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The Main Reason I Won't Play Warframe Long-Term


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Please keep in mind that I'm no stranger to level based games. never played COD,BF,CS, etc... I enjoy level based games.

Warframe is a very cool game, with lots of potential. The art style is the best I've seen in a while and despite the fact that it is beautiful and fun - it won't be a game I stick with.


1)It's too easy. It's far too much of a grind. To keep it short, these are my main complaints:

I'm still in between levels 1 and 2. I have a variety of things that I want to craft, but I need morphics. The most difficult mission that I can do is in mercury with the teleporting boss. This level is so easy that it's become boring and I get paired with uber players. I could do it solo, but i like the co-op side of the game.

The problem is that these players are so kickass that I rarely get shots off, so all I do is run through and open crates.

Even when I do it solo, I take no damage and it's generally a cakewalk. I can only see myself grinding this mission for days and days.

2) Like the above, grouping has nothing to do with levels so your team mates are i great or terrible. This leads to either following or leading but no real co-op experience

3) like number 1, I don't see a light at the end of the tunnel. In fact I'm just out of the first solar system in difficulty (have beaten the jackal which was fun), but I'm required to continue playing in the newbie zone if i want to progress without paying.

Hopefully the devs find a way to fix this because otherwise you are really only going to have people blitzing missions for loot which isn't actually 'fun'

edit: something is wrong with the basic editor - it posts in a giant block instead of paragraphic

Edited by Aelxproter
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Devs have mentioned their going to include variable difficulties to missions to please the casual/hardcore issue and also they're still building levels, we're still in beta, etc. This game is constantly updating, it will get better, just be patient.

also hardcore players credit running lowbie missions will be addressed soon.

Edited by Jaxomfaux
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Devs have mentioned their going to include variable difficulties to missions to please the casual/hardcore issue and also they're still building levels, we're still in beta, etc. This game is constantly updating, it will get better, just be patient.

also hardcore players credit running lowbie missions will be addressed soon.


I've been in lots of betas (closed, open, etc).  As soon as they go public, they are basically set in stone.  Sadly, i've rarely seen a soft-launch beta change anything drastically

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I've been in lots of betas (closed, open, etc).  As soon as they go public, they are basically set in stone.  Sadly, i've rarely seen a soft-launch beta change anything drastically


Guess you didn't read today's patch notes, plenty got changed. Also why did you say you need to pay to progress?


If you dislike the completely random public co-op experience then play with friends or a clan. Random pubs are random pubs, not sure what's so new about that.

Edited by Thirdstar
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What we're seeing now is a bunch of players who've been around for a while and have good stuff, and many more players who don't yet.  Eventually, I'm guessing there'll be a pairing system for mission grouping based on level or whatnot, so the people you go on missions with will be about at your frame's capability at the time.


I... really don't see how you have to stay in the lower level zones if you don't pay money.  You can get blueprints for Orokin Reactors and Catalysts randomly from Alert missions, so you might take a while, but you can supercharge weapons and frames without spending platinum, and therefore without paying real-world money.  All the best items in the game have to be crafted, and cannot be bought from the Market - and this theme is likely to only get expanded as time goes on.


To the OP: Aelxproter, I'm not seeing what your issue is.  Would you mind being more specific in listing the issues you're experiencing?

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How do you have to stay in the low level areas to gain better things? You can get the same mats for items you get from lower level places, Like Rubedo from Earth, From higher level places. Like Europa-Rubedo, And from what I'v found to be in larger numbers. So.. Yeah.

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I've been in lots of betas (closed, open, etc).  As soon as they go public, they are basically set in stone.  Sadly, i've rarely seen a soft-launch beta change anything drastically


You might be surprised - if you take the time to read the last few months of update notes - at the amount of change and progress this game has had even in its most basic mechanics. This is not your average soft-launch Open Beta at all.


As Thirdstar said, there's possibly a lot you're misunderstanding about progression in Warframe. The more thoughtful members of this community would love to help you out if you could describe to us in detail what it is you understand so far. :D

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I think I understand what he's getting at.  He wants to craft stuff that requires morphics, but hasn't unlocked Mars (or Pluto) yet, which leaves him grinding the Mercury boss, which he finds too easy.  So his complaint isn't really that you have to pay to progress (because you don't), his complaint is that farming is boring.  Which is kind of absurd, because that's kind of the whole point.  You grind, or you pay.  The game's free-to-play, not freeware.  If you could just get everything without some grind, there'd be little incentive to pay for anything, and the devs need funding to keep up development and to keep the servers running.

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I think I understand what he's getting at.  He wants to craft stuff that requires morphics, but hasn't unlocked Mars (or Pluto) yet, which leaves him grinding the Mercury boss, which he finds too easy.  So his complaint isn't really that you have to pay to progress (because you don't), his complaint is that farming is boring.  Which is kind of absurd, because that's kind of the whole point.  You grind, or you pay.  The game's free-to-play, not freeware.  If you could just get everything without some grind, there'd be little incentive to pay for anything, and the devs need funding to keep up development and to keep the servers running.


That doesn't make a whole lot of sense either. Farming Vor isn't going to get him any closer to unlocking Mars. Unless I'm missing something. It's not as if you can buy morphics either. Or buy access to Mars. 


On a somewhat related note they've upped the difficulty vs Grineer again I think. Major RoF buff.

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I've been playing this for less than a week and already have a Paris and Dual Heat Swords... Unless OP is just complaining about grinding (get over it, f2p game is f2p), then I have no idea what he's getting at. Then again, I do tend to get a ton of the rarer drops for some reason. I've got, like, six morphics chilling in my inventory at this point.

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Please keep in mind that I'm no stranger to level based games. never played COD,BF,CS, etc... I enjoy level based games.

Warframe is a very cool game, with lots of potential. The art style is the best I've seen in a while and despite the fact that it is beautiful and fun - it won't be a game I stick with.


1)It's too easy. It's far too much of a grind. To keep it short, these are my main complaints:

I'm still in between levels 1 and 2. I have a variety of things that I want to craft, but I need morphics. The most difficult mission that I can do is in mercury with the teleporting boss. This level is so easy that it's become boring and I get paired with uber players. I could do it solo, but i like the co-op side of the game.

Even when I do it solo, I take no damage and it's generally a cakewalk. I can only see myself grinding this mission for days and days.


Why don't you try going through all of the different planets, I promise pluto isn't that easy ;)

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I've been in lots of betas (closed, open, etc).  As soon as they go public, they are basically set in stone.  Sadly, i've rarely seen a soft-launch beta change anything drastically

Digital Extreme's way of developing Warframe is extremely flexible. Many things were changed quite drastically in the game so far. Latest stream had a lot of things mentioned and they will be added in future update.

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That doesn't make a whole lot of sense either. Farming Vor isn't going to get him any closer to unlocking Mars. Unless I'm missing something. It's not as if you can buy morphics either. Or buy access to Mars.

Farming Vor is for morphics.  To craft the stuff he wants.  Instead of buying those craftable things.  I brought up Mars because it's a higher-level area he could get morphics from.
He doesn't like that he has to choose between challenge (playing in the higher-level areas), and farming low-level areas (for materials he needs) without paying (to bypass the latter).
He must want whatever he's trying to craft NAO, otherwise he'd just unlock Mars and farm morphics there.  If the game's really SO easy, it shouldn't take him long to get to Mars anyway...
Edited by Smoke39
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He must want whatever he's trying to craft NAO, otherwise he'd just unlock Mars and farm morphics there.  If the game's really SO easy, it shouldn't take him long to get to Mars anyway...



True. If he really wants a challenge, that's the way to do it.

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So you are stick on mercury and venus and complain about difficulty ? Those systems are so easy, that even blind amputeee child can do them with no effort.

Go to next solar systems ceres/iris/pluto - I dare you. Then you will quickly change your mind on what is easy and what is difficult.

Yes the game is grindy and thats the point. If you get all now - there is no progression. If you complain about not getting akboltos now - they are worth the wait. If you are complaining about not getting hek - rifle mods got buffed, so hek is not the ultimate gun now.

Dev constantly improve game, do balance tweaks, listen to community. In fact I do not know any other dev that pays that much attention to gaming community than DE here.

So stop complaining and look at things more closely.

Also about players oneshotting all before you - try to one shot before them, the game is easy for you, so you a capable of doing so,  right ?

And you DO get the exp while grouping, and it depends on what weapons others use to kill enemy, so its a nice opportunity to level less used weapon, cause you do not need to make a single shot from it - your teamates will do from theirs.

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For me I think the main reason I won't be staying long-term if the pricing strategy stays in its current state is that you can't buy weapon slots or warframe slots with credits. Once you max out 4 characters assuming you spent your free plat on 2 warframe slots, there's a lot less incentive to stay if you have to delete your characters that have personal signficance to you. It's like diablo 2, where players like to keep all their characters that they built from the ground up (or any mmo or game where you can collect characters). You have to assume that everyone is a potential customer, and the way you do that is to get them addicted and attached to as many characters in the game as possible to the point where they feel like spending plat outweighs their time investment into the game.

To give an example, I bought every single champion in League of Legends with IP, and with that much time investment

I'm more willing to spend money on skins because certain champions (a growing # btw, due to constant addition of new champions) have personal significance to me. I've spent money on plenty of skins, and hell if Riot really wanted to make more money they could also let people buy different skill particles with IP or RP and I'd actually spend money on that too.

The lack of long-term personal attachment to characters in warframe due to restricting warframe/weapon slots could be one of its biggest future problems because the playerbase will shrink fast if potential plat spenders (which should be assumed to be EVERYONE) don't have enough incentive to stay to provide entertainment for the ones who already spent plat. Maintaining a large addicted playerbase is crucial to a f2p game like Warframe staying alive through microtransactions.

my 2 cents.

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For me I think the main reason I won't be staying long-term if the pricing strategy stays in its current state is that you can't buy weapon slots or warframe slots with credits. Once you max out 4 characters assuming you spent your free plat on 2 warframe slots, there's a lot less incentive to stay if you have to delete your characters that have personal signficance to you. It's like diablo 2, where players like to keep all their characters that they built from the ground up (or any mmo or game where you can collect characters). You have to assume that everyone is a potential customer, and the way you do that is to get them addicted and attached to as many characters in the game as possible to the point where they feel like spending plat outweighs their time investment into the game.

To give an example, I bought every single champion in League of Legends with IP, and with that much time investment

I'm more willing to spend money on skins because certain champions (a growing # btw, due to constant addition of new champions) have personal significance to me. I've spent money on plenty of skins, and hell if Riot really wanted to make more money they could also let people buy different skill particles with IP or RP and I'd actually spend money on that too.

The lack of long-term personal attachment to characters in warframe due to restricting warframe/weapon slots could be one of its biggest future problems because the playerbase will shrink fast if potential plat spenders (which should be assumed to be EVERYONE) don't have enough incentive to stay to provide entertainment for the ones who already spent plat. Maintaining a large addicted playerbase is crucial to a f2p game like Warframe staying alive through microtransactions.

my 2 cents.

lol because it's unreasonable for someone to pay like 10 bucks to unlock another 8 slots? Come on man.

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