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Cetus Special Fishing Boot



Okay, so this might be a stupid question, but as someone who actually really likes the fishing and spends quite a bit of time doing it just for fun whenever i log on, i've fished out a fair bit by missing... mostly because im not too good with my aim. regardless of this though, after a lengthy hiatus where i was away from my console, i came back after a few months to find that one of the updates added a Fishing Boot to the ostron offerings. apparently i can spend 100K standing to pick one up from the mining guy in Cetus.

so here's my question: Is the Fishing Boot that the Cetus mining guy sells you for a ridiculous amount of standing do something? is it a ship decoration, a super secret Banjo Brok quest, or is it the exact same boot that you can obtain with terrible aim while fishing?

im genuinely curious, but... i dont know, i know this is probably obvious, but i wanted to ask.

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Am 20.7.2018 um 10:17 schrieb (XB1)B1ueKarou:

 or is it the exact same boot that you can obtain with terrible aim while fishing?

Not quite. The ones you gather while fishing can only be used as decoration after mounting them, while the bought one can be placed as you want.

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