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[Warframe Suggestion] Helios - Radiant Warframe


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We've had a good, interesting selection of Warframes so far in the game, that's for sure. There's always something somewhat exciting about each one that comes out (usually) and it's always a nice thing to test something new.


However, what I've seen is a lack of more directly support-oriented Warframes since the Trinity, and I was thinking, why not something supportive, but a little different? This is where Helios comes in. Helios is a buff/debuff Warframe which works on the concept of different "enlightening" (I'm sorry, bad pun) auras that it can place on allies or enemies for a short time.


Starting stats: 


75 Armor

80 Health

100 Shields

100 Energy/Power

1.5 Sprint





1. Glory: Helios radiates an ally, causing the ammo for all allies, including Helios, in range to mutate to that of their current weapon type active.

   (30 Energy, 5/10/15/20 second duration, 10 foot AoE)


2. Righteous Flare: Helios casts down an enemy with burning light, causing AoE damage over time to all targets in range and staggering them while they burn.

   (35 Energy, 5/10/15/20 second duration, 2/3/4/5% extra damage, 10 foot AoE)


3. Sunflash: Helios radiates himself, creating an aura which slows enemies and heals allies for a small amount.

   (70 Energy, 5/6/7/8 second channel, heals 15 health per tick, 1/2/3/4% more healed, 5% slow on all enemy actions, 20 foot AoE, channeled (no other actions while active))


4. Radiant Nova: Helios creates a miniature sun, which strikes randomly at enemies for damage and causes them to flee, lowering their accuracy until they find the closest cover, and allies (including Helios) within range constantly regenerate health and shields.

   (125 Energy, 15/20/25/30 second channel (no other actions), 2/4/6/8% shields and health per tick, 3/6/9/12% extra damage, fleeing enemies lose 10% accuracy, 30 foot AoE)



So, give me your opinions on this, possibly things I can do to make it a bit more balanced, maybe suggestions on initial damage for the powers that deal damage! This is my first idea, give me a bit of a break, please.




Edit: Updated 1,2, and 4 with hopefully slightly more unique buffs/debuffs to play on the concept of being a bit more of a new concept. Tell me what you think.


Second Edit: Updated 1 again with reload speed rather than clip size bonus.


Third update: Power 1 and 2 changed again. Energy costs increased slightly to balance SPAMTASTIC AURAS.

Edited by DarkFenrir112
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hmm. Interesting, its not overpowered... 

I like general idea.

I'm  just worried that skills are not bringing anything new.

We already had dmg reduction and dmg amplification skills (i know this frame is designed to be full support, thus contain these but still..)


You know what i would like to see? a buff or debuff,or possibly both of these, that would be original, fresh, and would break up with all-known +5%dmg -10% armor....


Anyway, Upvoted;D

Edited by PiotrGracz
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hmm. Interesting, its not overpowered... 

I like general idea.

I'm  just worried that skills are not bringing anything new.

We already had dmg reduction and dmg amplification skills (i know this frame is designed to be full support, thus contain these but still..)


You know what i would like to see? a buff or debuff,or possibly both of these, that would be original, fresh, and would break up with all-known +5%dmg -10% armor....


Anyway, Upvoted;D


Perhaps I can think of some kinds of buffs/debuffs that are more unique and I'll update with them. For now, that's what I've got though. Keep an eye out.


Edit: For everyone to see, added some hopefully newer buffs/debuffs to the abilities (didn't change Sunflare though).

Edited by DarkFenrir112
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Intresting idea I can definitly see it work , though the bonus clip size is only usefull for weapons with above 30 or more so clip ... not sure the most of it would be seen on a gorgon with extended mag .... seeing as at early levels its really just a sliver of ammo.


Otter than that it looks like a good idea

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Intresting idea I can definitly see it work , though the bonus clip size is only usefull for weapons with above 30 or more so clip ... not sure the most of it would be seen on a gorgon with extended mag .... seeing as at early levels its really just a sliver of ammo.


Otter than that it looks like a good idea


Thanks for the opinion, Jack!


I'm really still in the working stages on this, so I can see about something other than clip size... I'm still thinking on it, though.

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now righteous flare gives effect of radial disarm + dmg... being 2nd skill.

While radial disarm only disarms and is 4th.


Radiant nova and slowing debuff are generaly fine.


Energy levels are too low. at this point in game tennos can spam 4' for 4-5 times in a row...with decent build.

pack flow and streamline with current energy lvls you proposed and Helios will never ever have to worry bout blue orbs.


Glory still gives more dps...with rhino roar, banshee sonar, nova MP..my screen cant fit more dmg numbers mate...

How about making it ammo-mutation buff? like mods we used to have as event reward.

While Glory is active, all ammo of all team members including Helios could be  mutated to fit weapon that each member currently have equipped.


I belive its not op. since you can have the same effect for 1k credits, and yet make running with helios easier;D

Edited by PiotrGracz
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I'll take your advice into consideration and give it some tweaks.


I'd actually like to ask what you would suggest instead of the disarm effect, since it's kinda already done and a higher-rank ability with as long or longer duration.


I'm open to feedback and suggestions on this idea, I like help developing things.

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Ill be honest, Im not creative one.

And all feedback and opinions i am giving in this thread, and many others... are my way of helping.

I can't give you balanced, unique warframe. Because i can't. Maybe others can.

I can point out errors i see, i can redirect some streams of ideas into track i see proper.


Now, most hated part (hated by me)

Check Upvotes, See how many visits this thread has counted.

See? Lets face the truth. You idea might been good. But so far, didnt get the kickstart it needed.

But god forbid you will be put down cause of that.

Warframe need creative comunnity.

So keep developing, keep posting ideas.

And we will get there.

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