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Aerial Warframe (Whats The Name Of The Sky God Again? I Think That Name Would Suit This Warframe Well)


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(_warframe_name_) is an air/sky type of warframe. his (or hers) 1st ability is aerial ace, in which this warframe creates a powerful knife sharp wind blade and thrusts it towards his enemies, and when it makes contact with its target, there is a small air explosion/blast of air that staggers nearby enemies. 2nd ability, Air push(air repulse? Air wave? Please comment what name you think fits best) causes the warframe to be invulnerable for 5 seconds while casting this ability, when you're surrounded, you can use air push to blast back the enemies surrounding you and those behind them (mi range blast). 3rd ability, flight, this ability causes the warframe to levitate into the air, and is given a limited amount of flight time, whilst in the air, you cast abilities. 4th/last ability, air barrage, much like the 1st ability but is mucn more powerful(it is ult after all). The air warframe levitates whilst doing this ability. The frame first levitates in the air (like volt,does with his ult) and throws aerial aces at targeted enemies (do you want to aim the aerial aces or do you want it to be automatic?) Thanks for reading my fan frame, I hope you enjoy it, and I hope a DE staff member reads this and makes this dream a reality! (Please tell me what you liked and disliked about this warframe, and suggestions are welcome!) Thanks for reading this! ~Sincerely HalotroopermanX7

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Hermes has winged shoes (flying), also a messenger is iris (she even has a staff as well!)


Or if you like, there's Apollo, the greek god of the sun (in the sky). You could also say he overthrew Helios, the titanic god of the sun. Of course there's also their wives Alectrona and Eos, respectively.


As far as the sky itself, there was Aether, one of the earliest of the greek mythological gods of the upper skies of which all the sky gods descend. Or the lower skies,  Chaos. You could also use the romanian name Uranas. Or perhaps more modern you could go with Zeus and his wife Hera. There's also Theia of the blue sky, or you could simply use the greek term for cloud nymphs Nephelai.


So what name were you thinking of?

Edited by 1Rogue
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It's an interesting idea, but I feel like actual flight is something unlikely to be implemented due to its impact upon environmental interactions (parkour, wall-running, climbing objects, etc). This would shortcut and short-circuit all of them--even if you just hung in the air during combat, that can be a considerable defense against mobs with short-range or inaccurate weaponry. In other words, it's something myself and many others would consider too powerful an ability for game balance.

I would suggest making this more similar to a Grineer Hellion's hovering, introducing a fixed altitude--amongst other things. Failing that, I suggest instead an ability that would be more similar to super-jump and launch you into a large, parabolic arc; my clan-mates and I took that approach when designing our aerial frame suggestion, Hawk.
Speaking of aerial warframe, you may consider rethinking your advertising. When you called your suggestion an "aerial" or "sky" warframe, I was expecting something a little more mobility-based. While your warframe is certainly air-themed, I wouldn't call it sky-themed or aerial in nature. Just a thought for the sake of accuracy :)


After doing some research because I'm working on my guide I used your Sky Frame as a reference and got the God/Ruler of the Sky


Aeolus is his name here's some researching you can do to help you out.


I think it's funny that you think you found his name with one suggestion. There are so many mythologies out there, Guy, and to have one suggestion that you asuume is it is just a little errorgant. Check out 1Rogue's post--that's how you help someone do research, and even that is probably not even half the names you could find with a thorough search. Trust me; as a novelist, I do a lot of research.

Edited by Siubijeni
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It's an interesting idea, but I feel like actual flight is something unlikely to be implemented due to its impact upon environmental interactions (parkour, wall-running, climbing objects, etc). This would shortcut and short-circuit all of them--even if you just hung in the air during combat, that can be a considerable defense against mobs with short-range or inaccurate weaponry. In other words, it's something myself and many others would consider too powerful an ability for game balance.


I would suggest making this more similar to a Grineer Hellion's hovering, introducing a fixed altitude--amongst other things. Failing that, I suggest instead an ability that would be more similar to super-jump and launch you into a large, parabolic arc; my clan-mates and I took that approach when designing our aerial frame suggestion, Hawk.

Speaking of aerial warframe, you may consider rethinking your advertising. When you called your suggestion an "aerial" or "sky" warframe, I was expecting something a little more mobility-based. While your warframe is certainly air-themed, I wouldn't call it sky-themed or aerial in nature. Just a thought for the sake of accuracy :)


I think it's funny that you think you found his name with one suggestion. There are so many mythologies out there, Guy, and to have one suggestion that you asuume is it is just a little errorgant. Check out 1Rogue's post--that's how you help someone do research, and even that is probably not even half the names you could find with a thorough search. Trust me; as a novelist, I do a lot of research.

Oh and you said the other guy gets hurt easily haha ^ -^. 


I saw many different Mythologies but the one that fit all these abilities would be under Aeolus Now if he had different abilities I would of found a different Wind Deities Thanks for your concern I will surely check out 1Rogue's post I may find something useful which would help Expound upon my researching skills. +1 For your help. 


Good to know you are a writer haha. All "Novelist know coming up with ideas and concepts they have to go through every possibility and how to make it happen. To come up with a great "Novel"  I would love to go to a Local library and check out your Novels. What is one of your Novels called?


And just for the hell of it.





Here is a list of Wind Deities consistent of Different Mythologies 



Take the time to go through each one mate it might help you find the perfect name for your War Frame. 


I only Choose Aeolus because your Abilities would represent a Greek Like War Frame. Sorry if it doesn't suit with you ^ -^'

Edited by ThatGuyHD
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On Topic: Fair enough, I'm just nit-picking because he indicated that there was a specific name he was having trouble remembering but would recognize when he saw it. So reasons for the choice aside, your best bet would have been to post as many likely names as you could find.


Off Topic: More accurately, I should say I'm an up-and-coming novelist. I've yet to publish any full-length novel, emphasis on the word yet. Things are looking good for one recently (relatively speaking) submitted to the publisher, one which I've unfortunately yet to come up with a name I truly like. I won't tell you the working name I submitted it under, because it might not stick: what I will say is that due to the way I organize my files and "projects" on the computer, I've code-named it "Stolen Soul." If it's of any interest to you, I write science fiction and fantasy--this particular one is fantasy. I also have a short story that I expect to be through the whole grind-works pretty soon, a sci-fi piece called "Oblivious."

Edited by Siubijeni
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On Topic: Fair enough, I'm just nit-picking because he indicated that there was a specific name he was having trouble remembering but would recognize when he saw it. So reasons for the choice aside, your best bet would have been to post as many likely names as you could find.


Off Topic: More accurately, I should say I'm an up-and-coming novelist. I've yet to publish any full-length novel, emphasis on the word yet. Things are looking good for one recently (relatively speaking) submitted to the publisher, one which I've unfortunately yet to come up with a name I truly like. I won't tell you the working name I submitted it under, because it might not stick: what I will say is that due to the way I organize my files and "projects" on the computer, I've code-named it "Stolen Soul." If it's of any interest to you, I write science fiction and fantasy--this particular one is fantasy. I also have a short story that I expect to be through the whole grind-works pretty soon, a sci-fi piece called "Oblivious."


~On Topic: Yeah would of been the better choice but truth be told I was planning on typing up all the names but then that Laziness kicked in and I went for the research part seeing what fit best with the abilities. I'm sure in the other link he may or may not see the name he is referring to maybe he will find a better one Really up to you Halo~


Off Topic: Ok I see I see very interesting, and I love sci-fi and Fantasy so it would be of interest to me. The Code-name sounds quite interesting, have you made sure their isn't any Novels or Books with that name in your Genre or in general? (Mainly Genre) Congrats on getting further down your chosen path haha always good to here when someone is going up in life. 


I happen to be a short story writer but I mainly like writing poetry. I also do Many things and got quite some internet fame for. I'm a Animator, 3d Modeler, Musician, Music Producer, Programming and script-er. Recently started getting paid for my music, also got my self into "The Art Institute" Such a great college I should say.  


So I can see where are views are different. I think in a very Creative ( I had "ADHD" in my younger life but I channeled all my extra energy to anything that is creative. I was told by all my English teachers the way I write is always in story format. Even now in college my English Professor pulled me aside and complimented that piece of my personality) way my mind is continuously coming up with new ideas. You can give me a simple Paper and say 1 thing you want it to do what can I add on to it keeping it similar to the one thing. Haha I swear stop me at my second Idea I would rant. 

Edited by ThatGuyHD
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Entirely off-topic, so I'll spoiler tag it for shortness. Sorry, will find a better place for this in the future ;P

Never been diagnosed with ADHD, but I'm much the same way in that anything artistic I've stuck my fingers into. Sci-fi and fantasy have always been my favorite genres, and don't worry, I'm absolutely paranoid about coming up with original names and do extensive searches when deciding on one. Better safe than sorry after all.


I've written a number of short stories, and quite a bit of poetry. I'm not coordinated enough for most instruments, unfortunately, and don't have all that great a voice, but I'm a pretty good lyricist. I've delved into linguistics a pretty fair bit, learned and learning quite a few languages and even creating one of my own for use in a series of novels I've had the idea for. Cause see, even though I love stories and creativity in all it's forms, worldbuilding is really my passion. It's why I love the lore of things like Warframe, and why these amnesiac Tenno--as blank slates--make such interesting characters for me. All they know is their nature, their personality... the things that come to the fore even without their memories. It makes them very distinct characters for me, even with DE's mystification of them. Loki and Volt ftw!

As for my story, yeah... I've always been a fan of Liches in fantasy, and the idea of one being created against his will and while still alive intrigued me. This isn't much of a spoiler, seeing as it's the basic premise of the story and happens pretty early on, but his soul has been essentially stolen by his phylactery, and because of the nature of said vessel (the exact details of which could be a spoiler, so I'll just say it is for most intents and purposes indestructible) he can't do anything about it. Liches in my story work somewhat differently than most fiction in that they don't immediately become undead and decay, but are instead very different for the rest of their natural lives before descending into undeath.


I'm pretty excited by the story, can't wait for it to get through all that publishing delay and crap--but tis a necessary evil, I suppose.

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I like this idea. you should name it after a wind god, like Zephyrus or Aeolus. i suggest changing the third ability from flight, to say, maybe, a buff. He could cause all his melee hits to gain a larger hit range, featuring air slices or gusts of air based on whether they are blunt or sharp. the blunt melees would have knockback, while the sharp melees would feature increased armor penetration. Air push should probably be called buffet( the verb form) and when activated, comes out in waves that progressively get bigger. the ultimate ability should be something more unique though. you could have your warframe levitate and, in contrast to his other abilities, suck in all the surrounding air, suffocating all nearby enemies. it would effect everyone like when windows are broken, except only the enemies would start choking. this obviously wont work on robots, sort of making this frame suited for the living, breathing enemies.  

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