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Eastwood Frame


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This started as me just joking in Council Chat but then I thought about it and I thought I'd share it here.  His name would be Drifter.  A light armored, agile frame with a built in weapons system.  He utilizes built-in gun play while having scare tactics.


First Ability is Hand Cannon.  Typical 25ish skill that shoots a single high powered round from the Drifter's hand that when impacts with an enemy it cones dealing moderate damage to those around it and usually killing the initial target.


Second Ability is Bullet Dash.  Maybe a dash ability that shoots to the left and right of the frame that does something, not very sure.


Third Ability is Drifter's Rage.  This would be the scare tactics I was talking about.  The frame would activate Rage and it would send a shadow upwards that resembles a shadowy skull with red eyes behind the frame that would draw attention to and stun all weak enemies in the area.


And the last ability is Barrage.  Seeing as how every frame typically has a devastating ult, Drifter's would be basically the first ability but from both arms that continuously hits every enemy in a 180 degree radius.


Have at it.

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