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[Warframe & Weapon Concepts] - Inquisitor, The Energy Incarnate/ Wraith, The Fallen Knight W/ Art - [Vitreus Armour Set ~ 9'th/3/16]


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HELLO everyone, Pyro here, with the Warframe Concepts of Inquisitor and Wraith with their individual and respective weapons! This Thread incorporates a collective bulk of information, accumulated since the Thread's creation, and is, in its entirety, a complex Thread - feel free to read at your own leisure and time!

 The link to the original image is here (Note -The art is out of date, but the information is still valid):                                                                                                                                                                    

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                                                                                          Latest Art: Vitreus Armour Set



                                                                                         Rendered Image 

   "Inquisitor, the damaging crux of the Tenno, lethal and elusive. Warrior of the Old War, Inquisitor specializes in energy based attacks, dealing high damage to multiple and individual adversaries."


Inquisitor is an energy-based, high damage dealing Warframe and powerful caster or glass-cannon, efficient in varying ranges of combat. Inquisitor and Wraith differ from current frames as their abilities need to be used in conjunction with each other - to use Inquisitor effectively, all abilities must be in affiliation with each other. Inquisitor can be put to good use through using utilizing his Praetorian Great Bow, the Akdraiiko and Vindicus, the Warframe's signature weapons, notably the rapier as it draws health from Inquisitor's high-health supply, in return dealing higher damage over time.


  • Health: 150. (450 at Rank 30). 
  • Power: 150. (250 at Rank 30)
  • Armour: 100.0
  • Shield Capacity: 100. (300 at Rank 30)
  • Sprint Speed: 1.15
  • Polarities: 2x Madurai (20px-Madurai_Pol.svg.png) - Offensive-based Polarities to enhance abilities.
  • Aura Polarity: Naramon (20px-Naramon_Pol.svg.png) - Suitable for Energy Siphon to maximize energy potential w/ synergy towards Inquisitor's Passives.


  • Once reaching a full energy pool, Inquisitor marks and senses the energy of enemies, adding +18m of enemy radar/ enemy sense, with a +8% damage buff to all abilities over a short period of time.
  • Imbued with volatile energy, Inquisitor has an innate +0.5 energy regeneration.
  • Inquisitor features a higher amount of time available for Wall Latches and Wall Dashes.


  •  Energy Lance | Ability 1 | 30 Energy Cost, additional 3 energy a second for Life-Steal: 

Inquisitor focuses his power, creating an energy-projectile and hurling it forward dealing 100/150/ 250/ 350 combined damage (SlashPuncture & Impact). If the enemy is not killed, the energy spear will sap ?% of his remaining health when ability key is held, in return taking 3 energy per second. Additionally, Energy Lance will also deal a further 50% damage with the corresponding status effect against the respective Factions -  Puncture for Grineer, Impact for Corpus & Slash for the Infested.  

  •  Outburst | Ability 2 | 25 Energy Cost, 3 energy a second whilst ability is active:

Inquisitor draws upon energy from surrounding enemies, weakening them greatly, and summons and surrounds himself in a runic circle, volatile energy in the air. Enemies that deal damage to Inquisitor have ?% damage re-directed, at the cost of continuous energy drain, whilst dealing pulsating energy Slash DoT. In return, Health will regenerate by with 100/120/140/180 per 2/2/3/4 seconds upon activation of the ability. When Outburst is active, Energy Lance will have an Energy Cost of 25, un-modded.

  • Incursion | Ability 3 | 75 Energy Cost:

Inquisitor phases between enemies in energy form, savagely dealing damage to and impairing enemies, controlling where he phases - to and from adversaries/ Tileset surfaces with ensuing 100 Blast damage from contact, and marking phased enemies with volatile energy. When marked enemies are killed, they have a chance to drop 1/1/2/3 25 Health Orbs.

  •  Pillars of Light | Ability 4 | 100 Energy Cost (To be changed) :

Inquisitor summons a barrage of energy, erupting from above in rapid succession. When enemies are struck, each energy Pillar deals 500?/650?/ 750? damage and multiplies by 1.5x when the enemy is struck 3 times. 

Colour Scheme/ Inspiration


Inquisitor is predominantly gun-metal with amethyst/ dark purple outlines, complementing the crystalline features imbedded into the Warframe. Inquisitor is based off the looks of a sorcerer with dark flowing robes under his light but effective armour plates, with satin Sentient alterations bearing grim value. Inquisitor's left arm is heavily armoured, whilst his other arm has light armour acclaiming to the prowess of Inquisitor's skilled swordsmanship, with his preferred sword-hand his right, suiting the Warframe due to its light armour for additional mobility in combat. Inquisitor features long and elegant elbow guards, elegantly placed to deflect bladed weapons, and to absorb impact based attacks.

                                                                           Inquisitor Full-Body Concept:




 "The final battle approached: The Orokin against the last of the Sentients. Tenno, warriors clad in Warframes drew blades, weapons hot with sustained fire and then…

An explosion…shouting…darkness…and…

The Tenno Army had collapsed and as the smoke withdrew, the Alpha Sentient roared. A swipe of its bladed arm and 3 warriors were sheared in half. The hand rose and Tenno were torn apart by an unseen force, blood painting the air with a red mist. Inquisitor burst from the rubble, armour torn, greatly weakened and in hand, rapier drawn. The Alpha Sentient turned to face the lone tenno. The air rippled and Inquisitor screamed as his leg buckled and the bone snapped violently. He threw himself to the side, ramming a wave of energy into his opponent, leaping away from a brutal lance. Another wave and the Sentient was forced backwards. Energy spears pierced it and then, Inquisitor flung his arms in the air. A barrage of energy slammed into it from above, bringing it to the ground: Pillars of Light raining from the sky. Dust lay suspended in the air and the Sentient staggered forwards but the movement it took wavered - it was hurt. With a bellow of defiance, Inquisitor charged and with a vicious strike, impaled the Alpha Sentient, and the infixed rapier flared a dead amethyst tone, and the Sentient was ripped apart, it's anguished -inhuman- screeches echoing in fluctuation...and the blade -Vindicus- fed with savage hunger..."

At the time of the Old War, the original Inquisitor was a spy and an assassin - ruthless to his enemies with his ability as master of Energy Manipulation, sworn of the Orokin Council of Executors and High Court. The entirety of his role was to extract information from those who opposed the Orokin, whilst proving to be irreplaceable in battle, earning him the title of The Executioner by slaying an Alpha Sentient. Slain by so many in battle, his weapon which became feared in the era, Vindicus, soon grew a certain degree of artificial sentience by feeding off the blood and energy of enemies - the Alpha Sentient - inflicting more damage in return for the wielders physical pain and bloodshed.

Only one has ever defeated Inquisitor in combat, and in defeat, the Warframe was imprisoned in the infamous and unknown Crystal Caverns of the Sentients, and his abilities used against himself, the volatile energy trapping Inquisitor in chains of his own power, and his resolute aura crystallizing upon the Warframe, imprisoning him in eternal agony, inflaming in intensity through the eons. And, through the centuries, Inquisitor's strength evolved, enhanced from the immortal energy and vitality of the Sentient Crystals, and when the Sentients were freed once more, Inquisitor shattered the chains of his demise...and with his honour of the Orokin Council of Executors, swore to incarcerate and execute his eternal vengaence to the renegade,

...to the Stalker.

( ~ Additional information ~)

 To vote for Inquisitor's Alternate Melee, vote here: http://strawpoll.me/4975189

                                                                                     - - - - - - - - - -

   "Wraith, the baneful and brutal striking force of the Tenno. Guarded by the Sentient Forces during the time of the Old War, it was once again taken back by the Tenno. A high damaging Warframe with complete control over Dark-Matter, Wraith can shift the tide of battle with his abilities." 


Wraith, the Dark-Matter Knight - The Fallen Knight- specializing as a Tank/ Survivalist and high-damage dealer in close quarters, but with a lackluster amount of utility. As a master warrior with an affinity for certain weapons, the Warframe itself has a passive, with swords and heavy weapons enhanced with Dark-Matter and Corruption when fully ranked, augmented and activated during battle, cleaving through multiple enemies and ravaging through foes through increased melee range and a continuous eruption of Radiation and Dark-Matter from the blades themselves. Wraith is a master hunter and never fights alone as he has his loyal Kubrow, Furia, and the Hounds & Raptors.


  •    Health: 125 (375 at Rank 30)
  •    Power: 100 (150 at Rank 30)
  •    Armour: 250.0
  •    Shield Capacity: 100 (300 at Rank 30)
  •    Sprint Speed: 1.0
  •    Polarities: 1x Vazarin (20px-Vazarin_Pol.svg.png) - Suitable for defensive based Modules, 1x Naramon (20px-Naramon_Pol.svg.png) - A utility polarity to balance the Warframe.
  •   Aura Polarity: Vazarin (20px-Vazarin_Pol.svg.png) - Bolster of survivability and defensive statistics.


  • When Wraith's health is depleted to -30%, his armour is strengthened by 20% with phantasmal plating, with a 10% increase in Melee damage temporarily as a last stand.
  • Wraith features a high invulnerability to Radiation damage.


  •  Vile Gauntlet | Ability 1 | | 25 Energy Cost:

Wraith taunts his enemies, focusing Radiation into his gauntlet, projecting it forward, staggering enemies and dealing 100/100/200/250, followed by a wave of dark-matter along with 80/120/160/180  Radiation damage with the additional Status Effect, destroying oncoming projectiles. Enemies caught in the dark-matter will have 15%/20%/25%/30% decreased damage and limited accuracy over a small period of time, with their armour corrupting and crippling their speed. If a singular enemy is targeted, the enemy will become enraged, breaking off contact with other targets, provoking an attack against Wraith.

  •  Bestial Call | Ability 2 | 50 Energy Cost:

Wraith summons his hound Furia along with 2 Spectral Hounds in a blaze of dark-matter to hunt foes in reminiscent of the Old War. Furia deals 350-500 slash damage per swipe w/ a multiplier of 1.5x, also emitting a Radiation Aura whilst the Spectral Hounds deal 250-350 damage on their own, savagely impairing and dragging enemies towards Wraith, for brutal finishers.

If ability key is activated again, the Spectral Hounds erupt, evolving into winged Spectral Raptors, dealing an increased total of 550-650, striking targets and viciously blinding them. Bestial Call lasts for 15/15/20/25 seconds, with a 3rd and final activation of the ability to self-destruct the Spectral Beasts, cancelling the ability.

  •  Indomitable | Ability 3 | 75 Energy Cost:

Darkness and corruption, erupt from Wraith, intensifying into Phantasmal Armour, becoming indomitable, immune to stagger and knockdown for 1/2/2/3 seconds, with a bolster of 20/25/30/35% armour. After the duration is over, the phantasmal armour ruptures in a Radiation AoE effect, imbuing Wraith with dark-matter, increasing his Health to full, and his melee attack and ability cast speed are increased by the percentage of Health lost in the duration, with an additional 20%, whilst emanating a Radiation status effect upon activation.

  •  Shrouds of the Corrupted | Ability 4 | 100 Energy Cost - 30% damage to Health (To be changed) :

Darkness and corruption erupt from Wraith; A twisted shadow of its host and solidifying into Phantasmal Armour rendering him invincible and imbuing a Corrupted Desecrator with Dark-Matter. Wraith charges into battle and deals 2000?/2500?/3000? Damage per strike, followed by a wave of dark-matter dealing an 100% Radiation Proc. This ability lasts for 8?/10?/12? seconds. When the ability ends, the Armour is stripped and torn away, dealing 30% to his health. 

Colour Scheme/ Inspiration: 


The Warframe of Dark-Matter, inspired by medieval knights from their heavy, thick armour, battle-scarred from the countless battles. As Warframe of the Orokin, it follows a gold and corrupted white colour scheme, with a dark aura and smoke surrounding and emanating of Wraith from his corruption. When taking damage, the Warframe itself visually breaks-down, corrupting and showing battle-damage.



 "Silus -the Regal Excalibur-, a lone Tenno of the Orokin, captured and tortured by the Sentients; Experimented on and hidden powers harnessed. The old Tenno was gone, Silus who once fought for the Orokin, warped and corrupted. That Tenno don armour to hide and disguise his former self and when Silus left the Orokin, Wraith stepped onto the battle field. Countless lives decimated on the theatre of war. Rage fueled him, rage filled him and rage ultimately consumed him.

And then, sense overcame Wraith. Silus was dead but, the humanity and the sense of righteousness remained and then…he returned to the Orokin. He found others, tortured but vigilant individuals and founded the Knights Order of the Orokin High-Guard and soon after, the Sentients fell and victory was claimed. But it was short lived.

When the time of the uprising came, Wraith among others led the Tenno, fighting for the cause of freedom and right. Finally the last fell and Wraith stepped over the fallen bodies of his fellow tenno, the High-Guard vanquished in the bloody battles. The Citadel of the Orokin Emperor, drew nearer and soon blood splattered the glorious halls. Wraith slew his once comrades in arms and after a brutal and savage battle, slaughtered the last of the Orokin.

Rage and darkness once again consumed Wraith, corrupting his physical form and mind beyond measure but it was at that moment he overcame it. A sense of purpose to fight for the Tenno cause and bring justice to the Solar System and seeking retribution for his unforgivable actions, a noble self-sacrifice at the cost of Wraith’s eternal war with unimaginable pain against his ever growing darkness."

 Wraith, once a respected founder of the Orokin High-Guard. During the Old War, he was once known as Silus, but captured during battle and tortured by the Sentients. However, at the time of the uprising, he played a key part...and slew his former masters.

In doing so, the Warframe corrupted; both his physical appearance and mind. In this aspect, he turned to Dark-Matter, a dangerous and volatile substance corrupted to suit Wraith's needs, giving him power beyond other Warframes. During battle, he always fought alone, seeking a worthy challenge which would always be met, blade against blade to reinforce his strength and above all, his honour. 

( ~ Additional information ~)

  To vote for Wraith's Alternate Melee Weapon, vote here: http://strawpoll.me/4975193


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   Praetorian Great Bow:
"The weapon of choice of Inquisitor, the Praetorian Great Bow -a lethal weapon in the hands of a skilled Marksman due to its unique Charge attack and immense damage."
Short BioThe Praetorian Great Bow is a weapon of mass damage due to its charge attack. Like all bow weapons, it charges, dealing most damage when fully charged. The Great Bow however, varying from traditional bows, has a unique charge attack, overlapping the charge again to deal 50% more charge damage and an 100% proc, whether it be an Elemental or Physical damage proc. This feature or augment is unlocked when the weapon has reached a certain rank. The Praetorian Great Bow boasts an unwavering 100% accuracy and high projectile velocity. 


"Elegant and Deadly, the Akdraiiko; dual weapon of the Inquisitor. The design of the weapon focused on critical damage with hollow point ammunition, accentuating the damage caused."

Short Bio: The Akdraiiko is a deadly, akimbo crit weapon with a base 40% Crit Chance/ 3.00 Crit Multiplier which can be upgraded with mods to 88% Crit and 4.8 Crit Multiplier, making this weapon dangerous along with its high accuracy and fire rate; the critical chance which can be further increased with Primed Pistol Gambit. The weapon itself has a slight projectile speed, meaning shots need to be led to hit targets accurately. 

"Based from the ancient rapier, the Vindicus - a weapon that takes a true Tenno to wield- dealing low, but quick damage with its innate bleed-out effect. Beware of its vampiric effects on the user..."
Short BioThe Vindicus is a rapier-like weapon focused mainly on Puncture, effective for armoured enemies and can deal extra damage with its inherent Bleed status effect that ignores and bypasses armour, dealing the decisive  damage straight to enemies health (a Slash Damage over Time), intensified over a period of 8 seconds.To equalize this, the weapon in return drains up to 10% of the user's health, a worthy sacrifice in comparison to the savage and effective damage that is dealt. 

                                                                                     - - - - - - - - - -

"The Kerberos. As the war of the Sentients raged, the weapon struck down entire hordes with its Heavy Caliber secondary clip. This weapon in the hands of Master Tenno is imperative, defeating those who dare to oppose."
Short BioThe Kerberos is a unique and dangerous weapon in battle with a slower fire-rate than most Assault Rifles but higher damage. With its secondary Heavy Caliber clip, the front segment of the weapon splits into 3 barrels and the damage per bullet multiplies by 2x, but feeds on Sniper Ammo, containing a 25 round clip in the secondary fire. 


"Sepulchre, the corrupted weapon of Wraith; this Heavy Revolver was the last sight of many an enemy."

Short Bio: The Sepulchre is a deadly weapon which fires multifarious dark-matter infused ammunition, with each discharge firing 3 rounds from separate barrels, dealing 60 damage with a combined total of 180 damage. Due to its heavy recoil, the weapon was built as a short to mid-range weapon, optimizing the damage to targets. As with Wraith's theme, Sepulchre has an innate chance to proc a Radiation effect. 

"An old weapon, used by the once united Orokin High-Guard; A heavy bladed weapon of mass damage fed by Dark-Matter and the weapon of choice of Wraith, corrupted to his needs."

Short Bio: The Desecrator is a heavy-bladed 2 handed weapon based on Slash damage that uses the Heavy Blade stances; the only stance now being Tempo Royale, and is the weapon of Wraith.

When blood is drawn by the Desecrator (in the form of a Slash Proc), the weapon is imbued with dark matter, attacking faster with a 5% attack speed boost which can be additionally elevated to 10% attack speed, further increasing the ability of Wraith's innate augment and emanating Dark-matter, and a greater chance to inflict Slash Damage and cripple enemies.  


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Runic Syandana: A symbolic Syandana made of pure energy, granted only to those imperative to the Orokin cause; A sign feared by enemies.

• Runic Syandana & Vitreus Armour Set



Imperator Bandolier: A special cosmetic item with a passive; 10-15% Ammo Maximum.

Vitreus Armour Set: A crystalline armour set for Inquisitor ignites in energy flares when damage is inflicted and taken.

Revenant Armour Set: Ornamental and symbolic battle-scarred armour used by the High-Guard.


If you liked the concept, feel free to upvote the Thread, each is a symbol of support! Please comment and/or contribute constructive criticism/ feedback that I can build on! Thankyou, and Pyro out :P

 (Poll: Favourite Warframe http://strawpoll.me/4290735)


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A log of notable/important changes to the Thread.


 9/3/2015 - March 9th, 2015: Thread is created with major help from Grunni!
10/3/2015 - March 10th, 2015: With suggestions from Grunni, more detail is added to Inquisitor, Wraith, the Praetorian Great Bow and the Vindicus.
11/3/2015 - March 11th, 2015: Tenno Reinforcements; Added 'Orokin Assault Rifle' and Desecrator and implemented minor fixes. 'Notes' have been added.

12/3/2015 - March 12th, 2015: Information is added to the 'Orokin Assault Rifle' and Desecrator. The Orokin Assault Rifle is officially changed to Kerberos. Added additional notes.

13/3/2015 - March 13th, 2015: Added additional notes and Warframe Stats.

14/3/2015 - March 14th, 2015: Added additional notes and special Stances for Vindicus/Desecrator; Swift Retribution Dying Light.

15/3/2015 - March 15th, 2015: Tenno Reinforcements; Added the Akdraiiko.

16/3/2015 - March 16th, 2015: Inquisitor and Wraith Abilities officially added. Information is added to the Akdraiiko.

17/3/2015 - March 17th, 2015: Minor fixes and added Short Bio to the Akdraiiko.

18/3/2015 - March 18th, 2015: [Technical Glitch], added Cosmetics.

19/3/2015 - March 19th, 2015: Minor fixes and added new cosmetics.

20/3/2015 - March 20th, 2015: Added ability for Wraith.

21/3/2015 - March 21st, 2015: Begun concepting for Wraith's Secondary. Added Call of the Hound.

22/3/2015 - March 22nd, 2015: Tenno Reinforcements: Added Sepulchre & additional notes/minor fixes.

23/3/2015 - March 23rd, 2015: Added Wraith Ability. Information is added to the Sepulchre.

24/3/2015 - March 24th, 2015: Renamed Wraith's Abilities with help from Grunni. Added Vitreus Armour Set.

25/3/2015 - March 25th, 2015: Minor fixes.

26/3/2015 - March 26th, 2015: Minor fixes. Added Revenant Armour Set.

27/3/2015 - March 27th, 2015 ~ 9/4/2015 - April 9th, 2015: Concepting for Inquisitor started and finalized. Minor Thread fixes and added Inquisitor's 3rd Ability, Outburst.

10/4/2015 - April, 10th, 2015: Minor Thread fixes.

13/3/2015 - April 13th, 2015: Added new Lore & History.

17/3/2015 - April 17th, 2015: Added Inquisitor Full-Body Concept to OP.

25/3/2015 - April 25th, 2015: Minor thread fixes and updated Lore.

1/5/2015 - May 1st, 2015: Minor thread & Lore fixes.

4/5/2015 - May 4th, 2015: Minor Thread fixes.

6/5/2015 - May 6th, 2015: Created Poll & updated Lore.

11/5/2015 - May 9th, 2015: Updated Praetorian Great Bow.

24/5/2015 - May 24th, 2015: Minor Thread fixes & updated Notes.

27/5/2015 - May 27th, 2015: Updated Wraith's Abilities ~ Vile GauntletShrouds of Corruption.

3/6/2015 - June 3rd, 2015: Orientation & Thread layout fixed. Added various information to numerous topics.

5/6/2015 - June 5th, 2015: Weapon & Warframe fixes from MrPigman's feedback!

9/6/2015 - June 9th, 2015: Added additional Cosmetic Art for Inquisitor!

13/6/2015 - June 13th, 2015 ~ 14/6/2015 - June 16th, 2015: Orientation fixes & added Warframe Statistics.

20/6/2015 - June 20th, 2015: Ability corrections.

28/6/2015 - June 27th, 2015 ~8/7/15 - July 8th, 2015: Summary and format corrections, and the removal of unnecessary information. 

15/7/2015 - July 15th, 2015 ~ 17/7/2015 - July 16th, 2015: Added Weapon and Warframe Characteristics to notes, with additional features and passives for each respective weapon!

26/7/2015 - July 26th, 2015: Updated highest critical chance of the Akdraiiko, increased by Primed Pistol Gambit.

1/8/2015 - August 1th, 2015: Removed Stamina with the introduction of Warframe U 17! Added additional Inquisitor & Wraith passives as compensation for their respective stats. 

7/8/2015 - August 7th, 2015 ~ 8/8/2015 - August 8th, 2015: Added additional Weapon Characteristics with other assorted information (Abilities, Lore).

9/8/2015 - August 9th, 2015: Added links and citation for Inquisitor & Wraith's Alternate Melee Weapon Polls.

5/9/2015 - September 5th, 2015 ~ 19/9/2015 - September 18th, 2015: Additional Lore and information added. Altered Wraith's augment.

28/9/15 - September 28th, 2015: Layout changes and passive reworks.

8/10/15 - October 8th, 2015: Weapon passive additions and reworks!

17/10/15 - October 17th, 2015: Bestial Call reworks, with ability format updates.

1/11/15 - November 1st, 2015: Thread formatting changes.

7/11/15 - November 7th, 2015: Further formatting changes, and slimming down the bulk of the Thread's information.

27/11/15 - November 27th, 2015: Wraith's Lore Changes.

7/12/15 - December 7th, 2015: MAJOR changes to the Thread's layout, Lore and implementation of 4 abilty weapon upgrades as with in-game Warframe abilities (e.g 100/100/200/250).

8/12/15 - December 8th, 2015: Minor changes to weapon's statistics and stances.

10/12/15 - December 10th, 2015: Added "Latest Art" Sub section!

11/12/15 - December 11th, 2015: After 9 months and 2 days, Wraith has a 3'rd ability! ~ Added Indomitable.

12/12/15 - December 12th, 2015: Added various Lore and Colour Scheme Inspiration changes.

13/12/15 - December 13th, 2015: Added additional Inquisitor Lore: the final resultant incarceration of the Warframe and Tenno, and latest Thread Update

18/12/15 - December 18th, 2015: Slight changes to Thread Format - a thought to remove Cosmetics to slim down the Thread.

19/12/15 - December 19th, 2015: Changed Inquisitor's 3rd ability's name, to Incursion.

3/1/16 - January 1st, 2016: First edits of the YEAR - major changes to the Thread from Rhekemi's feedback.

21/1/16 - January 21st, 2016: After a LONG personal break - minor format changes and the start of shortening the Thread & moved the Thread's Credits.

23/2/16 - February 23rd, 2016: After another lengthy person break - edited Thread format to adapt to new Upgraded Forums (MAJOR CHANGE INCOMING).

5/3/16 - March 5th, 2016: NEW Concept Art by scharkie1333, added into OP!


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Notes are random ideas and concepts that I have in mind to implement. As the following are just notes, not all the information will be officially added. When added to the thread, the note may be deleted or kept as vital information ~ w/ Credits.


Praetorian Great Bow: 

 • Arrows do not travel along an arc, unlike arrows from other bows, having high-velocity projectiles.

 • When the action key (x), or the Alternate Fire key (Mouse 3) is held, the Praetorian Great Bow's arrow is infused with energy in addition to consuming 10 energy from the current Warframe's energy-pool. Infused Projectiles have the ability to pierce enemy Nullifiers Shields and directly assail the target, along with having the visual effect of disintegrating enemies upon said death. Infused Projectiles will have innate x2.0 damage, and maximum Punch Through, able to pierce any armour with maximum effect.

 • Silent


 • The Akdraiiko has an undetermined chance for bullets to cause an Stagger Proc upon impact with an enemy.

 • Silent


 • RAPIER Weapon Stance: Serrated Silence.

STANCES - Quick, agile attacks with lunges and crippling lacerations to multiple targets.

 • Whilst the Vindicus is unsheathed, the Tenno receive an increase in mobility and speed.

                                                                                     - - - - - - - - - -


 • To change from the primary clip to secondary, press LMB and hold (f), or alternatively, the action key (x) & Alternate Fire (Mouse 3).

 • The amount held in the secondary clip is not affected by Ammo-Mutation or Ammo-Maximum/Capacity Mods. 

(The original Orokin Assault Rifle is officially changed to Kerberos)

Kerberos is based off Cerberus, the 3-headed Hound of mythology, with the 3 barrels of the secondary fire representing the individual Hounds.


 • The Sepulchre possess 3 singular barrels in the front segment of the weapon, along with its Primary Weapon counterpart, Kerberos.

 • The weapon fires perforating ammunition, which upon contact with an object, ruptures at the point of contact with multiple wound channels as the bullet(s) splinter, dealing a Slash-damage status effect.


 • HEAVY BLADE Weapon Stance: Dying Light.

STANCE - Heavy, vicious -crippling- and powerful blows to numerous enemies.

 • The Desecrator possesses the capability to sever limbs and crippling enemies, hindering accuracy and damage.

 • Contrary to existing weapons, the Desecrator, whilst blocking, does not parry or deflect damage originally as previous weapons. Instead, a phantasmal guard emits from the user's blade-hand, deflecting and absorbing oncoming damage.

 • The heavy-blade deals an innate base 2x channel damage, instead of 1.5x.


                                                                                         Rendered Image 

 • Grunni on the Warframe Wiki, has helped me a lot on coming up on new ideas and just tweaking the concepts overall; I owe him for the concepts success! Kudos for him! Visit his Thread below:

     https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/436114-original-warframe-grief-the-mourner/'>Grief, the Mourner

 • USouLz on the Warframe Wiki came up with the official name of the Heavy Orokin Assault Rifle, the Kerberos. The name itself is derived from Cerberus, the 3-headed Hound of mythology; the 3 barrels of the secondary fire representing the individual Hounds, and the creators of the Akdraiiko; The Warframe Wikia Team! These guys helped me develop the idea that eventually became the Akimbo Crit Secondary!

• EVERYONE who was supported this Thread! Thank-you <3


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Hey, Pyro, it's Grunni. I'm seeing a lot of good things so far, but I think you'll have to give a bunch more details to really get some large-scale feedback from others. I've got some suggestions on what you need to write up as well as some suggestions that I think would be cool personally, but since it's your idea, pick out what you think is worth it from my opinions.



• Why is the Inquisitor called that? Did he have a role in investigation, sentencing, or execution? If we know this, then it starts to form possible ideas for abilities. If the original Inquisitor warframe was an Orokin detective, maybe he'll have an ability (or passive) that includes tracking enemies and loot. If he was an Orokin judge, maybe he has an ability that "sees" weak points and flaws by causing all enemies in a nearby area to be automatically crit when hit.

• His weapon of choice is a rapier, which due to its history implies that the Inquisitor is classy. So, a possible judge or detective with high class would probably walk around with upright posture and deliberate movements in his animations.

• His rapier has bleedout at the cost of his blood. This moves the Inquisitor base towards the executioner angle, particularly a torturous one with a ruthlessness for extracting confessions.

• We can double down on both these concepts. Since the Inquisitor's weapon of choice damages his own health, but he has the longevity to make it work, maybe one of his abilities gives him (or the whole party), either as a toggle or buff, a chance to spawn Health Orbs on melee kill. This encourages using the Inquisitor to start slashing up enemies, keeps him alive as he uses his weapon of choice, 



• Bleedouts are the Slash damage proc, but rapiers were swords designed very much for Puncture rather than Slash. You'd have to choose how you'd best want to represent this.

• I like the idea of channeling costing health as well as energy, but at the benefit of giving Vindicus 100% chance to make a Slash proc.



• I described to you before that the name evokes incorporeal undead. This can marry your heavy armor Old Guard concept into possibly a sort of dispossessed suit of armor, as if there's a ghost wearing the plate mail. (Obviously, the Warframe itself wouldn't be a ghost and would have a Tenno body.)

• With an undead theme, we also said that Viral damage might be his ability damage of choice. This is a good niche because no warframe, including Nekros, uses it yet. I get the sense of him "haunting" others like this, infecting them from within as they face him.

• You want him to have a passive which improves his attack speed with the bladed weapons he would be an expert about. Since you say his abilities might focus on self-buffing, perhaps it would be better to make his abilities encompass that swordsmanship.

• As an example, what if he had a two-stage ability where, upon activation, he becomes immune to stagger and knockdown for 2 seconds but not damage, and then when the 2 seconds are up, his health goes to full and his melee attack speed and ability cast speed is increased for 10 seconds by a percentage equal to the percentage of health lost during the 2 seconds? This means in a single move, he has both a self-heal mechanic and an attack speed buff based off of the rate of damage he's taking (so a harder fight means he musters up a stronger counterattack).

• As an alternative example, you could explain his penchant for sword weapons simply by having an ability that synergizes well with Slash damage, which should be the main damage type for most swords. For example, since Slash procs do damage straight to health, you could give him an ability that increases his melee attack speed based off damaging enemy health. This would have the side effect of working for Toxin damage and Gas procs, both of which I think might fall in line with the Viral Ghost Heavy Knight. I don't think you should have two different abilities buffing melee attack speed, though, since most of the game really is about guns.

• I mentioned to you before that Nova was the antimatter frame, so I didn't care for him being a dark matter theme--but I was wrong, as they're two different types of matter I know now. Since dark matter doesn't interact with electromagnetic forces, you could very well give him another self-buff duration ability that both reduces the damage he (and maybe his allies) take from Electric and Magnetic damage sources, as well as makes him invisible (light is electromagnetic, and dark matter is called such because it doesn't interact with light). This ability to disappear further fits the undead wraith motif, as a pale white phantom knight who shows up suddenly to murder everyone before vanishing again.


This is what I've got for you so far, sorry if I got carried away with ideas. 

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To all who read this,

I'm having trouble coming up with a name for the Heavy Caliber Orokin Assault Rifle, and would greatly appreciate any suggestions! If I find a name suitable, I'll be sure to add the user to the Credits :P

(Bear in mind to keep the theme of the weapon when suggesting a name!)

Pyro out!

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Inquisitor and Wraith are intended to work together. I call that teamwork and synergy. I don't often see teamwork while playing. And I like the idea of encouraging teamwork. But the game is already designed around teamwork. You'll notice that each Warframe has niche abilities that complement the abilities of others. And so it would be a mistake to assume the concepts discussed in the thread add a new idea or a fresh incentive. Generally speaking, teamwork is missing from pickup games (PUGs). And the practical solution is to find an active and coordinated group of people. There are active clans that fulfill this role.


Exchanging health for damage is fine in principle. But channelling already serves this purpose in the game. At the high end, adding damage by draining health is counterintuitive. More damage is needed to kill tougher enemies. Tougher enemies are more likely to kill you. Draining health increases the chance tougher enemies will kill you. In practice, this is a glass cannon build. I am not attracted to glass cannons. And I think this runs counter to encouraging teamwork.


There is also a similar synergy in the game that you might not be aware of: the combination of Life Strike and Rage with a high EHP Valkyr. Note this also implies the damage boost of channelling. I can take this about about level 40 while being completely passive. At that point it is necessary to use Hysteria or CC to go any further. In terms of roles, this setup is almost the same as what you suggest. And I would not expect to get any further with a glass cannon build.


Damage over time (DoT) is a problem in Warframe because enemies tend to be dead or not. Typically, teammates extract when they can no longer kill enemies. It is unlikely PUG members will wait for a DoT even if it can eventually deliver fatal damage.


Another way to look at things is DoTs are subordinate to DPS. And, so, if a DoT cannot offer superior DPS, it will be quickly abandoned.


Valkyr and Volt's stock #2 abilities give a 50% boost to attack speed. And passives are the domain of Auras. Steel Charge offers +60% melee damage—which translates into +60% DPS—which is superior to what you are proposing. Also consider that heavy weapons generally have momentum in part to counteract stuns associated with slow attack speed. So the elements of a 20% passive boost to attack speed are already in the game. In my experience, the abilities I discussed are rarely used. Only a melee alert or a new melee-only mission type would draw attention to any of these abilities.


Bows are a problem in Warframe for the same reason that DoTs are a problem. Enemies tend to be dead or not. Most of the game consists of mid-range assault-style play. Strategies that are not optimized for this are at a disadvantage. Either your teammates will kill the enemies before the bow can be fully charged or they will extract because they are struggling. Bows can serve in low and mid-level difficulty where they offer early access to high damage. They can also be used in stealth missions.


However, I know that Lanka and its siblings account for a significant amount of damage dealt in Warframe. But I don't have direct experience with this style of play. Perhaps a bow can compete with these weapons. Someone else will have to suggest a practical niche.  

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I'd just like to note, I was wrong in stating no Warframe uses Viral Damage. I just learned that Saryn's Venom skill does Viral. I'd also like to withdraw my pushing for the Wraith to do Viral Damage as well; the more I thought about it, the more I think the concept of "viral" doesn't fit him anymore.

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I'd just like to note, I was wrong in stating no Warframe uses Viral Damage. I just learned that Saryn's Venom skill does Viral. I'd also like to withdraw my pushing for the Wraith to do Viral Damage as well; the more I thought about it, the more I think the concept of "viral" doesn't fit him anymore.

No worries at all. Right now, I'm leaning over to the side of adding new Elemental Types to suit Wraith :D

(March 16th Update: Wraith now does both physical damage and Radiation damage.)

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Inquisitor and Wraith are intended to work together. I call that teamwork and synergy. I don't often see teamwork while playing. And I like the idea of encouraging teamwork. But the game is already designed around teamwork. You'll notice that each Warframe has niche abilities that complement the abilities of others. And so it would be a mistake to assume the concepts discussed in the thread add a new idea or a fresh incentive. Generally speaking, teamwork is missing from pickup games (PUGs). And the practical solution is to find an active and coordinated group of people. There are active clans that fulfill this role.


Exchanging health for damage is fine in principle. But channelling already serves this purpose in the game. At the high end, adding damage by draining health is counterintuitive. More damage is needed to kill tougher enemies. Tougher enemies are more likely to kill you. Draining health increases the chance tougher enemies will kill you. In practice, this is a glass cannon build. I am not attracted to glass cannons. And I think this runs counter to encouraging teamwork.


There is also a similar synergy in the game that you might not be aware of: the combination of Life Strike and Rage with a high EHP Valkyr. Note this also implies the damage boost of channelling. I can take this about about level 40 while being completely passive. At that point it is necessary to use Hysteria or CC to go any further. In terms of roles, this setup is almost the same as what you suggest. And I would not expect to get any further with a glass cannon build.


Damage over time (DoT) is a problem in Warframe because enemies tend to be dead or not. Typically, teammates extract when they can no longer kill enemies. It is unlikely PUG members will wait for a DoT even if it can eventually deliver fatal damage.


Another way to look at things is DoTs are subordinate to DPS. And, so, if a DoT cannot offer superior DPS, it will be quickly abandoned.


Valkyr and Volt's stock #2 abilities give a 50% boost to attack speed. And passives are the domain of Auras. Steel Charge offers +60% melee damage—which translates into +60% DPS—which is superior to what you are proposing. Also consider that heavy weapons generally have momentum in part to counteract stuns associated with slow attack speed. So the elements of a 20% passive boost to attack speed are already in the game. In my experience, the abilities I discussed are rarely used. Only a melee alert or a new melee-only mission type would draw attention to any of these abilities.


Bows are a problem in Warframe for the same reason that DoTs are a problem. Enemies tend to be dead or not. Most of the game consists of mid-range assault-style play. Strategies that are not optimized for this are at a disadvantage. Either your teammates will kill the enemies before the bow can be fully charged or they will extract because they are struggling. Bows can serve in low and mid-level difficulty where they offer early access to high damage. They can also be used in stealth missions.


However, I know that Lanka and its siblings account for a significant amount of damage dealt in Warframe. But I don't have direct experience with this style of play. Perhaps a bow can compete with these weapons. Someone else will have to suggest a practical niche.  

It's good to see my thread and the concepts can be improved on! I'll be working off your thoughts and making the Warframes and Weapons unique in a way that would be balanced yet effective, same with all the weapons!

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To all who read this,

I'm having trouble coming up with a name for the Heavy Caliber Orokin Assault Rifle, and would greatly appreciate any suggestions! If I find a name suitable, I'll be sure to add the user to the Credits :P

(Bear in mind to keep the theme of the weapon when suggesting a name!)

Pyro out!

Weapon Suggestions have been closed and the name has been chosen: Kerberos! The name was given by USouLz on the Warframe Wikia and the name itself is based off of Cerberus and is so as the 3-barrels of the weapon when firing in it's secondary mode, represent the 3 heads of the Hound.

Thanks once again to USouLz!

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Introducing, the Akimbo Secondary for Inquisitor: The Akdraiiko!

The Akdraiiko is a Dual-Secondary; Elegant and Deadly. Focused on crit damage, this weapon was created by the Warframe Wikia Team and I. Big kudos goes to them! Stats of the weapon will be arriving soon.

Pyro out!

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Attention all readers,

Due to a technical glitch, the information on the thread cannot be edited without disturbing the current information. This will be fixed soon so until that happens, the thread shall be put on hold. Sorry for any inconvenience!


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Attention all readers,

Due to a technical glitch, the information on the thread cannot be edited without disturbing the current information. This will be fixed soon so until that happens, the thread shall be put on hold. Sorry for any inconvenience!



THis happened to me once.... made me cry... ; _ ;

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Do you have any idea how to fix it?


Slowly delete things and re format it. Ur words and stuff are still in the hunk of code. Just be careful, and make sure u don't delete the important stuff. It's a pain but i had to do it... and now i back up everything. 


Edit: also this is now the third medieval frame... it's different from mine and Lame_Ninja's... but now we are competing against each other i don't like it... :( However, mine will prolly lose the race of success... as it is already so... You have fun with fighting against LAME_Ninja for the spot. :P I'll update mine and stuff sure.. but just for fun. :P


Edit: From what I can read tho It sounds neat. :3


Edit: You should copy and save the post as you go along, so it doesn't happen again and mess you up even more....

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Slowly delete things and re format it. Ur words and stuff are still in the hunk of code. Just be careful, and make sure u don't delete the important stuff. It's a pain but i had to do it... and now i back up everything. 


Edit: also this is now the third medieval frame... it's different from mine and Lame_Ninja's... but now we are competing against each other i don't like it... :( However, mine will prolly lose the race of success... as it is already so... You have fun with fighting against LAME_Ninja for the spot. :P I'll update mine and stuff sure.. but just for fun. :P


Edit: From what I can read tho It sounds neat. :3

Haha, thanks for the input through all the confusion and about the Medieval Frame, I quote someone who I do not know and am probably using the wrong quote:

"As this is just the Fan Concepts, nothing is canon and cannot be called copying unless it has actually been implemented or straight up copied"

I will enjoy the competition nonetheless!

And about the Thread, I've sent WF Support a request; Hope that it can be accomplished.

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"As this is just the Fan Concepts, nothing is canon and cannot be called copying unless it has actually been implemented or straight up copied"

I will enjoy the competition nonetheless!


Game on. >:) ...as i stay back and just do things. Duke it out with Lame_Ninja. :P (to bad I can't tag people XD) 

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Game on. >:) ...as i stay back and just do things. Duke it out with Lame_Ninja. :P (to bad I can't tag people XD) 

If it is alright, we could tag each other in our own respective threads or even collaborate; Wouldn't be too bad an idea.

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Semi fixed it for you, I didn't know how you organized it or what letters you put in bold, and stuff.... but I cleaned it up. Hope that helps. :3

Was a decent read. lots of info. Wish you had more skills for the first frame... :(


Also one of you pics won't post so can't fix that.


Hey guys, Pyro here with my own WF Concepts, the Warframes Inquisitor and Wraith with their very own, unique weapons! The link to the image is here:




Inquisitor, the damaging core of the Tenno. Built in the days of the old, Inquisitor specializes in energy based attacks, dealing high damage.


Short Bio: Inquisitor is basically the energy based high damage dealing frame/castor or 'glass-cannon'. Inquisitor and Wraith both differ from current frames as the abilities need to be used in conjunction with each other, not spammed like Mesa's Peacemaker, or Rhino's Stomp. This means that to use Inquisitor effectively, all abilities must be in affiliation with each other. Inquisitor can be put to good use through using his trademark <em>Praetorian Great Bow</em> and <em>Vindicus</em>, both weapons to deal great amounts of damage, especially the rapier as it draws health from <em>Inquisitor</em>'s high-health supply, in return dealing higher damage over time!</p>
tats (WIP):

Health: 120. (420 at Rank 30)
Power: 150. (200 at Rank 30)
Armour: 80.0
Shield Capacity: 100. (300 at Rank 30)
Sprint Speed: TBA
Stamina: 120



Energy Lance | Ability 1 | 30 Energy Cost, additional 3 energy a second for Life-Steal.
Inquisitor focuses his power, creating an Energy Spear and hurling it forward dealing 250?/ 350?/ 450? Puncture damage. If the enemy is not killed, the energy spear will sap 10% of his remaining health when ability key is held, in return taking 3 energy per second. (WIP)


Pillars of Light | Ability 4 | 100 Energy Cost:

Inquisitor summons a barrage of energy, erupting from the ceiling in rapid succession. When enemies are struck, each energy Pillar deals 500?/650?/ 750? damage and multiplies by 1.5x when the enemy is struck 3 times. (WIP)

(Unlocked at Mastery Rank 6.)


Colour Scheme Inspiration: In my head, this unique Warframe is Gun-metal with Amethyst or even Dark Purple outlines, complimenting the crystalline features imbedded into the Warframe. Inquisitor is based of the looks of sorcerer with dark flowing robes under his light but effective armour plates.



At the time of the Orokin, Inquisitor was a spy and part of the secretive Orokin Strike-Force; ruthless to his enemies with his ability as master of Energy Manipulation. The entirety of his role was to extract information from those who opposed the Orokin, whilst proving to be irreplacable in battle, earning him the title of The Executioner. Slain by so many in battle, his weapon which became feared in the era, Vindicus, soon grew a certain degree of artificial sentience by feeding of the blood which was spilt, dealing more damage in return for the wielders physical pain.


(More to be added)


Wraith, the unseen and unknown striking force of the Tenno. Once controlled by the Sentient Forces during the time of the Orokin, it was once again taken back by the Tenno. A high damaging Warframe with complete control over Dark-Matter, Wraith can shift the tide of battle with his abilities.


Short Bio:Wraith, the Dark-Matter Knight specializing in self-buffs and damage, but with a lackluster amount of utility. As a master swordsman with an affinity for certain weapons, this Warframe itself has a passive, allowing all sword and Heavy Weapon Types to have a 20% faster attack speed when fully ranked, a difference that can save him from the toughest of situations.
tats (WIP)



Health: 135 (435 at Rank 30)
Power: 100 (150 at Rank 30)
Armour: 50.0
Shield Capacity: 120 (320 at Rank 30)
Sprint Speed: TBA
Stamina: 100


Gauntlet of the Corrupted | Ability 1 | | 25 Energy Cost:
Wraith focuses Dark-Matter into his gauntlet, projecting it forward, throwing enemies back and dealing 100?/200?/300? along with 80?/ 120?/ 180? Radiation damage with the additional Status Effect.

Colour Scheme/ Inspiration: The Warframe of Dark-Matter, inspired by medieval knights from their heavy, thick armour. As once owned and created by the Orokin, it follows a Gold and White colour scheme, with a dark energy and aura surrounding Wraith from his corruption.



(More to be added)


Praetorian Great Bow: The weapon of choice of Inquisitor, the Praetorian Great Bow. A deadly weapon in the hands of a skilled Marksman due to it's unique Charge attack and massive damage.


Short Bio: The Praetorian Great Bow is a weapon of mass damage due to it's charge attack. Like all bow weapons, it charges, dealing most damage when fully charged. The Great Bow however, has a 'second' unique charge attack, overlapping the charge again to deal 50% more charge damage and an 100% proc, whether it be an Elemental or Physical damage proc. This feature or augment is unlocked when the weapon has reached a certain rank.
(More to be added)

Akdraiiko: Elegant and Deadly, the Akdraiiko; Weapon of the Inquisitor. The design of the weapon focused on critical damage with hollow point ammunition, accentuating the damage caused.

Short Bio: The Akdraiiko is a deadly critical weapon with a base 40% Crit Chance/ 3.00 Crit Multiplier which can be upgraded with mods to 88% Crit and 4.8 Crit Multiplier, making this weapon dangerous along with it's high accuracy and fire rate.
(More to be added)


Vindicus:Based from the ancient rapier, the Vindicus, a weapon that takes a true Tenno to wield deals low, but quick damage with its innate bleed-out effect. Beware of it's vampiric effects on the user...

Short Bio: This rapier-like weapon is focused mainly on puncture which is great for armoured enemies and can deal extra damage when in stance mode with its bleed-out effect that ignores armour, dealing damage straight to enemies health; similar to the Slash Proc, but caused by the weapon itself. To equalize this, the weapon in return drains up to 10% of the user's health, a worthy sacrifice in comparison to the fast and effective damage that is dealt.
(More to be added)

- - - - - - - - -

Kerberos:The Kerberos. As the war of the Sentients raged, this weapon struck down entire armies with it's Heavy Caliber secondary clip. This weapon in the hands of Master Tenno is imperative, defeating those who dare to oppose.

Short Bio: The Kerberos is a unique and dangerous weapon in battle with a noticeably slower fire-rate than most Assault Rifles but higher damage and suited to Tenno who prefer variations of weapons. With it's secondary Heavy Caliber clip, the front segment of the weapon splits into 3 barrels and the damage per bullet multiplies by 2x, but feeds on Sniper Ammo, the rarest of all whilst only a 25 round clip in the secondary fire. The amount held in the secondary clip however, is not effected by Ammo-Mutation or Ammo-Maximum/Capacity Mods.
(More to be added)

An old weapon, used by the once united Orokin High-Guard; A heavy bladed weapon of mass damage fed by Dark-Matter and the weapon of choice of Wraith, corrupted to his needs.</em><br />


Short Bio:The Desecrator is a heavy-bladed 2 handed weapon based on slash damage that uses the Heavy Blade stances; The only stance now being Tempo Royale, the weapon of Wraith which was used to kill his masters. Due to it's bulk, wielders prefer over-head attacks/lances with force, speed and power than skill.


When scoring a crit, the weapon will attack faster with a 10%? attack speed boost which can be further crit to 20%? attack speed, further boosting Wraith's already innate ability, so with a Maxed Fury, Wraith's Augment and the crit attack speed of this weapon, will be boosted to 70% faster attack speed, allowing immense damage to be dealt.
(More to be added)

Syndanas: TBA
Alternate Helmets: TBA
Armour: TBA
(More to be added)

Credit: Grunni on the Warframe Wiki. Has helped me a lot on coming up on new ideas and just tweaking the concepts overall! Kudos for him!


Credit: Big thanks to jrjjue for the added constructive criticism. The idea basis of these concepts are not perfect and ideas or ways to change or improve them is key!


Credit: USouLz on the Warframe Wiki came up with the official name of the Heavy Orokin Assault Rifle, the Kerberos. The name itself is derived from Cerberus, the 3-headed Hound of mythology.

The 3 barrels of the secondary fire representing the individual Hounds.


Credit: The creators of the Akdraiiko; The Warframe Wikia Team! These guys helped me develop the idea that eventually became the Akimbo Crit Secondary!

If you liked the concept, please give the Thread a like. Please comment and/or give me some good, constructive criticism that I can build on! Thanks, Pyro out :P

A log of certain/important changes to the Thread.


9/3/2015 - March 9th, 2015: Thread is created with provided help from Grunni.

10/3/2015 - March 10th, 2015: With suggestions from Grunni, more detail is added to Inquisitor, Wraith, the Praetorian Great Bow and the Vindicus.

11/3/2015 - March 11th, 2015: Tenno Reinforcements; Added ' Orokin Assault Rifle' and

Desecrator, and implemented minor fixes. 'Notes' have been added.

12/3/2015 - March 12th, 2015: Information is added to the Orokin Assault Rifle, and Desecrator. The Orokin Assault Rifle is officially changed to Kerberos.Added additional notes and minor fixes.

13/3/2015 - March 13th, 2015: Added additional notes/ minor fixes and Warframe Stats.


14/3/2015 - March 14th, 2015: Added additional notes/ minor fixes and special Stances for Vindicus Desecrator, Swift Retribution, and Dying Light.


15/3/2015 - March 15th, 2015: Tenno Reinforcements; Added the Akdraiiko.


16/3/2015 - March 16th, 2015: Inquisitor and Wraith Abilities officially added. Information is added to the Akdraiiko.


17/3/2015 - March 17th, 2015: Minor fixes and added bio to Akdraiiko.


18/3/2015 - March 18th, 2015: Minor fixes and added Cosmetics.

'Notes' are just random ideas or even abilities that I have in mind to implement. As the following are just notes, not all the information will be officially added. When added to the thread, the note will be deleted.



Inquisitor: Ability Idea-


Energy Lance | Ability 1 | 30 Energy Cost, additional 3 energy a second for Life-Steal: Inquisitor focuses his power, creating an Energy Spear and hurling it forward dealing 250?/ 350?/ 450? Puncture damage. If the enemy is not killed, the energy spear will sap his 10% of his remaining health when ability key is held, in return taking 3 energy per second. (WIP)

Ability Idea - Pillars of Light | Ability 4 | 100 Energy Cost: Inquisitor summons a barrage of energy, erupting from the ceiling in rapid succession. When enemies are struck, each energy Pillar deals 500?/650?/ 750? damage and multiplies by 1.5x when the enemy is struck 3 times. (WIP)
(Unlocked at Mastery Rank 6.)


Wraith: Ability Idea

Gauntlet of the Corrupted | Ability 1 | | 25 Energy Cost: Wraith focuses Dark-Matter into his gauntlet, projecting it forward, throwing enemies back and dealing 100?/200?/300? along with 80?/ 120?/ 180? Radiation damage with the additional Status Effect.

Gauntlet of the Corrupted Augment | Name WIP: The Gauntlet of the Corrupted Augment allows more enemies to be effected by the ability, instead of 1 enemy being affected, 3 are affected. The damage generated is mostly Impact with the Radiation Status Effect.

Shrouds of the Corrupted | Ability 4 | 100 Energy Cost:</em> Wraith is enveloped in dark aura, solidifying, forming Auric Armour that resists 60% of damage dealt; His current weapon dealing more damage. Wraith gains the ability to 'Shadow Stalk' to enemies (Teleport) and deal 1000?/1500? and 1800? damage for 6?/8?/10? seconds, blinding nearby enemies with his D-M (Dark-Matter) Aura whilst dealing constant damage to those affected. (WIP)

(Unlocked at Mastery Rank 6.)

Praetorian Great Bow: Adding to the unique charge attack, every 3rd unique charge, the Great Bow will deal 2x charge damage to the enemy with a 25% increase in the proc damage, (Puncture, Corrosive, Heat etc.)

(Unlocked at Mastery Rank 6.)

Akdraiiko: TBA

Vindicus: Rapier Weapon Stance: Swift Retribution.
Swift Retribution involves quick, agile attacks with lunges to multiple targets.

(Unlocked at MR 5.)

Kerberos: To change from the primary clip to secondary, press LMB and hold 'f'.
(Orokin Assault Rifle is officially changed to Kerberos)
Kerberos is based off Cerberus, the 3-headed Hound of mythology.
The 3 barrels of the secondary fire represents the individual Hounds.
(Unlocked at Mastery Rank 6.)


Desecrator: Heavy Blade Weapon Stance: Dying Light.

Dying Light is a Heavy-Blade stance, specializing in slow, heavy and powerful blows to numerous enemies, dealing extra multipliers from the momentum. (Unlocked at Mastery Rank 5.)

Miscellaneous: Thinking of adding new elemental/damage type to suit the Desecrator, Wraith and the Kerberos. Plans to implement secondary weapons have begun, (Input wanted).

New secondary for Inquisitor: Deadly, accurate dual-weapon built for critical damage.
New secondary for Wraith: Heavy, bulky, dealing mass damage.

An important note: I'm no artist, but if I can see t, I can try concept it out. If this Thread ever reaches 1000 views, I'll draw the full body concept art of Inquisitor or Wraith. Thanks to all the support so far from the WF Community and the WF Wikia Community; I'll be looking forwards to the challenge!

Edited by oPANDAFRAMEo
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To all readers,

Concepting has started for Wraith's secondary but it goes nameless. If you have any name suggestion, do not hesitate to comment them. Keep in mind the theme of Wraith itself when thinking of suggestions! The weapon concept is a heavy revolver type weapon with high multi-shot; Good luck!

Pyro out.

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To all readers,

Concepting has started for Wraith's secondary but it goes nameless. If you have any name suggestion, do not hesitate to comment them. Keep in mind the theme of Wraith itself when thinking of suggestions! The weapon concept is a heavy revolver type weapon with high multi-shot; Good luck!

Pyro out.

The name for the Heavy Revolver has been chosen, but I will still take suggestions from: Sepulchre!

Sepulchre is a Heavy Revolver weapon with innate Multi-Shot; Devastating in battle and the secondary of choice for Wraith. 

Name suggestions are still open so if you have an idea, don't be afraid to post them. Thankyou again!

Image to Sepulchre here: http://img02.deviantart.net/6c97/i/2015/080/a/5/warframe__wraith_wf_and_weapon_concepts_by_pyro15232-d8mnbw4.jpg

Pyro out.

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Well, the Thread has almost reached the 1000 view milestone, which means the Full-Body Concept of...Inquisitor!

As promised, concepting for Inquisitor will start very, very soon and may take a varied 1-2 weeks to complete so look forward to that! Thankyou to all the support so far, especially the great input by the WF Wikia Team and I'll be ready to reach the next milestone!


[March 27th, 2015 Update]

Thread has reached 1000 views, WOOOO! Full-Body Inquisitor Concept has started concepting; Look forward to that coming soon! Thankyou.


Pyro out!

Edited by Pyro15232
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Hello, ladies and gentlemen, Pyro here,

On March, 27th, the Inquisitor Full-Body concept had begun sketching, being finalized on the 1 month Anniversary of this Thread, the 9th of April. And without further ado, the Inquisitor!




As always, thoughts, constructive criticism and feedback are highly appreciated.

Thank you to those who made this Thread possible, special thanks to the Warframe Wikia Team through their help and efforts and Grunni, friend and adviser.

Pyro out!

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