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Nintendo 2Ds. No, Seriously.


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Yes how dare companies want to make money and give people a cheaper alternative that will still play 3ds games. god forbid


Even then, why not just sell a 3DS without the 3D capability, because that's all this is.

Just name it "The Big-&#! DS"

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Well that looks like the nail in the coffin. RIP Nintendo. My condolences to everyone's childhood.

Nintendo is far from dead, but that being said this look really f-ing stupid. But then Looking at the top comments this being made for kids under 8 this sort of design makes sense.

Wish this was a clam shell design though sense it's probably going to be cheaper then the base 3ds.

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Yes how dare companies want to make money and give people a cheaper alternative that will still play 3ds games. god forbid

Cheaper by what? $40? Explain to me whats the whole point in 40 dollars less for a slab that doesn't have the 3d capabilities as the standard model.

Edited by Palkora
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I can understand it from an economy mode 3DS point of view, but the design itself is silly. Any 4 year old I know knows how to open a 3DS. I feel that from a design perspective, if you're going to give a kid an expensive toy, the least you would do is allow the screens to be protected, away from any potential traumas. Being unable to close this just makes me feel it wasn't very well thought out.


Inb4 2DS Circle Pad Pro

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2DS Price: $129.99

3DS Price: $169.99

Difference: $40.00


If we consider the fact that the 2DS can't be closed and probably requires the cover (12.99), the total difference comes to: $27.01


The more logical alternative to saving the same amount of money would be to buy one less game. Remind me why this is being made again..

Edited by Karma_Ghost
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