are bastile and vortex. the frame is a engineer-themed Warframe and should have diverse ability other than grenats.

My Ideas: first ability: like the operator he will ragdoll or stagger enemys with a special force push, but its wider range and stronger, charging will give you stronger and more range                                 

                second ability: concussion will control enemys for vaubans sake and attack only attacks allies and other enemies, bounce will be like a wall,it will deflect bullets to enemies back. vauban and allies will be the only one to pass through to bounce wall,he throws multiple teslas and will stagger enemies and the tesla will do more damage. the more tesla nearby the higher the damage multiplies. 

                Third ability: vortex (way more damage), bastille(no limit to enemies and longer duration ) deployable turret, drones

                Fourth ability: first: consume energy when holding button he charges his body with energy and chreates a extra/second high shield around him. it will be gone if the shield is gets damage enough. strengh will affected how many shields you get.

                                     second: consume energy but when tap two times it will charges that energy foward and do high damage and remove armor from them

because he is tactical frame and CORPUS frame and should use different technology like iron man or batman does.

passive ability: vauban has higher chance that enemies will drop energy orb or he will regenerates energy itself, and regenerate shield faster than other frames


and please make Vauban have way more armor and shields. He looks like a machine and should have that.

maybe armor around 400 or more and shield when using the shield mod max at 2000 shield



I think that Vauban is a cool looking frame and have the potential to be a good and fun to play.

Edited by (PS4)The_PhantomSteel
please read my new version
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