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Noob Confusions



I am a noob so please dont laugh but I am confused about something in this game.


I have been watching some Youtube guides etc. and there is something I dont get about the Armour mechanics of the enemies.

Take for example "Twin Gremlins", these are weapons which supposedly ignore enemy armour. What is the purpose of putting mods that give armour piercing damage on them if they already ignore the armour in the first place?!


I thought it was similar to ME3 where for example 45% amour piercing would reduce the armour damage reduction with 45% but alas this cannot be.



Also, I quite enjoy this game so I wanted to support it by becoming a founder, one of the benefits of my founder rank was the design council however I cant find it anywhere...


Thanks :)

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8 answers to this question

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Yes, please look at the damage mechanics. It's on the wiki and on the forums here as well.


To give an example:


Gremlins do 30 armor ignoring(AI) damage. Adding say, 10% Armor Piercing(AP) damage will now do: 30AI + 3AP. Reading more about enemy vulnerabilities, weak spots, and such will give you a better understanding how to mod your weapons.


However as a general rule of thumb, you always want to max your base damage mods (serration, point blank, hornet strike), multishot mods (split chamber, hell's chamber, barrel diffusion), and AP mods.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I should also note that weapons which deal 'bullet', 'blade' or any damage which is affected by armour have their damage reduced by 66% upon jmpact with armoured enemies, like Grineer. Adding AP mods however, not only deal additional damage (Like the above posters) but also nullify the armour's damage negating effects.


That's at least what I know. 

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No! It would be +90% AP damage.


Twin Gremlins deal physics impact damage that ignores armor of all enemies except of Grinner Commanders, Rollers and Seekers.

Rank 5 No Return adds 90% of base damage as AP damage.

This gives 100% + 90% = 190% of damage unmodified by enemy armor.

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Twin Gremlins deal physics impact damage that ignores armor of all enemies except of Grinner Commanders, Rollers and Seekers.

Rank 5 No Return adds 90% of base damage as AP damage.

This gives 100% + 90% = 190% of damage unmodified by enemy armor.

Armor ignore (and its varying denominations) and AP are different types of damage. One shouldn't combine them. Enemy resistances and vulnerabilities vary between them.

Edited by Engelheim
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