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[Warframe Concept] Hadur - The Arsenal


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Please go easy on me, this is my first concept submission.

This frame idea was named after Hadúr ("warlord", "lord of the armies") is the god of fire, War, and metalsmith of the Gods. It is Hungarian. Please tone down Game of Thrones References



Hadur - The Arsenal



Hadur is a Warframe that was designed by Grineer from the twisting of technology stolen from the dead bodies of Tenno. He was made to be a walking arsenal of weapons and has both Tenno and Grineer technology. He was made to hunt the enemies of the Queens and was manipulated by the Grineer into doing this. He sooner or later stumbled upon a Tenno data cache that showed him that he was being fed lies and rebelled against the Grineer. He was later destroyed by the Grineer after a vicious battle, with his Warframe blueprints being seperated on orders from the Queens, with the hope of never being found again.




Health: 100 (250 max)

Shield: 100 (200 max)

Armor: 135

Power: 100 (175 max)

Speed: 1

Stamina 100

Polarities: 1X Madurai, 1x Vazarin (Madurai Aura)




Bull Rush

Cost: 25 energy



Hadur rushes a single enemy, ignoring all others, and delivers an explosive strike


Hadur uses a the jetpack on his back to rush toward an enemy, ignoring any other enemy in the way. When he reaches the target, he punches them for considerable damage, and causes a small explosive pulse around him and the target, knocking back enemies.
Augment; Falling Hammer

Hadur jumps to target and makes a shockwave
Augment Details:
- Changes dash to a leap
- Increases knockback wave to 6/9/12 meters
      -NOT affected by Power Range
- Adds 30/40/50% of the damage to the knockback wave damage
      -Calculates bonus from original base damage done to target(150/300/450/600)
      -Bonus percentage affected by Power Strength
- Reduces target damage by 20/25/30%

Ability Details
- Does 150/300/450/600 damage to target
     -Damage is affected by Power Strength
     -Knockback damage is NOT affected by Power Strength
-Causes a small knockback wave


- Can rush 15/18/22/25 meters
     -Rush range is affected by Power Range


-The knockback wave has a set distance of 3 meters
-The knockback wave does minimal damage to enemies (10/15/20/25)
-Does not damage the enemies between the Hadur and target
-Can only work if targeting an object
-Can rush to allies
-Can rush in any direction as long as you are targeting an object


Latcher Swarm

Cost: 50 energy



Hadur throws a grenade that splits into a group of Latchers


Hadur throws a grenade that splits mid-air into a small swarm of Flash Latchers, that then seek out enemies, and explodes in a bright Flash
Augment; Heavy Weights

Leapers weigh down and slow enemies
Augment Details:
- Makes Latchers slow enemies by 10/15/20% for 5/8/12 seconds
     -Damage is now done over duration
     -Power Strength now affects slow and damage
     -Power Duration affects time slowed
     -Multiple Latchers on a single target stack slow up to 85%

Ability Details
- Grenade splits into 2/3/4/5 Latchers.
- Each Latcher does 100/150/200/250 damage to target
    -Damage is affected by Power Strength
    -Number of Latchers are affected by Power Strength
    -Latchers explode after a fixed 3 seconds


-Grenade Separates 1.5 seconds after being thrown
-Grenade can bounce off walls
-Grenade arcs when thrown
-Mostly tries to target enemy closes to them




Cost: 75 energy



Hadur yells, and rallies his allies into fighting harder


Hadur yells and gives his allies a big fire rate and small damage buff.
Augment: Inspire

Hadur inspires allies to survive and endure
Augment Details:
- Changes damage boost to shield boost
- Changes fire rate to shield recharge rate
- Adds a 150/200/250 bonus to allies armor
- Restores Shields by 30/40/50%

Ability Details
-Increases damage by 15%/25%/35%/45%
-Increases fire rate by 15%/20%/25%/30%
   -Fire rate and damage bonus is affected by Power Strength


- Affects people in a 10/15/20/25 meter radius
   -Radius is affected by Power Range

-Lasts for 10/12/15/18 seconds

   -Affected by Power Duration


-reduces recoil slightly while activated
-you pickup bonus ammo while ability is activated




Cost: 100 energy



Hadur flies up and unleashes all of his arsenal.


Hadur flies up and spins while shooting all of his arsenal (Rockets, bullets, grenades, etc.) into the enemies around him for a time.
Augment: Salvo Emplacement

Hadur locks himself onto the ground and unleashes his arsenal forward
Augment Details:
- Locks him in place
- Clicking the fire button now fires a salvo for original power duration
- Stays locked in place and ready to fire for 15/20/25 seconds
   -Can be toggled off early
- Only fires at enemies in front of him and on screen
   -Can still aim normally
   -Auto locks like normally
-Does 10/15/20% more damage
   -Calculations are done by the damage after strength mods are applied
-Range is increased by 25/30/35%

Ability Details
-Does 500/800/1000/1250 damage over 10/8/6/4 seconds
   -Damage is affected by Power Strength
   -Duration inversely affects time
- Hits people in a 20/25/30/35 meter radius
   -Radius is affected by Power Range
-All enemies in the radius are slowed by a fixed 20%


-Cannot use weapons while it is activated
-Missiles locks onto people in his Line of Sight
-Shoot missiles that deal Blast damage
-Missiles have a 20% chance to knock down enemies
-Shoots bullets that deal damage that is evenly distributed between Slash/Impact/Puncture


Edited by TheOniStixx
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#Hadurs gonna Hate


In all seriousness though, I think its a cool concept. There have been a lot of concepts with a grineer frame in mind, and its definitely an interesting concept of think about. The only thing that seems to be a recurring problem with this type of frame is the fall-off at end game. 


Other than that, I think such a frame would be cool to see in game. 

Edited by TheGlade
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Cool concept. Though for his third ability i would rather see a slight fire root with a bigger damage buff. This way, weapons with already high fire rate will not have terrible ammo economy. And for late game i would have 2nd ability make the latchers knockback enemies on attachment, and his fourth to have a stun/knockback affect.

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