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[Vauban rework ideas]


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Hey Vauban lovers or interested parties. If your reading this you probably have the same thoughts i do and think vauban is okay in his current state but might need some updates. 

  • First as a heads up I will be watching this post and editing it as new ideas come in,
  • lets get started :3 
  • first off is shock traps (aka tesla) in my opinion this should be moved to minelayer, as fun as it is to shock stuff and use the augment, i really think the first power slot could be used more effectively. As for what to replace it with, there could be a few things i can think of: my main idea is some kinda synergy ability. When i kept thinking more and more OVERCHARGE kept drifting back to me. I have no idea if this idea has been thought of before, but there could be multiple thoughts brought up by that name. i like the idea of being able to overcharge or super charge grenades (the ones he has) to have more effect at some negative cost. Whether that should be an ult or his first ability would be highly dependent on the balance of the concept. That being said i dont know how realistic this idea at the current state and with the amount of mines therefor im gonna leave it for thought but not suggest it at the current time as a change. Overcharge could also be worked around a little differently though, maybe it could be a buff to an ally that drains energy to give a friend/ally energy at an decreased rate. Then though i think power surge or surge would be a better name. The main idea i would like to see though is some kinda buff ability or grenade to help Vauban and his allies.

  • Minelayer-with this ability the only change would be the addition of tesla to make room for other abilities, maybe subtracting one of the other grenades to make it not too cluttered. (maybe a system to let us pick our own mines from a selection thats already made, max 4) if multiple selection become a thing could be expanded to 2 power slots to have 2 out at a time and two in reserve?
    • maybe a resupply grenade (was suggested by another user in another forum i saw) that gives ammo could be added

  • Bastille- maybe some tweaks, not much i can say here though, its pretty solid with the augment, maybe should be moved to 4th power slot (bit too powerful to move to minelayer imo although i considered it) could possibly be moved to minelayer depending on whether minelayer becomes a 2 slot ability

  • (THE REASON I MADE THIS FORUM POST) Vortex- i like the idea of vortex, but compared to other similar abilities atm is very underwhelming and unused in my opinion, with a max range of ~10m atm its just not realistically useful left that way. Given that nidus' pull can reach about 3 times that i feel it needs a revamp or to be switched to a different slot. The main thing i would suggest though for it is just to increase the max range and maybe limit the number u can have out. maybe with a new augment much like octavias new one to give u more of them at a reduced range if people are so inclined. That being said Overcharge suggestion could take its spot and maybe it could be put in minelayer as a selection in its current state

(SHORT VERSION) In conclusion my ideas kinda revolve around moving mostly all the grenade-type abilities to minelayer with a fundamental change of how minelayer is displayed or slot requirement with some sort of selection system for mines before battle then adding in OVERCHARGE or SURGE or both to the abilities. That being said these in the grand scheme are changes that would take time so i'm gonna put in some sort term stuff as well. Short term id like to see vortex range buffed a bit. That was the main reason i made the post after all and the other stuff just kinda happened x3. 


Thank you for your time



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I think Minelayer should go away. It's one of those "theoretically useful" abilities that are just a grab bag of crap that is never really worth the time to set up.

I would change Vauban so that Tesla stays, but has more range, shocks more often, and scales well enough to not be totally useless past baby levels. I'd change Minelayer to an ability that creates large pillars of energy that absorb incoming fire like a snow globe, but instead of having HP instead they collapse when an enemy enters them, so you still effectively have a mine, but it's also a defensive structure against ranged fire - keeping wit the fortress theme. Bastille doesn't have to be changed much, I'd just remove the enemy limit, because quite frankly, with Hydroid and Limbo out there it's just not like a CC limit is necessary to keep this balanced.  I'd change Vortex to be the same as right now, but instead of being a grenade you'd simply release it in your hands and it would slowly travel forward in a straight line, sucking up everything in its path until it hits a wall, and that's where it sticks. If it doesn't hit a wall it just keeps going. 


That would give you a frame that has a useful area denial tool, can place some defenses from ranged fire but has to keep melee attackers out of them or they get destroyed, still has a very strong CC, and with the creeping Vortex also has a very powerful long range attack for entrenched fights where the slow speed of the Vortex doesn't make it impractical. 

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i do like the wall area of ranged denial that's like barricades but i feel like there is too much like that in the game, were as a ability like surplus to give energy to other characters/frames is only really used much on one other frame atm, trinity. There is also the zenurik ability but the ability to give others energy is somewhat rare i feel as far as warframe powers though and could be easily themed as a supply pack. 

As for minelayer i somewhat agree that it could just be discarded and not be missed terribly. 

The main thing i think i missed during the first post that i would really like to see is that he gets more synergy in some way.

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I think a good change to Tesla, would be to allow the telsa balls to stick to Bastille.

I do not like mine layer, to me it is like Nyx's psychic bolt skill, not used.


An idea I had based upon the steampunk, steam assembly type feel of his new deluxe skin along with the knight style look, would be like a pressure gauge that builds up via damage taken/dealt/powers used etc. The entire time the gauge is filling his armor would fortify and energy bar would overcharge(overcharge energy bar increase ability strength and duration). This would be his new #2, Upon activation, valve will open releasing all built up armor/energy converting it to weapon damage and rate of fire. Or some other bonus that actual vauban fans would enjoy, like maybe an over charge to range and suction of Vortex, or strength/stopping power of Bastille.


Vortex and bastille, I like both these skills, I tend to lean towards bastille builds. I do have a Vauban fanatic as a friend who loves vortex and uses it very effectively.

Edited by (PS4)covan2306
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