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[Warframe Concept] Solaris (Formerly Known As "prism")


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My second attempt at creating a Warframe concept, so needless to say this will be far from perfect. Still, enjoy the attempt and the idea. Please leave comments, I like comments.



1) Removed all mentions of "kit".

2) This was NOT my first attempt at creating a Warframe concept.

3) Renamed as "Prism".

4) Added Lore

5) Not channeled: toggled.

6) Overhaul



The Sun. Light. Really I don’t know WHERE this came from, it just popped into my head when I got to thinking about: “what if there was a Warframe who used toggled abilities?”. I ended up giving it a Sun/light theme.


Later, with the introduction of Mirage (and the Warframe ability "Prism"), I decided to pull away from the "Light" theme a little bit and put more emphasis on his Sun-association - including radiation damage as a base for his abilities and making him 100% a damage guy.



Damage, lots of it.  Has some potential to be a crowd disrupter and area-denial guy, but for the most part his skills are meant to do damage.  Again, was just kind of based around the idea of toggled abilities. Again I've left out specifics on numbers and whatnot, because numbers intimidate me.




One day I'll put something here...


1st Ability:

Ionize – Solaris overheats the air around him to create an orb of ionized particles around him that deals radiation damage and blocks some incoming projectiles.  Remains active until ability is used again to cancel it, drains Energy while active.  Each level increases size (to a point, similar to Nyx's Absorb radius) and damage.


2nd Ability:

Irradiate – Solaris strikes a target area or unit with a wave of radiation. If an area, the zone becomes irradiated and deal radiation damage to nearby enemies; if an enemy, it deals a flat amount of radiation damage with a 100% chance to inflict Confusion to that enemy. Each level increases duration and damage.


3rd Ability:

Sol – Solaris creates a miniature star at a target location that grows larger over time and if it is stuck by any projectiles and deals radiation damage to nearby enemies. After reaching a certain size, or when the ability is canceled, the star will collapse, pulling in nearby enemies towards it and dealing blast damage (reach and damage are affected by how big it was able to grow). Remains active until used again to cancel it or until it collapses, drains energy while active.  Each level increases damage and growth rate.


4th Ability:

Optic Blast – Solaris emits a beam of light from his helmet along a straight path in the direction he's looking that deals radiation damage to enemies it strikes.  Remains active until used again to cancel it, drains energy while active.  Each level increases damage.



A Warframe from ancient times, blessed with the reach and power of the stars.


Previous Abilities:

Refraction – Prism blinds a target, the blind then jumps to nearby enemies but cannot jump immediately back to the previous target (not A to B to A, but A to B to C to A). Each level makes it jump faster; will always favor new targets over old ones.


Warp – Prism transforms into lightwaves and dashes forward in a line towards target location.  If Prism strikes an enemy anywhere on his path he will stop his dash at that location and knock the enemy backwards and onto the ground.  Each levels increases potential travel distance.

Edited by Morec0
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Nice ideas - looks nice and detailed!

Thank you kindly. I'd try to give it a design, but 1) I can't draw, 2) I'm not sure I could write a description that is up to snuff with the designs of the other Warframes.


But who knows? Maybe I'll give it a shot at some point anyway.

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Small detail edited on which number of my Warframe ideas this is, it's correct now.


I'm also considering an alteration to the name of Prisms' (I like that name a lot better. If I could change the topic title I would) second ability (Warp). Considering Lightspeed because that fits in a bit more with his theme, but I'm not convinced that doesn't sound completely generic and childish. Feedback on the thought or other suggestions are welcome.

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Seems like an interesting idea for a frame and has similarity to Nova in a sense. There isn't that much story yet for it, but I'm sure you've got something in mind :)


When I wrote this it was before the "Newly Created" frames like Zephyr and Valkyr and I assumed that all new frames were just new Tenno waking up (like how Vauban doesn't seem to have been made after the Awakening).

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Created a concept of sun/light warframe myself long time ago, only mine was named Photon and served as support (can give you further details if you are interested).

Overall quite solid concept. Although 3rd ability should bounce only to unaffected enemies to balance it a bit (otherwise it would last quite indefinitely among large group of foes). Also 4th ability is not channelled - it's toggled - drains resources constantly as long as it's active and it's deactivated at will or upon resources depletion while channelled abilities have one-time cost upon activation but last for a fixed amount of time, usually rendering user unable to perform other actions. I know it's only semantics but if you want channelled ability you should build upon this.

As a side note - couldn't agree more that Warframe need more diversity when it comes to ability mechanics.

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Created a concept of sun/light warframe myself long time ago, only mine was named Photon and served as support (can give you further details if you are interested).

Overall quite solid concept. Although 3rd ability should bounce only to unaffected enemies to balance it a bit (otherwise it would last quite indefinitely among large group of foes). Also 4th ability is not channelled - it's toggled - drains resources constantly as long as it's active and it's deactivated at will or upon resources depletion while channelled abilities have one-time cost upon activation but last for a fixed amount of time, usually rendering user unable to perform other actions. I know it's only semantics but if you want channelled ability you should build upon this.

As a side note - couldn't agree more that Warframe need more diversity when it comes to ability mechanics.


3rd ability would have  time limit, I'll edit that.


4th ability: yeah, poor choice of wording on my part. I'll fix that. The idea behind him IS to have these abilities which can be activated and left on indefinitely as long as you have the energy to do so.

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Jfc all the bumps dude 0-0

But I gotta admit I love the name Prism. Also I'm seeing a frame covered in crystals and that's an awesome look. The powers seem a bit complicated, though. I will say that just the name and idea makes me want to make a picture of this dude ahaha. Also I like the frame being male. Not a lot of "light/sun" characters in games are male.

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Jfc all the bumps dude 0-0

But I gotta admit I love the name Prism. Also I'm seeing a frame covered in crystals and that's an awesome look. The powers seem a bit complicated, though. I will say that just the name and idea makes me want to make a picture of this dude ahaha. Also I like the frame being male. Not a lot of "light/sun" characters in games are male.


Yeah, I've bumped this a few times. But I've also got a trend of responding to every comment on any idea I make (regardless of ancient bump or not).


And I didn't think about it; but you're right on the lack of light/sun-related male characters. Wonder why...


EDIT: Well, there IS Solaire... But he's not grossly incandescent enough.

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