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Omg This Boss Have To Be Nerfed


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Eris - Naeglar boss: Phorid, is way too strong.

it has at least infinite health and with 2 attack it can insta-kill you.

Also the range of its special attack is way devastating. it can take down every one inside the map....

And what about the yellow projectile that take 70 health every bullet you take... and they are chasing projectile

this is a feedback of a lvl 30 ash with a lot of semi-good mod

and i find this frustrating D:

sorry for my english 'couse i'm italian.

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Really? Of all the bosses, this one was not the one I was expecting to be called for a nerf. He's actually quite easy, even to solo, if you abuse the fact that he's melee. Get him to chase you, get him caught around a corner or between containers. Unload your weapons freely, he will keep trying to charge at you and not stop to use any special abilities at all.

You say you're level 30, but is your frame supercharged? If not, I could see the problem there. His scream is enough to take out non supercharged frames. He's more of a gear check, but if you're smart about how you fight him, you can solo him no problem. Both my wife and I have done so... me in the Ash, her in the Ember. Just stay out of melee range and keep him interested so that he doesn't spine burst you. That's the only truly lethal ability he has, since it goes through shields.

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We farmed the sh** out of that guy, the only problem is the first shriek but you'll be fine as long as you have at least 500 shields. You just climb on something and shoot at all times, he starts with the homing stuff only if he's idle. But you could call it the hardest boss since it's the only one you can't run with a low-level frame.

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scindo pro right? how much in charge dmg mod? and charge speed mod?

Nah, not pro, its just freeze dmg owns Phorid so much. You can do this just as easy with guns modded with single freeze mod. I got around 160% total charge damage, 40% charge speed, a nice dual 9.7crit/24.8% ap and 24.9% freeze.

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it has at least infinite health and with 2 attack it can insta-kill you.

Also the range of its special attack is way devastating. it can take down every one inside the map....

And what about the yellow projectile that take 70 health every bullet you take... and they are chasing projectile

Alright, taking it from the top.

1) It doesn't have as much health as you claim. If you want to experience that kind of frustration, go fight Kril. As for that attack, just stay within medium range and kite him; no problem.

2) You'll just have to tough it out. If you've got teammates, it's nothing to worry about if it downs you. If you're soloing, then you better have good shields. Also, it only reaches the limit of the room it fights in.

3) As before, just stay within medium range and it'll try and melee you as opposed to firing at you. You'll never have to worry about it.

So no, this boss doesn't need a nerf.

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Nah, not pro, its just freeze dmg owns Phorid so much. You can do this just as easy with guns modded with single freeze mod. I got around 160% total charge damage, 40% charge speed, a nice dual 9.7crit/24.8% ap and 24.9% freeze.

wtf?! 160% charge? how?! u only have 3 mod slot hows that even posible o.O!

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