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Weapons Progression?



All of my stuff other than my rhino frame are not supercharged.

Currently owned:

Frames: Volt 30, Rhino 7

primary guns: strun 30, braton 20

What next? boltor or gorgon?

secondary: aklato 29, bolto 14 (currently crafting akbolto)

melee: cronus:29 ,fragor 15

I have BPs for jaw sword, pangolin sword, dual zoren.

a) I have a weapons orokin thing to supercharge. what should I supercharge? I'm assuming a primary weapon. Thoughts on Boltor VS Gorgon VS Hek? If I craft a boltor will it be comparable or better to hek? Or should I just rank up gorgon while I wait to rank up enough to buy hek? Stat wise it seems boltor < gorgon in every possible way. Less damage, fire rate, accuracy. Or should I just get gorgon and supercharge it once it gets a couple ranks? I like my braton but its damage is lacking and find myself switching to pistols esp against grineer.

b) I have enough credits for dual skana and enough materials for dual zoren (but both dual zoren and boltor cut into my alloy supply for crafting bolto. I'm definitely not supercharging the fragor and will sell it. question is sell now and get dual skana or max out its rank first then sell?

c) How much "progression" to my overall rank does it take to rank up from 3 to 4? e.g. If i level my rhino to 30, how many other weapons do I need to max rank to hit 4? Do you get rank exp from ranking up a weapon multiple times? Eg. I've already crafted a bolto. I'm saving up to craft another. When the second is done should I bother ranking it from 0 to 30 before crafting it into akbolto for the exp towards my account?

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4 answers to this question

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a lot of this will fall to personal taste, so bear that in mind

i personally do not like the gorgon, i much prefer using the braton, but without a doubt the gorgon does more dmg per bullet, however the gorgon is so much more inaccurate that it irks me (i similiarly do not like the boltors mechanics either, even though its new skin is gorgeous)

the hek is arguably the best shotgun in the game, just hands down, it is the only gun i have catalyzed and i have not used it since (it is so powerful that it make virtually all of the content in the game ridiculously easy)

my advice is to play a few games with each of your favorite weapons, and just catalyze the one you enjoy the most, dont worry about min/max or anything else, you will be fine

the only reason to max rank on yer weapons before you sell them is if you want the mastery points and/or dont want to level them back up again at a later point, otherwise sell them to make room for whatever you want

im not entirely sure about this, but i do believe that if you ranked up say a braton to 30, then sold it, and then bought it again and ranked it up to 30 again, you would continue to get more and more mastery points

though i think ranking up two bolto before you craft them into the akbolto is probably a huge waste of time, unless you just really want more mastery points

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well the gorgon's accuracy rating is supposedly 100 (at least in the market it is). I mean currently I love my strun (but its damage is simply lacking). The braton I have right now I'm feeling the pinch of lacking damage now that I'm back in environments which actaully require damage. Long and short is I need a primary gun where I'm not going to be emptying out 1/3rd of my 94 clip just to take out a single enemy (and it takes like 3-4 seconds to kill) At that rate I might as well just have gotten into melee range and chopped them up(not to mention I run outta ammo really fast). (I just started my second bolto and dual zoren tonight) On the other hand bolto is strong enough that I'm not constantly working about damage. 3 shots (typically) and I can take down an enemy (which still feels really slow when everyone else running around is taking them down in 1 or 2 (or so it feels). I love my strun but its accuracy is lacking as is the constant downtime because of the small clip size. The short story is I haven't found a primary weapons that I like yet. I like automatics but they burn too much ammo and dont deal damage enough. I like shotguns but they spend too much time reloading. For a while I ended up just using my secondary as primary because they are fast and damaging enough but don't always have enough ammo for the whole level that I've started carrying pistol ammo boxes. Doing boss runs however my primary tends to run outta ammo too so I basically end up carrying ammo boxes for everything. (yay?) though I know the real problem is just it takes too many bullets to kill enemies.

I asked about the mastery points mostly because

a) I do want to rank up

b) I only have the basic 8 weapon slots and I'll have to sell weapons so I want to kinda.. delay that a little by maxing out what I have. I wouldn't mind using bolto as a secondary until both hit 30 before I craft but if it doesn't even count.. why bother? Same with the braton though both are getting pretty close to max already.

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a) I would suggest the Boltor. (Somewhat opiniated)

The Boltor competely ignores armor, making Ancients/Grineer/Corpus humans to be easier.

Since ignores armor, you get to focus on other mods: Multi-Hit, Rate of Fire, Damage Increase, Stun Chance, Frost damage to slow down enemies.

b) may as well max it out and sell. check "c)" for reasons.

c) you get Mastery experience everytime you rank up a certain item, once per level on that one item.

meaning: If you have reached rank 30 on your Skana, sell it, and buy again to level, you will not get more Mastery as though you are ranking up a different item.

If you were to sell an item that you currently have, you would have to recraft/repurchase the item in order to achieve total Mastery.

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im not sure what mods you have on your strun, but my strun is level 30, supercharged. i have mostly armor pen mods. i can one or 2 shot almost anything (aside from pluto since i havnt been there yet). i love that wep so much it was hard to try a new one. have the braton at 30 and like it much more than the gorgon which is only level 24. im having a hard time liking that wep simply because i still have to dump most of a clip into an enemy to kill it (it seems).

i think i will try the boltor next with different mods and see how that goes.

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