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[Suggestion] Nightmare Level


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Disclaimer: This idea has no basis in actual knowledge of the engine. It might require some work by the devs, or require a ridiculous amount of work. As such, there is nothing suggesting feasibility here.


Having seen some interesting glitches recently, I had a pretty far out idea regarding the map generator.


What I find to be most interesting parts of missions right now is when objects change or get altered mid-mission. Suddenly you have to kill 160 infested, or suddenly you're expected to get four more data cores or save two hostages or capture two guys and then an artifact. Really, it makes for awesome gameplay as you never know what to expect.


Now, if you combine that with some glitches like doors slamming shut or objective markers going haywire.. and bam, here's a new idea for you: Nightmare level mode.


In this level type, nothing is certain. The descriptor will read ? on everything and you won't know what the rewards are. Your Lotus isn't there, but the Stalker is and he'll taunt you within strangely garbeled messages (sometimes he'll be silent too and just play some static) He might attack once or more times, he might announce his prescence or just silently wait for you somewhere. But here's the really creepy part, levels won't be logical. You might enter a Corpus ship but exit into the outside on their levels, then you might enter a door there only to find yourself in a Grineer asteroid level only to later take a left into an infested environment.


Some rooms might be traps and will automatically lock down for a set period of time. What happens after that is uncertain too, enemies might attack in droves, no enemies might attack. The stalker might appear, nothing might happen. Some other rooms might contain loot, or show you loot only to lure you in and then spring a nasty trap on you.


The objective marker might be there, it might not be, if might be showing you a quest objective or it might be pointing to the stalker, remember, you can't trust anything here. Your squad mates indicators won't be visible either. The skybox will be a dull gradiant of some color, just to emphasize that you're in a very bad place.


Lore wise, it's anyones guess how to explain it to be honest.


So in closing, more Roguelike elements please, ninjas deserve a challenge!




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Recently me and one other got on an elevator that was at the top of the shaft. After activating it, we started going up and exited where we began. I think this would be a good inclusion to your mode. Or similarly, walking into a new tile then finding yourself re-entering the tile you thought you just exited from another point. Bonus if you can actually see yourself through the portal... then the 'you' turns into the stalker and taunts you or attacks. Yes, I like this idea. To hell with lore.

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I quite like the idea for except one thing, never point the marker to stalker and never let the marker disappear. But something like your nightmare mode is what I`m missing, that could be a reason to join a clan right now the difficulty is boring when you have rank 30`s with cells/reactors. At least your idea for nightmare mode is way more fun then farming rubedo, rubedo and more rubedo...

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Disclaimer: This idea has no basis in actual knowledge of the engine. It might require some work by the devs, or require a ridiculous amount of work. As such, there is nothing suggesting feasibility here.


Having seen some interesting glitches recently, I had a pretty far out idea regarding the map generator.


What I find to be most interesting parts of missions right now is when objects change or get altered mid-mission. Suddenly you have to kill 160 infested, or suddenly you're expected to get four more data cores or save two hostages or capture two guys and then an artifact. Really, it makes for awesome gameplay as you never know what to expect.


Now, if you combine that with some glitches like doors slamming shut or objective markers going haywire.. and bam, here's a new idea for you: Nightmare level mode.


In this level type, nothing is certain. The descriptor will read ? on everything and you won't know what the rewards are. Your Lotus isn't there, but the Stalker is and he'll taunt you within strangely garbeled messages (sometimes he'll be silent too and just play some static) He might attack once or more times, he might announce his prescence or just silently wait for you somewhere. But here's the really creepy part, levels won't be logical. You might enter a Corpus ship but exit into the outside on their levels, then you might enter a door there only to find yourself in a Grineer asteroid level only to later take a left into an infested environment.


Some rooms might be traps and will automatically lock down for a set period of time. What happens after that is uncertain too, enemies might attack in droves, no enemies might attack. The stalker might appear, nothing might happen. Some other rooms might contain loot, or show you loot only to lure you in and then spring a nasty trap on you.


The objective marker might be there, it might not be, if might be showing you a quest objective or it might be pointing to the stalker, remember, you can't trust anything here. Your squad mates indicators won't be visible either. The skybox will be a dull gradiant of some color, just to emphasize that you're in a very bad place.


Lore wise, it's anyones guess how to explain it to be honest.


So in closing, more Roguelike elements please, ninjas deserve a challenge!

Oh gawd yes. I want this. I want to get scared once I suddenly get trapped and need to fight 1 vs 1 against Stalker (and probably rage if my other teammates get in rooms with lotsa loot xD)

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I'm probably getting a bit further away from your idea, but here's another thought.


The stalker: "you cant run from your past" and all the Vor farming that used to be popular.


You might walk into that arena cell but instead of a fight, find nothing except dead Vor's. Hundreds of dead Vor's, and not a blueprint to be found. Mutilated and bloody, trying to emphasize that you deserve this.

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I'm probably getting a bit further away from your idea, but here's another thought.


The stalker: "you cant run from your past" and all the Vor farming that used to be popular.


You might walk into that arena cell but instead of a fight, find nothing except dead Vor's. Hundreds of dead Vor's, and not a blueprint to be found. Mutilated and bloody, trying to emphasize that you deserve this.


By the Lotus, this is a great addition to that idea, rooms that specifically hint towards punishment or mindfraks would be nice for the mood too!

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Recently me and one other got on an elevator that was at the top of the shaft. After activating it, we started going up and exited where we began. I think this would be a good inclusion to your mode. Or similarly, walking into a new tile then finding yourself re-entering the tile you thought you just exited from another point. Bonus if you can actually see yourself through the portal... then the 'you' turns into the stalker and taunts you or attacks. Yes, I like this idea. To hell with lore.


That would definitely be creepy, but I have an even creepier idea, as reflections = CPU killer, why not instead have the same room spawn, but with LOTS of copies of different Warframes? (completely still, facing different directions but stiff like statues) Then one of said frames could turn into the stalker.... or not, you wouldn't know >:D

Edited by Hap-muhr
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That would definitely be creepy, but I have an even creepier idea, as reflections = CPU killer, why not instead have the same room spawn, but with LOTS of copies of different Warframes? (completely still, facing different directions but stiff like statues) Then one of said frames could turn into the stalker.... or not, you wouldn't know >:D


That sounds great. After posting that I started thinking it was too overdone anyway. I think star trek TNG did the walking into the same room thing, among others. And yeah, I havn't taken any performance issues into account, these were just ideas off the top of my head.

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10/10 would play every time.


I'd like a massive room (the Grineer one with the ship parked in the middle!?)

where a hull breach happens upon entering, everything goes on lockdown.

Then there's loads of Ospreys accompanying Disruptor and Toxic Ancients flooding in,

while to stop the lockdown, the squad needs to hack multiple consoles all around the room!

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I once went up an elevator that somehow shattered when I got to the top and I fell back to the bottom. It might be cool to see something similar, where you're using an elevator and all seems normal - only for it to break apart and you fall down the shaft into a completely different map. Circumventing player expectations, as it were.

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10/10 would play every time.


I'd like a massive room (the Grineer one with the ship parked in the middle!?)

where a hull breach happens upon entering, everything goes on lockdown.

Then there's loads of Ospreys accompanying Disruptor and Toxic Ancients flooding in,

while to stop the lockdown, the squad needs to hack multiple consoles all around the room!

Id love instead of hacking the room to have low gravity and randomized movement controls to add to the diffuculty =)


Edited by Blackhog
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