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[Warframe Concept] Dusticor - The Steampunk Frame (WIP)


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Introduction: (This is my first time posting so i hope i've done this right.)

I was thinking about this for a long time and now I finnaly feel like i should share my thoughts on this idea, It's not as detailed as other warframe concepts that I looked over to see what i should have in terms of depth on the frame and the idea, i'm sure i haven't even the slightest luck with this being good but i would still like some constructive critisism or at least some form of recognition that i though of something cool. Everything here is what i've currently thought of and what i would like to see as a frame. There is no visual concept as i can't draw and i know no one who can or would do this for me.

Style of the frame:

Steampunk based warframe with a dark brown trench coat and a metal box (backpack) on their back. The hands will have claw like fingers with gears of some sort as the knuckles. The arms and legs will be fairly robotic and gear orientated like general grevious. The body shown slighly through the trench coat will have active gears turning inside. The face will have a single gear with a glowing eye like orb in the middle. The head will be somewhat solid metal with scrapes and torn chunks which reveal gears turning inside. On top of the head is a tophat with a unigoggle lens wrapped on the hat. The back of the tophat has pipes releasing steam and some gears are sitting around the pipes.

Stats at 30:

Armor: 250

Energy: 200

Health: 250

Shields: 200

Sprint speed: .90


Passive: Reforge

Dusticor recieves 200 reforge points, these points regenerate after a short period of time after using all of the points; each point will absorb a bullet and synthesize/Reforge it into ammo for your weapons. (Note: This doesn't negate damage, and weapons with lower ammo maximum will get lower amount of bullets for the absorbed amount I.e. Lenz will get 1 bullet/ arrow for every 10 absorbed and amprex will recieve 10 for every 1 absorbed.)


1st ability: Turret

At unranked it has one head and at rank 3 it has 4 turret heads allowing for more enemies to be targeted. Changing the range stat canges the weapon type, longer range(150%+) is sniper, medium range(149%-76%) is assualt rifle(think braton), short range(75% and under) is shotgun(think boar).  Augment mod Idea: Turret becomes affected by energy color, fire short range is flamethrower, fire long range is napalm; ice short range is like a radial ice wave impedance, long range is a glaxion; electricity short range is a tesla coil that activly shocks enemies which get too close, long range is a rail cannon/ gauss rifle like railgun moa's have; toxin short range is a toxic cloud and long range is a spore launcher like torid.

2nd ability: Lockdown

Closes and locks doors on the map, targeted ability. Up to 3 doors can be locked at a time at max rank. only warframes can go through the door while ability is active on door. Augment mod idea: allows for the ability to change like vaubans first, it will no longer lock doors. A1 would apply door way with volt like sheild. A2 would apply doorway with armor stripper (debuff lasts 10 seconds). A3 would show enemys (that pass through) through walls and would increase headshot damage. A4 would slow down and have a chance to soldify enemys that pass through.

3rd ability: Flash Steam

Activating ability would blast enemys around the warframe with steam, knocking them down and applying a blind effect, the warframe gets a speed boost and an ability efficiency increase for a short time. the ability isn't affected by efficiency, it will always cost the same energy.

4th ability: Construct

The backpack falls to the ground and a mech suit forms from it, slowly "unpacking" while you guard it from taking damage. Once completely assembled you can set it to wander around in that room, follow you, or you can pilot it yourself. The suit will have 1200 sheilds and health and 600 armor, it has a choice of weapons to use that the warframe user choses from in the orbiter. Health gain is reduced to 25% of all incoming health. Once the suit reaches 0 health it ejects you and has 10 seconds before it explodes dealing 1000 damage to anything within 5m. After it is destroyed you must pick up "parts" to get back the suit pack, or wait 2 minutes to use it again. *Note: Robots take time to build man, they just dont magically apear.(it would also be a little op if it didn't have such a severe drawback) Augment mod idea: other players and even spectres can use it.


The frame was a grineer project long ago by an old grineer scienetist who worked alongside Vay Hek and Tyl Regor, he had a secret project he was working on which he hoped one day would spare the unnecessary cloning and slaughtering of his people, even though he knew that it was a long way off from being as advanced as warframes, he still continued working on Project Dusticor. After his lab was destroyed by an infested ship which had come crashing down from low orbit, he escaped Eris and fled to ceres which he continued his work on the project. Later the queens had found out about his project and instructed Vay Hek to deal with him, he sent the G3 in to eradicate him. The only thing left was half his lab notes. Cressa Tal has found a grineer who has uncovered the lab and is selling the notes to any willing market, Nef Anyo is bidding on the notes and you must either find and assassinate Nef Anyo, or beat his brokers in the Index to win the notes. Once you have the notes, Cressa Tal has instructed you to find the G3 and Vay Hek and retrive the rest of the notes, once all the notes are collected you must give them to ordis for construction.


Ending Notes:

All i want to say is that i hope someone can see this and think "hey that's cool, i hope this gets into the game one day", because i would love to see others who like my concept. There is many other people who have made concepts and ideas for frames which are more detailed and profesionalized in a way, but i felt like if i could just share my thoughts about this then i could see who also likes my idea. If anyone likes this then give some sort of appreciation in the comments or give me some idea's on how this could be better. It would also be great if anyone could make some concept art of this, i have an image in my head and want to see what other peoples images are too.

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Like the idea man! Good frame idea, with unique abilities.

My only suggestion would to be to make the 1 let you choose which turret, much like ivara ‘s quiver. Then, it wouldn’t require mods to be usable in all forms. It would further diversify a cool frame!

My only request is to add stats like dmg, cost, etc. to the abilities, as that’d help with balancing purposes.

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Seems pretty cool! Steampunk style kind of fits a lot of orokin tech better than the other militaristic style frames here, but just a couple things...


His second ability seems extremely situational and wouldn't work on every map.. Maybe if he had packs he could throw that would build mechanical walls kind of like atlas's walls, he could still stop lanes of enemies temporarily while it being able to be used anywhere. 

Your fourth is a robot you can "pilot"? So how big would this thing be? And is it going to limit mobility? Have clipping issues? 

Third ability sounds cool, kind of like the opposite way that ash's smoke bombs work lol

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6 minutes ago, SirSovereign said:

Seems pretty cool! Steampunk style kind of fits a lot of orokin tech better than the other militaristic style frames here, but just a couple things...


His second ability seems extremely situational and wouldn't work on every map.. Maybe if he had packs he could throw that would build mechanical walls kind of like atlas's walls, he could still stop lanes of enemies temporarily while it being able to be used anywhere. 

Your fourth is a robot you can "pilot"? So how big would this thing be? And is it going to limit mobility? Have clipping issues? 

Third ability sounds cool, kind of like the opposite way that ash's smoke bombs work lol

So for the second since what you said, i'm now thinking about having that ability construct a wall from the hallway you're in, like it pulls bits of the wall around it and pieces it together while leaving the wall around it looking bare of plating/ wall, so sparks would come flying off the walls and then a wall would from from the ground and walls and ceiling and coming together to block enemys. Thats my new idea from the suggestion.

The 4th would probably be as big as atlas' Titanic Rumbler, It would probably limit you from bullet jumping and jumping, it would also keep you from going through small spaces, but if you get out of the "suit" then it can compact itself and go through small spaces that it normally wouldn't be able to. I'm sure there would be clipping issues as there are some buggy areas that even as a normal frame i've clipped through and gotten stuck, but since it will be bigger than a warframe and can't bullet jump or jump than it should be safe from most of the clipping i'm thinking of.

I hope i helped add to this and show a better representaion of my concept through this.

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